Chapter 6: Questions

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"I know it's not nothing. We really need to talk."

Second Person P.O.V

"There's nothing to talk about," Rogue says.

You gaze up into his piercing red eyes. "Rogue, you can talk to me."

"Stop!" he shouts, shocking you. "Why do you always have to pry into my life? I'm fine the way I am."

"I know that, but I just wanted to help," you reply.

"I don't need your help! You're so damn annoying. Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

Your eyes widen and you can almost hear your heart shattering. This is the first actual conversation you and Rogue have had and it's a total disaster.

So this is why he never talks to me... He hates me.

"I see," you pause and turn around, now facing the guild. "If that's what you think, I'll make sure to not bother you anymore."

You feels tears prick your eyes, but hold them back and start walking toward the guild.

"(Y/N), I..." you hear Rogue trail off from behind you.

You tune out everything around you and wonder where it all went wrong. You've never been rude to him or done anything to make him resent you, so why does he?

You open the guild doors and try to hide your face from your guild mates; everyone assumes you're this unbreakable being and you know that crying is a sign of weekness, especially in Sabertooth.

You manage to make it to the staircase before you feel someone walk up behind you; Sting.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" he asks.

You feel a lump in your throat and you know if you try to talk, you'll end up in tears, so you just nod slowly. Sting has an I-don't-believe-you face on and guides you up the staircases.

You open the door to your room and walk in until you plop down onto your mattress. Sting closes the door and takes a seat on the edge by your feet as you let a few tears fall and soak into the sheets.

"What happened?" he asks. You shake your head and keep your face down. "Come on. Tell me."

You realize that you'll end up telling him eventually, so you roll over and stair up at the ceiling.

"Rogue hates me."

Sting is silent for a few moments before responding. "What makes you think that?"

You let out a shallow breath. "He basically told me. I mean, I always knew he wasn't too fond of me, but he actually called me annoying and said to leave him alone."

"I can't believe him," Sting sneers.

"The worst part is, I kind of like him; not in a friend way, but just...I don't know," you admit.

"You and Rogue always did have some weird connection," Sting says.

You sit up against the headboard and raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"For starters, you're always watching each other's back without the other really knowing and you're both pretty serious when it comes to working. Not to mention you both have that I-can-kill-you-with-a-single-punch vibe. Also-" you cut him off.

"Okay, I get it," you roll your eyes.

"I just can't believe he would say something like that."

"Why? He didn't even apologize for not doing anything when Master Jiemma nearly killed me," you say.

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