Chapter 7: Chosen

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Second Person P.O.V

It's been a two weeks since the incident with Rogue and you've managed to keep your distance from everyone in the meantime. You've also talked to Gajeel a few times and found out that Fairy Tail is joining the Grand Magic Games.

The Sabertooth guild has been blowing up since the news of Fairy Tail's return broke out and even more so when they announced their entry in the games this year. But with all the egotistical and arrogant boneheads in the guild, no one was worried about losing to them.

You waltz down the steps as you hear Master Jiemma's voice boom through the building.

"Sabertooth guild meeting!" he bellows.

Everyone quickly scrambles to get into formation and your spot is front row in between Sting and Rogue. You all clasps your hands behind your backs and stand up straight and tall.

"As you all know, the Grand Magic Games are in two short months, and with Fairy Tail showing up, I want everyone to get a jump start on their training," he reveals.

You stiffen as you see none other than Minerva saunter in without a care in the world and take a spot next to her father.

"I accompanied my father in choosing the participants this year and we both came to an agreement, so when we call your name, step forward," she orders.

"Rufus Lore."

"Sting Eucliffe."

"Orga Nanagear."

"Yukino Agria."

The newbie is on the main team? We're better off with Dobengal.

"Rogue Cheney."

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

You hide your smile and take a step forward, but you realize there's one too many members and Minerva wasn't included.

"I'll be on reserve as I have business to attend to around the time of the games and the officials have allowed us an extra member considering our spectacular victory last year," Minerva answers, reading your thoughts.

"All participants will report back one day before the games then we will all head over to Crocus together. You are all dismissed," Master Jiemma declares.

Everyone bows their heads and slowly go back to their usual activities. You watch as Sting and Rogue turn toward you.

"So, where should we train this year?" Sting asks.

"I was thinking we could all train solo, then two weeks before the games, train the last week together," you suggest.

"Why?" Sting asks. You usually would never plan on splitting the three of you up.

"I think it's better for all of us. Plus, I got my own things I have to work on, but if you guys want to train together, I don't care," you say, taking a quick glance at Rogue.

"I guess. What do you think, Rogue?" you both turn your attention to the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"Whatever," he scoffs, not seeming to care one bit.

"Then it's settled," you say with a sad smile. A part of you wanted Rogue to argue and say you all had to be together.

You turn your back and hurry up the stairs. You hated being away from Sting and Rogue, but something was waiting for you and you wanted to get there as soon as possible. Your partners seem to have the same thoughts as they go to their rooms and pack as well.

You grab your duffle and fill it with the clothes you'll need for the three months including a tent. You also pack some essential iteams and zip up your bag without a second thought.

You haul your bag over your shoulder and walk out of your room the same time Sting does with Lector and Rogue does with Frosch.

"(Y/N)?" you hear Sting say.


"Are you sure you'll be okay alone? I mean, we have Lector and Frosch, but you don't really have anyone to keep you company and we know how you are with that."

You let out a low chuckle. "Don't worry; I won't be alone."

Sting and Rogue both raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Sting asks.

"Well, I've trained alone for years and I think I'm going to meet up with an old friend," you clarify.

"Who is she?"

You snicker. You know that they would both flip their lids if they found out you were training with a certain member of Fairy Tail.

"He is none of your concern."

"He? Have we met this guy before?" Sting questions with a shocked face.

"I doubt it."

You look over at Rogue's livid face and roll your eyes. You ignore them and walk down the staircases. You feel Sting, Lector, Rogue, and Frosch hot on your trail, but pretend they're not there the whole way to the train station.

"Where are you heading, (Y/N)?" Sting asks.

"Oak Town," you answer. "What about you guys?"

"Acalypha Town," Sting says as the lot of you board the train.

"Hargeon Town," Rogue says.

You all sit in your individual corners and prepare for the trip. You take the time to question what Rogue's problem is lately. He seems a lot quieter and even more closed off than before. You just assume it's because of you, but that may not be the case.

The train finally comes to a stop and you let out a sigh of relief. You realize you're in Acalypha Town.

"See you guys in a few months," Sting says.

"Yeah, don't get into too much trouble!" Lector shouts.

You groan as the train continues moving for another hour, then stops right outside of Oak Town. You cough a few times while grabbing your duffle bag.

"Bye, Rogue," you say.

"Wait, (Y/N)," he says, halting you in your steps.

"Yeah?" you turn around, watching his nervous features.

"I'm sorry about what I said a couple weeks ago. I didn't mean it," he apologizes.

You blink, not sure what else to do. "Okay."

"Okay? That's it?" Rogue asks.

"What else do you want me to say?"

"Say you're not mad at me."

You rolls your eyes. "I was never mad, Rogue. I was just...upset. I thought we always got along pretty well and then you said that stuff like I was your enemy."

Rogue surprises you by standing up and moving in front of you. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I was just angry over something else."

You raise an eyebrow and can't but ask, "What were you angry over?"

"It was more on the lines of jealousy."

Your eyes widen, and before you can open your mouth, someone interrupts the two of you.

"Let's go, Sabertooth! I can't hold up the train just for you!" a man shouts.

"Go. I'll see you in a few months," Rogue says and does something completely ludicrous; he leans down and places a chaste kiss to your forehead that nearly makes you faint.

You stand shocked, but manage to turn around and slowly walk onto the platform.

"I told you," you hear Frosch say from behind you as the door closes.

You listen as the train pulls away. Your feet feel frozen to the concrete below and you can't believe what just happened.

Rogue was jealous?

The next words slip past your lips before you can stop them.

"Rogue likes me."

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