Chapter 5: The Newbie

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Your P.O.V

I open my eyes to the bright sun shining through the window of my bedroom. When I attempt to sit up, I feel my body slightly ache in pain. I look down to see my skin covered in blue scales. When dragon slayers are in extreme pain, their scales will appear to act as protection and a natural healing mechanism.

I retract my scales and realize the pain isn't too bad now. I slowly climb out of bed and head straight for the bathroom, tearing off my bandages in the process. I take a quick shower and change into my normal clothes for the day.

Looking in the mirror, I'm surprised to see my face seems fully healed with no hidious bruise. I check my arms to see the cuts are gone and only a few small bruises here and there remain.

I slip on my shoes and head straight down the staircases. The first thing I hear is Master Jiemma's voice, making me completely freeze at the top of the last staircase.

"So you think you have what it takes to join my guild?" he asks someone.

"Yes, sir," I hear a feminine voice reply.

"Then you shall face one of my members, and if you succeed, I will give you a spot," Master Jiemma says.

Someone wants to join the guild, you realize. Wait! I had to fight three guys and this chick only has to face one?

I reign in my anger and slowly walk down the steps. I make it to the bottom as everyone begins forming a giant circle around a girl with white hair and feathery attire. She seems to be going against one of the middle class members.

I see Sting and Rogue watching from the side and I move to stand next to Sting.

"Newbie?" I ask.


"Do you think she has a chance?"

"I don't know."

"I guess we'll see if she has what it takes to be a tiger."

Everyone is silent as the two wizards square off. They seem to be silently assessing each other and waiting for the other to make a move. The girl decides to take the lead and whips out a gold key.

Ah, celestial wizard.

I heard celestial wizards aren't very strong except for the one from Fairy Tail. People say she had a connection to her spirits like no other celestial wizard could even dream of.

We watch as two giant fish-Pisces-appears and attacks the other guy. The fight is pretty boring with the two of them continuing to go back and forth, but the girl finally uses Libra to throw our guy off balance and defeat him.

The girl looks at our master with an expressionless face. Everyone follows her eyesight and awaits his decision.

"You're in."

The girl smiles and everyone goes back to doing their daily activites like usual. I turn to my partners and grin.

"What's on the schedule for today?" I focus most of my attention on Sting.

"We should get breakfast," he replies.

I look over to Rogue to see him looking away from me. I can't believe the way he's acting after just leaving me like that yesterday, but I decide to suck it up.

"Rogue, are you going to come with us?" I ask.

Rogue turns his head toward me, but still doesn't look me directly in the eyes. "Yeah," he mumbles.

I frown and start making my way out the guild when I catch sight of the newbie.

"Hey, you!" I shout, getting her attention. "Want to get some breakfast with us?"

The girl looks a little shocked, but then nods and walks by my side.

I can't take all this testosterone anymore.

We walk to a small cafe in town, making casual chit chat and I realize I genuinely like this girl. Sting and Rogue are trailing behind us as we walk into the place and sit down in one of the small booths.

I find out her name is Yukino Agria and she's always been a huge fan of Sabertooth. She's read about the Dragon Slayer Trio in Sorcerer Weekly and has seen our one and only photo shoot we did last year after the Grand Magic Games. She also let it slip that she thought Sting was, quote, 'delicious.'

I always find it funny how everyone thinks Sting is so hot, but no one ever comments on Rogue. In all honesty, I think people are scared that he'll hear them if they dare speak his name. In my opinion, Rogue is way better looking to where Sting can't even size up.

Did I seriously just think that?

I wait to hear everyone's request then stand up to get the food. I walk over to the counter, give the person our orders, and wait patiently for them to ring up.

"Excuse me?" I hear someone say from behind me.

"Yes?" I ask, turning around to be greeted by a handsome guy with dark red hair.

"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" he asks.

"That's me," I smile.

"Wow, it's so nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you around Fiore and I saw you at the games last year."

"Oh, cool," you chuckle.

"I know this might be random, but do you want to grab dinner sometime?"

Just when I'm about to answer, a fist comes flying and collides with the guys head. I gasp and look over to see Rogue glaring angrily at the guy.

"What the hell, Rogue?!" I shout.

Rogue must have realized what he just did as his face goes blank and he scoffs, turning and walking straight out of the cafe. I look over to Sting for help and he immediately jumps to his feet and goes to walk out the door, but I stop him.

"No. You take care of this guy; I'll talk to Rogue," I direct and jog out the doors.

I look around the area and spot Rogue walking back toward the guild. I run and pivot around him so I'm standing in front.

"What the hell is your problem?" I question.

"Nothing," he scoffs and tries to walk away, but I grab his arm and his head snaps to mine.

"I know it's not nothing. We really need to talk."

I knew there was something Rogue was keeping from me, but now I honestly think I was better off being left in the dark.

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