Chapter 17: Mistakes

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"Kagura Mikazuchi versus Yukino Agria!" he announces and your jaw drops.

This is not good.

Your P.O.V

Yukino is going against Kagura of all people. Kagura and I have been ranked as the top female wizards in Fiore for years. One of us always takes the position in Sorcerer Weekly, and this year, she won.

Although Kagura and I should be enemies, we're actually quite good acquaintances. We have talked a few times and don't feel the need for competition. But this is the Grand Magic Games where competitiveness is key. If Yukino messes up one time, she is completely screwed. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

We watch as the two of them enter onto the field and it seems as though they're talking. We can't hear anything until Yukino speaks up.

"Let us make a wager as the others did," she offers.

"What is your wager?" Kagura asks with one hand on her sword.

Yukino smirks. "Our lives."

You stupid, stupid girl. Doesn't she know who the hell she's dealing with?

Kagura keeps her poker face on and agrees to the bet. I sigh and shake my head at their actions.

"What's wrong?" Rogue asks.

I turn my head and whisper in his ear, "You know Yukino is going to get crushed and then she'll get punished."

"I know, but at least pretend to have some faith in her. Maybe she'll surprise us," he replies.

I groan and focus my eyes back on the battle where they begin going back and forth with their magics. In no time, Kagura takes the lead and Yukino is forced to use her trump card-the thirteenth key.

Yukino seems to be confident until Kagura defeats all her spirits and let's her leave with her life. I let out another heavy sigh because I know only terrible things can come of this result. It seems Master Jiemma is already seething with anger while sitting in the crowd.

That marks the end of the second day of the Grand Magic Games. It was announced that Elfman Strauss is injured for the rest of the games and is replaced by a young, fellow Dragon Slayer named Wendy Marvell.

We're heading back to the guild now with our heads held high while Yukino's is bowed in shame. We don't speak or offer words of encouragement because we can't. We could get into more trouble because of her stupidity.

Master Jiemma is already waiting for us when we return, completely angered and dangerous. We all know the drill and stand in our positions-me with Rogue and Sting on my sides.

Yukino stands before our Master with shame and sadness. It's incredibly silent and tense while we wait for what will happen.

"Yukino Agria," Master Jiemma's voice booms and Yukino looks up. "You have disgraced this guild and I have no choice but to excommunicated you," he says, making our eyes widen. "Strip."

Without much hesitation, Yukino begins peeling off her clothes. We all slightly turn our heads away while she does so.

"Erase your guild mark," Master says and I cringe at the thought of erasing my own emblem.

After Yukino is finished, her belongings are brought down by another guild member. She leaves without saying another word and we all await further instruction.

I can't believe Yukino is getting excommunicated because of her loss. Although she made such a stupid mistake, did she really need kicked out? We all make mistakes and living with that should be enough not to get kicked out.

"The rest of you go back to your rooms," Master Jiemma dismisses.

We bow and start walking back to our rooms in silence. Rogue then tightly wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side.

"Is this really the right thing to do?" Rogue suddenly whispers, breaking the silence.

"The weakest link only holds us back," Sting answers with a hint of sorrow in his voice. I know he really liked Yukino.

"Rogue?" we hear a sweet, little voice ask from behind us. Rogue and I stop while Sting and Lector continue ahead. We turn around to see Frosch with tears in his eyes.

"What is it, Frosch?" Rogue asks, letting me go and bending down to the exceed. I stand behind him with my hand on his shoulder.

"Will I have to leave because I'm weak, too?" Frosch asks and my heart stops.

Rogue sighs, pulls Frosch into his arms and stands up. "That won't happen, Frosch. I won't let it," he says.

"We would never let anyone do that to you," I say, slipping an arm around Rogue's waist and leaning over to pat Frosch on the head.

We decided that Frosch would sleep in our room tonight. We showered, changed and curled up together in our freshly made bed, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Not an hour after falling asleep, we're awoken by a huge booming sound. I jolt up quickly and Rogue does, too, instinctively pulling me as close as he can to protect me along with Frosch.

"What is that?" Rogue asks.

"Someone must be raiding the hotel. Let's go," I say, getting out of his hold and putting on some shoes while he does the same and Frosch flies above us.

"We have to get Sting," Rogue says as we jog down the hallway to his room and burst through the door.

"Sting! Get your ass up! Someone's raiding the hotel," I shout as another explosion happens.

Sting frantically crawls out of bed with Lector and we run down the hallway, seeing the bodies of our guild mates laying on the ground.

We make it to the lobby just before Natsu Dragneel busts through the wall. Rogue stands protectively in front of me while Natsu goes on a rampage.

"Where is your master!?" he shouts over and over until Jiemma comes out of nowhere and stands in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Master Jiemma demands.

"So you throw people out of your guild for losing? Let's see if you follow your own rules," Natsu challenges and I lightly gasp.

He's talking about Yukino.

Master Jiemma laughs then sends Dobengal to take care of Natsu, but the Fairy Tail wizard defeats him without any effort whatsoever.

Natsu then goes after Master Jiemma as we stand silently and watch. Sting wants to go against Natsu, but we hold him back. Right when Natsu is about to land the final blow, someone stops him.


"Calm down, boy. You don't know who you're dealing with," Minerva says calmly.

"I don't care who you are. I'm here to serve justice," Natsu growls.

"Oh, is that so?" Minerva asks, and with a snap of her fingers, makes the familiar blue cat appear, crying and tied up. "Well, I suggest you leave unless you want your friend here to disappear."

Natsu is shaking with anger at the sneaky and manipulative move. Minerva then releases the cat and it goes running to Natsu who bends down to pick him up and they hug.

"I'm sorry, Natsu! They tricked me!" the blue cat sobs.

"It's okay, buddy. I shouldn't have left you behind," Natsu apologizes and turns around to leave, but not before saying, "You know, a real guild treats its members like family. That's all I have to say."

I sigh. Maybe he's right. Rogue and I share a look before turning around and I know he's thinking the exact same thing.

And that's where the war started between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail.

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