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Eight Years Later

Second Person P.O.V

You walk down the steps of the English cottage you share with Rogue and run your fingers through your hair. It's a warm, breezy and calm summer afternoon with leaves rustling and birds chirping.

You lock the door before waltzing down the yard and toward the town where the Sabertooth Guild is located. You had some errands to run before meeting up with your husband.

You wave to civilians, and you must admit, it's a nice change from the way things used to be nearly a decade ago when the townspeople would cower away from any Sabertooth member.

You make it to the guild and open the door, the voices of your comrades invading your eardrums. You saunter in and your heart swells as you see Rogue and Sting playing with their sons together as if all four of them are children.

It's crazy how you've been best friends with the Dragon Slayers for eleven years and even married the one who you once thought hated your guts.

"They're both great fathers," Yukino states, making it to your side.

"Rogue was really nervous he wouldn't be able to fill the role since he didn't have a regular father himself. I knew he could do it," you reply.

"I always knew Sting would be great with kids since he is one himself." You both laugh, knowing it couldn't be more true.

"Mommy!" your five-year-old son shouts from across the guild and runs over to you.

"Ryos!" you exclaim back in equal excitement. Ryos jumps into your arms and you hold him on your hip.

Yukino and Sting's son, Sting Junior, does the same to Yukino as Rogue and Sting make their way over to the two of you.

"Did you get done what you needed to?" Rogue asks, lightly pecking your lips.

"Yes, and you're going to love it."

"I better because the last couple of hours with just Sting and the kids was hell. It's like I was the only adult," he complains.

"Hey!" Sting yells, punching Rogue's arms. "Another remark like that and you're out of the guild."

"You wouldn't be able to function without me, pretty boy," Rogue retorts.

"Now you're coming onto me?! My wife and child are right here, man!" Sting exclaims in mock horror.

You share a look with Yukino and the two of you simultaneously slap your husbands on their heads. They yelp and rub the spot while glaring at you both.

"It's amazing how you two act like adults until we come around, then it's like you're teenagers again," you state.

"It's not our fault you've grown old," Sting huffs.

"I am not old, just mature. You're such a-" you're cut off by Rogue's hand being clamped over your mouth.

"Remember, there are children in the area," he warns, cautiously removing his hand.

You roll your eyes and start setting Ryos down. "Can you watch him for a couple of hours while I give Rogue his present?" you question Yukino.

"Of course! Have fun," she giggles, taking one of Ryos' hands in her own.

"Be good for Aunt Yukino and Uncle Sting, okay?" Rogue says, kneeling in front of his son.

Ryos shyly nods and Rogue gives him a dazzling and adoring smile before ruffling Ryos' shaggy black hair and planting a kiss on his head. Rogue stands and slips an arm around my waist.

"Bye, honey." You wave at your son as you lead Rogue out of the guild.

"You're the greatest father, you know that?"

"I'm decent," Rogue replies, brushing off your words. "I just want to do everything I can for him."

"That's what makes you so great. Not to mention how cute it is watching you play with him. That scar doesn't make you look so badass anymore when you're in father-mode," you joke, reaching up to run your finger over his nose.

"You'll regret that later," Rogue states darkly and you laugh.

The rest of the walk to your house is silent as you and Rogue enjoy each other's company. The two of you walk up the yard and to the front door where you take out your key and unlock the doorknob before pushing it open and waltzing inside.

"Now, what is it you have for me?" he asks.

You lead him into the living room and sit him on the couch as you excitedly run off to the dining room where your wrapped present is laying flat on the table. You gingerly pick it up and walk back to where Rogue is waiting boredly. He rolls his eyes when he sees what's in your hand and reluctantly takes it from you.

"Before you open your big mouth I just want to say it was no big deal," you insist and plop down on the coffee table across from Rogue.

He sighs and starts tearing open the wrapping and tossing it on the floor. A picture frame is revealed and Rogue's eyes widen as he examines it.

"How?" he asks, almost with tears in his eyes.

"I found an old picture in a book of dragons. Skiadrum's name and archive was there and I took a few others to Reedus Jonah from Fairy Tail. Do you like it?"

Rogue looks up and sets the frame against the couch. He reaches over and brings you into his arms and repeatedly kisses your head.

"I love it so much and I love you. Thank you."

In the frame is a painting of you, Rogue, Ryos and Skiadrum as one big family. You got the idea a weeks ago and Reedus finally finished it, so you had to go all the way to Fairy Tail to pick it up.

"I love you, too, Rogue," you whisper, moving your face to lock your lips with his.

After you separate, you bring your hands up to wipe his tears away before he jumps up and picks up the painting.

"Where should we put it?" he asks.

You chuckle and stand next to him. "I was thinking over the fireplace."

Rogue looks over and sees the already cleared space and walks over to gently hang it up. He moves to wrap his arm around you as the two of you blissfully adore the artwork.

It's times like these you thank the world for having such a wonderful life. Through all the struggles, you and Rogue ended up together because that's where you belong, always by the others side to support them. The whole thing has been crazy and scary and adventurous, but most of all, amazing.

There will be more years to come and more battles to face with your best friend and husband, but you'll be ready because together, the two of you are unstoppable.

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