Chapter 11: Realization

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One Week Later

Your P.O.V

It's our last day in Freesia Town, then it's back to the guild. The capitol city of Fiore, Crocus, is only a few hours away from our guild, so we're glad we won't have to stay on a train for longer than necessary.

This past week has been normal. The Dragon Slayer Trio has trained like we usually do with the occasional quirks between Rogue and I, but we've tried to remain professional for the time being.

Right now, we're packing everything up for our ride back to the guild, then tomorrow we'll be off to Crocus for the first round of the Grand Magic Games.

"Nervous?" Rogue asks while zipping up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"I don't know how you're not. Being in front of all of Earthland is insane," I reply.

"You shouldn't worry. You're an amazing and strong wizard."

I haul my bag over my shoulder, walk over to him, and he pulls me into a side hug. I smile and rest my head on his chest.

"Thanks. I think your shadows are pretty," I tease.

"What?" Rogue asks in disbelief.

I look up and laugh at his shocked face. His eyes are slightly widened and his mouth is hanging open.

"My shadows are not pretty. They're suppose to be scary and menacing," he huffs.

"But I like them," I fake pout.

"It sucks that they like you, too," he mumbles.

I smile and lean up to place a lingering kiss on his cheek. We begin walking down the side of the mountain because Sting, Lector, and Frosch have been waiting for us.

"Finally," Sting groans.

"It was like two minutes," I retort.

"Two minutes to you, twenty minutes to us," he says.

I ignore him and the five of us begin to walk to the familiar train station. This entire week I've been wanting to ask Rogue about the Gajeel situation, but I didn't want to overstep my bounds. Everything's been going so well and I feel lighter now that there's no more secrets between us... besides the one I'm sort of keeping about Gajeel, but it's not really anyone else's business.

The five of us begin walking to the train station as the fresh scent of baked goods enters our nostrils. The smell of dough lingers in the air as we pass through the busy town. Rogue has his arm thrown over my shoulders as we walk with Sting, Lector, and Frosch in front of us.

"How was training?" I ask.

Rogue glances down at me then continues looking straight ahead. "I went to the Shadowlands while in Hargeon Town for a little extra endurance," he replies.

"The Shadowlands?" I question.

"It's a secret place in the forest that only wizards with shadow magic are able to access. It gets us more in touch with our powers, but it's very dangerous."

I stop and put my hand on his chest. "You're okay, though, right? Nothing happened?" I ask worriedly.

Rogue gazes into my eyes and brings his calloused hand up to my cheek. "I'm fine," he says reassuringly and leans down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Gross. Maybe I shouldn't have got you guys together if you're just going to be mushy all the time," I hear Sting say.

Rogue rolls his eyes and we continue walking. We make it to the train station in just under five minutes to see the train already waiting, so we climb aboard. Instead of going into his own corner, Rogue sits next to me with his arm still around my shoulder.

"We'll suffer together," he says, answering my silent question.

I resist laughing and lay my head on his arm as the train begins pulling away and the three of us are wishing we had wings.

The shoving game is in effect once more as the train stops, and as usual, I'm victorious. I throw my bag over my shoulder after I catch my breath and wait for my partners.

Rogue and Sting grab their bags with Frosch and Lector in tow as we head back to the guild. People do the same old thing as if we're monsters, but come on, Frosch is like a little fairy.

We get to the guild doors and Sting pushes them open. All attention turns to us as we waltz inside and head straight up to our floor. Rogue and I share a smile before going into our rooms and I shut my door. Before I can even let out a sigh of relief, a voice booms through the guild.

"Grand Magic Game's team meeting!" it shouts.

I groan and throw down my bag, exiting my room the same time as my partners. The three of us make our way down the steps and in front of Master Jiemma's chair in a horizontal line. All six of us are here-that excluding Minerva-.

"We are leaving for Crocus tomorrow. During the games, I expect you all to win. We have no room in this guild for losers. If any of you steps out of line, there will be consequences."

"Yes, Master," we all say.

"Good. Now go get packed."

We all bow our heads and the six of us head up to our rooms. On the way, I remember I wanted to ask Rogue about the Gajeel thing before we leave. Yukino and Sting are chatting behind Rogue and I while we walk past the second floor. We wait for Sting to walk Yukino to her room before we continue up the next staircase.

"You got the hots for Yukino, Sting?" I ask slyly without looking back.

"W-what?" he stutters.

"You heard me," I smirk.

"W-well, uh."

Sting gives up on speaking and I chuckle. I look over to see Rogue has a small smile on his face as we make it to our rooms.

I grab onto Rogue's arm and tug him toward my room. "I have to ask you something," I say.

"Okay," he replies as I open the door and drag him into my room.

"Getting lucky," I hear Sting mumble in the hall as I slam the door shut.

I lead Rogue over to the window seat and we sit down.

"What is it?" he asks.

I fiddle with my fingers nervously. "I don't want to pry, but I wanted to know what your whole deal with Gajeel Redfox is."

Rogue frowns and I fear I overstepped my bounds. He surprises me by taking my hand in his. "It's okay. It's sort of a long story."

"We have time."

He takes a deep breath. "Well, when I was a kid, I idolized a dark guild called Phantom Lord, and Gajeel Redfox was their most feared member. To me, he was the coolest guy in the world, but then Fairy Tail came alone and ruined it. Those stupid fairies ruined Phantom Lord and Gajeel joined them. I've been so angry about it since, and now that he's back, I'm going to defeat him."

My eyes widen when he finishes and I gape at him. "But Phantom Lord was a dark guild. Wouldn't you rather he be in a legal guild to have a better life?"

Rogue gives me an irritated look. "No. He let the enemy beat him, then he just joined them. it's despicable."

There's no getting through to him. He's too blinded by rage and revenge, I tell myself.

"Okay," I sigh.

We end our conversation and Rogue goes back to his room to repack for Crocus. I groan and begin doing my own with a mind full of worry.

This is going to be hard.

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