Chapter 16: Day Two

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Second Person P.O.V

You finish putting on your clothes for the day after you and Rogue take a not so quick shower. You're both currently getting ready to leave for the second day of the Grand Magic Games.

"Are you okay from last night?" Rogue asks while pulling on his shoes.

"Yeah, just a little sore," you mumble, not comfortable talking about the subject as you stand by the door.

"I just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you," he replies, walking over to your figure.

"No worries. It was... fun," you chuckle.

"Fun?" Rogue quirks an eyebrow.

You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck. "Yes. Not to mention amazing and incredible," you whisper sensually into his ear.

"Mhm. I do really enjoy watching you fall apart under my control," he says, putting his hands on your hips and gently rubbing circles with his thumbs.

"Don't think you'll always have control."

Rogue blinks then groans at the thought of you above him and having it your way. He'd kill to see that any day of the week.

"We better go before we never make it to the arena," he says, leaning down to mash your lips together.

The two of you break a part and walk out of the hotel room hand-in-hand to only see Sting smugly leaning against the wall by the stairs.

"You guys take forever," he says.

"Why were you waiting for us?" you ask curiously while Rogue shuts the door and you guys walk toward the stairs.

"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to say, (Y/N), that you didn't need to do all that screaming last night. Dragon Slayers do have enhanced hearing after all," Sting laughs, turning and sprinting down the steps before you can throw him down the staircase.

"Oh, my god," you groan, burying your red face into Rogue's chest.

You feel Rogue's body vibrate and his shoulders shake as he tries to hold in his laughter.

"What?!" you shout, taking a step back and propping a hand on your hip.

"Nothing. You're just so damn adorable when you're embarrassed," he snickers.

You mumble curse words under your breath as you make your way out of the hotel to meet up with Team Sabertooth. All the way to the arena, Sting wouldn't stop wiggling his eyebrows and giving you suggestive looks. No one else seemed to notice so you assumed they didn't know the sin you partook in with Rogue.

Team Sabertooth makes it to the balcony just as the competition begins. The six of you are standing as you were yesterday as Mato walks onto the field.

"Today's competition is called Chariot! Teams, pick your contestant," he announces.

Your eyes widen. Chariot can only mean one thing... The thought nearly makes you gag on the spot just thinking about it. You look over to Rogue and he has the same face pulled.

"It seems that Fairy Tail has picked Natsu," Orga says.

"Then I'm going for it!" Sting shouts.

You go to protest because you know he'll be puking up his guts as soon as the competition starts, but then you remember what happened only an hour ago and smile.

"I agree. You should go for it, Sting," you encourage. Rogue buries his face in your hair to suppress his laughter as Sting jumps at the chance and runs to the field.

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