Chapter 18: Day Three

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Second Person P.O.V

Minerva will be taking Yukino's place on Team Sabertooth while you have been forced to move to the reserve side because of complaints from other guilds that your team has an advantage of having an extra member, and since Master Jiemma has a little grudge against you, he said you had to be booted off.

"Arg! I can't believe this is happening! I didn't even get to fight!" you yell, kicking your foot into the wall and effectively stubbing your toe. You yelp, holding onto your foot as mufffled laughter is heard from behind you.

"Love, I know you're upset, but you don't have to go as far as hurting yourself," Rogue says.

"I didn't do it in purpose," you grumble, setting your foot back onto the pavement.

Rogue smiles and loops an arm around your waist. You shove him away and cross your arms stubbornly. Rogue shakes his head as the two of you continue to walk through the arena.

"You still get to participate and I get squat. I trained my ass off for months for nothing!"

Rogue stops and grabs your arm, halting your steps. "It wasn't for nothing. You got stronger and..." he trails off.

"And what?" you quirk an eyebrow.

"And those three months away really brought us closer a way," he replies sheepishly.

You sigh and bring your arms around his neck. Rogue doesn't hesitate to wrap his own muscular arms around you and bring you closer to him.

"That's true. No matter how much this sucks, I guess I really can't change it."

"That's my girl," he says, leaning down to mash your lips together.

"Rogue, what are we going to do about Fairy Tail? Dragneel looked pretty pissed last night," you ask once you pull away.

Rogue sighs. "I'm not sure. We don't know what kind of tricks they could pull."

"But Fairy Tail doesn't seem like the vindictive type of guild. They seem like the type of guild to settle things on the battle field."

"We still have to prepare for anything," he replies.

"Guilds, please report to your assigned balconies. The third day of the Grand Magic Game starts in two minutes!" the two of you hear over the intercom.

"At least I still get to hangout on the balcony," you sigh.

The games start roughly ten minutes behind schedule. Something about preparing for the event for today. You and Rogue stand side-by-side as the rest of the team lounges around the balcony.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Minerva calls, coming to your vacant side. Rogue protectively keeps his arm around your waist, knowing how evil Minerva can be at any given moment.


"I just wanted to say sorry for getting you kicked off the team. I really wanted to do a tag battle with you this year," she apologizes.

All the chatter that was happening with your teammates immediately stops at Minerva's out of character behavior. You just smile and ignore their shocked expressions. What they don't know is that you get along great with Minerva and even trained with her a few times. You know she's usually a complete bitch to everyone, but ever since you arrived at the guild, she always sort of watched over you.

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