Chapter 3: Solo Fight

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Second Person P.O.V

The snow is so packed now that you can literally glide over the surface. You take advantage and encase your feet in ice and skate around the mountain.

You know it seems a little messed up to leave the four of them behind, but they all use magic and Sting and Rogue are strong enough on their own. Plus, they didn't seem too worried about you.

You reach the west side of the mountain in just under forty-five minutes; now all you have to do is find the vulcans. You use to practice your magic on them years ago for practice and you defeated them easily back then.

The blizzard is making everything you see near completely white, so you use your senses. You attempt to smell through the snow and you manage to pick up a smell equal to a wet dog.

You take off toward the scent at a rapid speed. The wind is whipping your hair around in all different directions, but you don't let that stop you from eliminating your target.

You catch sight through the blizzard of a cave and dive straight for it. Your feet hit the rocky insides and the ice covering them shatters.

The cave is dark and eerie with stalactites dripping water from the ceilings and sharp rocks at every turn. You slowly walk straight into the seemingly never ending cave. You sniff the air and catch their scent; they're close.

You continue walking and turn a corner to see a bright light. You move toward it without hesitation and burst through the light to see a nest of vulcans chowing down on human food that you know is from the town.

"Hey!" you shout, gathering all their attention. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can either promise to stop stealing from the town on the bottom of this mountain, or I can beat you into submission."

The vulcans-about ten of them-share glances and burst out into laughter.

"You against us? You're nothing but a little girl," one of the vulcans snicker.

"Then bring it on," you challenge with a smirk.

"I got this," a cocky vulcan claims, standing to its full height and running toward you.

You sigh as it reaches you. "Ice Dragon Talon!" you announce, jumping and swinging your leg around, knocking the vulcan into the wall behind you.

You turn and put your hands on your hips. "Who's next?"

The vulcan's stare at you in shock then compose themselves and simultaneously stand up. You pretend to look at your nails as they all dart toward you.

"Ice Dragon Roar!" you suddenly shout, sending a huge blue spiral of ice shards mixed with water in their direction.

The roar manages to knock out eight of the vulcans with one to go. You run at it with all your speed without missing a beat.

"Ice Dragon Frozen Fist!" you yell, lunging with your fist flying at the vulcan's face.

The vulcan stumbles backwards, but not before you kick off its body, doing a backflip and screaming, "Ice Dragon Roar!"

The attack makes the vulcan smash into the wall on the other end of the cave. You dust your hands off and turn your back.

"I hope you learned your lesson."

Just when you go to take a step, you hear a rumbling sound. You freeze and watch as bits and pieces of rock fall from the ceiling.

Probably should not have used two roars in one fight, you panic.

You take action and sprint as fast as possible through the cave. You look behind you momentarily to see the cave collapsing so you pick up your pace. You see the white snow ahead and hear the collapsing cave right on your tail. You can feel the rock falling onto your head and you dive straight out of the cave.

You land unceremoniously onto the cold fluffy snow and roll onto your back. You let out a few short coughs and stare up at the clear blue sky. The blizzard has passed and now there's only fresh mountain air surrounding you. You start laughing at how easily you defeated the vulcans and how you were almost crushed, but you find it funny that you cheated death. If only it lasted.

"(Y/N)!" you hear two people scream.

You groan, slowly sitting up and looking to your left to see Sting and Rogue running toward you with worried expressions. Yvette and Zenia are walking lazily behind them and you guessed they all must have seen the cave fall since they weren't that far away.

You roll your eyes and stand up. "Hey," you smile.

"Hey?! That's all you have to say?" Sting shouts.

"I got the job done," you continue to grin.

"You're such an idiot," Rogue grumbles from the side.

"I'm an idiot?" you say incredulously. "Well, I'm sorry I came here to do a job instead of flirt."

Sting and Rogue are taken aback by your assumption and attitude. They're clueless as to what to say  and you know it. You scoff and walk away from them and down the mountain.

You walk a good thirty feet ahead of them the entire time and ignore their blabbering. You don't exactly know why you're so mad, but then it comes to you.

It's because of Alzora.

You know about Rogue and Sting apparently killing their dragons, and although they appear proud of it, you can tell they regret it. But when they were pushing you aside to be with those girls, it reminded you of how Alzora abandoned you. Sting and Rogue are your partners and they should stick by your side.

You sigh as you reach the bottom of the mountain and continue forward. You walk back to the mayor's office sorrowfully with the group trailing you.

"I'll go get your jewel," Zenia says cheerfully while skipping up the steps.

You resist the urge to roll your eyes and stand by the door as Sting politely walks Yvette back to the receptionist desk. You then watch as she slips a piece of paper into Sting's hand.

Rogue walks to stand near you as Zenia comes merrily down the stairs with a sack of jewel. She hands it to Sting as she passes him and waltzes over to Rogue. You see Zenia do the same as Yvette and slip a piece of paper into Rogue's hand.

You bite your lip and look away from the two. Maybe crush was an understatement when it came to Rogue. Seeing him with someone else made you realize that you do like him. A lot.

You turn your back and stride straight out of the building. You hear Sting and Rogue say their goodbyes and you stop with your arms crossed. You take a quick peak over your shoulder and your eyes widen when you see both Sting and Rogue toss the now crumpled up papers into the waste basket outside.

You school your features and let a little grin dance on your lips as you wait for them to catch up to your sides.

"Sorry about that, (Y/N)," Sting apologizes.

"Oh, you know, it's okay," you sigh. You would usually make a big deal out of something like this, but it wasn't worth arguing about.

"Are you sure? Because we were only trying to be nice to them and then you disappeared and we thought you were kidnapped," he replies.

"I just figured I'd get the job done while the two of you were playing the nice guys," you shrug.

Sting and Rogue knew how you felt about Alzora abandoning you, but they couldn't possibly know how you felt being abandoned by your friends like that even if it was for a job.

The three of you remain in silence the rest of the way to the train station. You look to your right at Sting then to your left at Rogue.

Are we actually even friends? is your last thought before boarding the train and heading back to the Sabertooth guild.

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