Chapter 13: Sky Labyrinth

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Second Person P.O.V

Team Sabertooth has gathered on the roof of the hotel together. This isn't your first rodeo and Master Jiemma agreed it was a test. The rest of the guild arrived at the hotel a few hours ago and it's now only five minutes until midnight. The six participants have changed and are geared for battle. You also made sure to wear something that proudly displays your guild emblem.

"This is taking forever! I want to kick someone's ass already!" Sting complains.

"We don't even know what the preliminary round is going to be yet," you say.

"I don't care. I just want to fight."

"Sting, stop acting like a child. This is serious," Rogue says.

"I'm not! I want to pound someone's face in; that's not childish," Sting retorts.

"Moron," you mumble.

"We only have thirty second left. Get into formation," Yukino announces.

You all walk to the edge of the hotel with you in the middle and Sting and Rogue by your sides. You lean your head onto Rogue's shoulder and sigh.

"Tired?" he asks.

"Yeah. It's been a long day," you reply, looking up at the starry night sky.

"Well, conserve your energy while you can. It looks like we're about to start," he says.

You watch as gold dust starts to fly into the air and the buildings begin to shake. Suddenly, they all dart up into the sky and you quickly cling to Rogue so you don't fall. After a few minutes, everything settles down, but the buildings sway back and forth and you can't imagine why you don't feel sick.

The famous pumpkin guy, Mato, soon appears on a huge projection and his voice booms over the city.

"Hello, Grand Magic Games guilds! This is the preliminary round! To start off the games, we need to narrow our guilds down, so you will have to make it through our sky labyrinth created by parts of Crocus' buildings. The first eight teams that reach the goal will move on. It has been modified so that wizards with motion sickness won't get effect! Good luck!" Mato says.

"This will be a piece of cake. Let's go!" Sting directs and you all take off up the path to the labyrinth.

Your veins burst with energy and determination. The six of you enter the labyrinth and you now realize how huge and complicated everything is. You can see a few other teams, but none you immediately recognize.
"How are we suppose to navigate through this?" Yukino voices her concerns, then a thought strikes you.

"Rogue, use your shadow and find the goal, then come back and you can take us to it," you say.

"That's a good idea. Rogue, go," Sting orders.

Rogue nods and places a quick kiss to your temple before turning into his shadow form and launching off into the labyrinth.

"Okay, let's keep moving until he gets back," you say just as the labyrinth begins to shift.

"Shit! Hold on," Orga exclaims.

You quickly take action, grabbing onto a beam above your head and swinging your legs around it, pearching yourself on the top as all the pieces rearrange themselves.

You look around to make sure your teammates are alright and smirk when you see Sting's arm wrapped around Yukino. The labyrinth stops moving and you hop down on the small platform and the rest of your team joins you.

All of a sudden, a black shadow appears next to you and morphs into Rogue.

"I found it. Follow me," he says, taking your hand and running off into the array of building parts.

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