Chapter 14: Day One

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July 1, X791

Second Person P.O.V

It's the first official day of the Grand Magic Games and Team Sabertooth is heading to their tunnel that enters in to the area while waiting for the show to start and preliminary round results to be announced.

The six of you are leaning against the walls and Rogue is right by your side. Your nerves on standing on edge because you have never known what to expect and none of you know which teams got through to the first day.

"Stop fidgeting," Rogue whispers.

"I'm sorry. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time," you apologize.

"Ugh! Can we start already?! We've been waiting for almost an hour," Sting complains, making you roll your eyes.

"You're such an impatient child," you reply.


"Calm down, Sting. We're going to win anyway, so you can wait a few more minutes," Yukino says.

"But I want to go now," he groans, lightly banging his head against the cement wall.

"Every time you do that, you lose more brain cells. I don't think you have many left, so I think you should stop," you chuckle.

Before he can retort, you hear the announcers being introduced and Mato talking about how the games work for the clueless newcomers.

Mato's voice echoes through the tunnel as he announces eighth place, "Team Fairy Tail A!"

Your eyes widen. "How can they be eighth when Fairy Tail was right behind us, and why did they say 'A'?"

"Looks like they must have entered two teams. That's the only logical explanation," Rufus says.

The names continue normally with Team Quatro Cerberus, Team Mermaid Heel, Team Blue Pegasus, Team Lamia Scale, until...

"Team Raven Tail!" The crowd goes silent and a certain malevolent force engulfs the whole arena.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Sting mutters with clear irritation.

You listen at the announcers explain that Raven Tail has been deemed a legal guild and are allowed to participate, but not without some old guy screaming at everyone about how this can only lead to trouble.

"Team Fairy Tail B!"

"Told you," Rufus says as the six of you get into a triangular formation with Sting in front, you and Rogue on his sides holding hands, Rufus behind you, Orga behind Rogue, and Yukino between them.

You stand at the tunnel entrance and look at Rogue. He smiles and leans over, locking your lips momentarily before pulling away.

"First place, Team Sabertooth!" Instantly, the crowd goes wild and you all glide out of the entrance. You're blinded by the sudden bright light but they quickly adjust to see thousands of citizens in the crowd and a clear blue sky in the opening of the arena.

The first thing you see is the two Fairy Tail teams arguing with each other until they stop and focus their attention on Sabertooth. Your eyes meet Gajeel's and you let go of Rogue's hand as you smirk and he goes off on his own miniature mission.

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