Chapter 23: Day Five P.2

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Second Person P.O.V

Your gut clenches and you get the sudden urge that you need to run away. That's not an ordinary shadow. It's something evil.

Rogue is staring at the shadow, as if it's speaking to him. Rogue then clutches his head between his head and screams in pain. A tear slides down your face as the shadow swirls around his body and engulfs Rogue in a tornado of black.

When the darkness fades, Rogue is standing tall with a tattered cape and black tattoos all over his body, including his gorgeous face.

"That's not my Rogue. That's... something else. Someone else," you speak your thoughts aloud. "Gajeel's in danger."

"Who are you?" Gajeel demands and Rogue laughs evily.

Rogue then darts at Gajeel and quickly overpowers him. He beats Gajeel into the cement and takes a step back, gathering the shadows around him.

The shadows. The Shadowlands. Something did happen there and he didn't tell me, you realize.

Rogue uses the shadows to choke Gajeel and attempts to kill him. You start hyperventilating as panic settles in and your breaths become shorter and shorter.

"Gajeel! You're better than this, ironhead! Use your brain!" you manage to screech.

Gajeel struggles against the darkness and he seems to get an idea as he starts eating the shadows. He absorbs the darkness and rises to his feet.

Iron Shadow Dragon Mode Activated.

"I remember you, but your name wasn't Rogue. It was Ryos and you feared me," Gajeel mutters.

Gajeel somehow morphs into a shadow and attacks Rogue. Now it's shadow versus shadow as they glide around Crocus. You take the time to rush over to Frosch and he grabs onto your shirt and flies off in their direction, knowing this fight won't last much longer and you need to help Rogue.

You see with your own eyes as Gajeel forces Rogue out of his shadow then blasts him into the air and Rogue plummets toward the ground and smashes into the concrete.

Tears slide down your face as Frosch dives the two of you to Rogue's figure. You notice the shadow leave his body and disappear around the corner of a building and Rogue regains consciousness. Gajeel deactivates his Iron Shadow Dragon Slayer and stands a few feet away.

"Please don't kill Rogue," Frosch pleads to Gajeel as you kneel next to Rogue and place your hand on the back of his head to help him sit up.

"Don't worry, Frosch. Gajeel's not the bad guy," you assure him and look up at Gajeel.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I had no choice," he apologizes.

"Don't worry about it. I would've done the same thing. We got it from here," you say. The two of you share a curt nod and Gajeel jogs away.

"What happened?" Rogue groans. "And why did you speak to him that way?"

"You really don't remember or are you messing around again?"

"I really don't remember," he says.

"We'll talk later. We have to get you to the infirmary first. I need to watch the rest of the competition to make sure Sting does okay, so I'll be there as soon as I can," you say, gesturing for Frosch to attach himself to Rogue. You peck his lips and watch as he's lifted into the air and Frosch speeds him away.

You let out a sigh of relief and sprint into town. You look for a monitor and gasp when you see Millianna with Lector tucked under her coat, running to the middle of the battle where Fairy Tail is approaching Sting.

You look up at the flare he sent into the sky and decide to use a move you haven't tried in a while. You put your hands up and ice shoots out of your palms, creating a path that you begin sliding around on. It takes you about three minutes to make it to where the six of them are standing and you stop yourself from running to Sting's side as he collapses to his knees.

"I give up," he whispers and you smile when you see Millianna come into view. Millianna releases Lector from her coat and the exceed runs straight for his partner.

"Sting!" he cries.

Sting's head shoots up and he opens his arms for Lector to jump into. They embrace each other and a peaceful feeling envelopes the area.

Jiemma is gone, Fairy Tail has their status back, Rogue is okay, Sting is most likely the new master, and Lector is safe. All is well and you finally let yourself relax. You walk over to Sting's hunched over form and gently help him to his feet as Lector clings to him.

"Well, Master, what's your first order of business?" you ask. Sting's eyes widen and he stares at you with fear cast in his features. You take your thumb and wipe one of his tears away. "Don't worry, Sting. You'll do great. The whole guild wants this because we believe in you."

"Thanks, (Y/N). For everything," he says. "How's Rogue?"

"I think he's okay. Something possessed his body for a while, but he seems fine now."

"Well, then my first order as master is for you to go see him and don't leave his side until he's fully recovered. Actually, not even after that. I worked too hard to get you guys together," he smirks.

"Deal. But I have my own order," you say and Sting raises an eyebrow. "Go make up with Yukino and invite her back to the guild. There's way too much testosterone in that joint and I need my side-kick back."

Sting's eyes soften and he nods. "Deal."

You turn and finally notice the fireworks and chaos the arena has been in for the last few minutes. You smile as you notice the Fairy Tail guild all hugging each other and crying tears of joy. You nearly trip when you see Gajeel and Levy hugging, and to your shock, he full-on kisses her.

Someone's balls have finally dropped.

You laugh at your own joke and continue toward the infirmary. It takes about ten minutes before you locate the facility and slowly open the door. Rogue is once again sitting against the headboard, but with his regular clothes on this time. On your way, you passed another room and inside was Lucy, Wendy, and Porlyusica.

"Hey," you say, walking over to his bed.

"Hey," he sighs.

You sit on the edge of the bed and Rogue pulls you to his chest with your head resting on his shoulder.

"It's over," you say. "It's finally over."

"I know," he whispers. "This week didn't go as good as I thought it would."

You chuckle. "You can say that again. I guess Sabertooth finally got the wake up call we needed."

"It was needed."

"Now we have Sting as our master and Lector is safe," you say.

"I can't believe that idiot is taking over the guild... but I know he'll do a great job," Rogue grins.

"Agreed," you say.

"Am I interrupting?" a gruff voice asks from the doorway.

You lift your head and your smile widens at Gajeel's tall figure with his hands stuffed in his pockets. It reminds you of what he was like when he was an awkward teen. The memories warm your heart.

"What are you doing here?" Rogue asks, sounding exhausted and irritated.

You glance at Gajeel then back at your boyfriend. "There's something I have to tell you."

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