Chapter 24: Final Reveal

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Second Person P.O.V

"He's your what?" Rogue asks in disbelief.

"Gajeel is my brother. Technically. After Alzora abandoned me, I ran into Gajeel and he basically raised me. He's the closest thing to family I'll ever have," you reveal.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Rogue questions and you can detect the hurt in his tone.

"I didn't want it to cause problems. If I told you too soon, you could have taken it the wrong way, or told Jiemma and got me kicked out of the guild."

"I would have never told Jiemma. How could you say that?"

You raise an eyebrow. "Well, you did make me think you hated me and it took a while for me to fully trust you again."

Rogue looks between you and Gajeel. "So nothing ever happened between you guys?"

You jump up from your spot and you and Gajeel simultaneously gag. "God, no! That's disgusting. I like everything about Gajeel, but that's definitely not the type of bond we have."

"Agreed. That is one of the most revolting images you could have made pop into my head, and I've seen maggots eat a dead vulcan carcass," Gajeel says.

"Alright. Let's pretend that never happened," you suggest and the two boys nod. "Back to the point. Gajeel is like a brother to me and I hope you guys can get along one day. For me."

"I think we can manage that," Rogue says.

"I'll leave you guys alone, now. I have some... business to attend to," Gajeel says.

"You mean Levy's lips?"

Gajeel stops and peers over his shoulder. "Maybe." Your jaw drops as his back fades from your view and you turn your attention to Rogue.

"What now?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you a question," Rogue says. You sit on the edge of the bed and wait for him to continue. "(Y/N) (L/N), would you do the honor of going to the King's ball with me?"

A goofy smile morphs your face. "Yes."

After Rogue was discharged from the infirmary, an ecstatic Yukino decided to take you dress shopping for the ball. You reluctantly agreed and now the two of you are in some random dress shop in the middle of Crocus while Sting and Rogue get their tuxedos.

"You're way too excited," you say.

"You're not excited enough," she retorts.

"I mean, I guess I understand why you're so giddy and all with Sting asking you, but I just don't get excited about dressing up. It's not really me," you shrug.

"But you're finally getting some downtime with Rogue, and I'm positive he'll look dashing in his suit, so that's something exciting," she says matter-of-factly.

Damnit. She's right.

You smile and roll your eyes. "Fine."

After around two more hours of repeatedly trying on dresses, you finally found one you love. It's (F/C) and you also found matching shoes and accessories, too.

"Can we please go now? We need to get ready," you whine.

"Fine, fine," Yukino agrees and you guys rush back to the hotel.

Yukino does your hair and make-up for you and her own in just under four hours. You're already so tired that you don't know if you'll make it through the entire party. You slip on your dress and shoes with a yawn as Yukino does the same.

"We look hot," you and Yukino say in unison with a high-five.

You're interrupted by a sudden knock at the door and Yukino opens it to reveal Sting with his adorably sheepish smile. Yukino takes Sting's arm and you send her a quick wink before they walk off. Taking their place is Rogue, looking as godly and sexy as ever in a perfectly tailored black suit.

Rogue has his head tiled away from your and you frown as he doesn't full-on eye-rape you like he usually does.

"Rogue, is there something wrong?" you ask, walking toward him. He just shakes his head, still not turning his head toward you. "Rogue, look at me."

Rogue sighs before hesitantly fully facing you and you now realize why he wouldn't look at you. The bandage on his nose has been removed and replaced by a very noticeable scare running across it.

"Does it look that bad?" he asks quietly.

You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck. His eyes widen and he rests his hands on your hips. "Rogue, I wouldn't care if your entire body was burnt to a crisp because that's the outside. Although I love your body, your mind is what I love most. Besides, that scar makes you look more dangerous and even sexier."

Rogue smirks. There's my Rogue.

"I love you so much. And you look pretty incredible with or without the dress," he compliments.

"I know," you smugly reply, pulling his head down to yours. Your tongues soon tangle together and the moment is pure bliss.

You pull away and loop your arm with Rogue's as he leads you to the King's castle where the ball is being held. You arrive just in time and mingle with the other guilds. You easily lose track of Rogue with the amount of people wanting to ask you about why you weren't in the game, but your eyes soon find him with a couple of groupies in the corner.

Oh, fuck no. Not on my watch.

You gracefully slither away from the group you were talking with and make your way over to your boyfriend. He looks utterly annoyed with the women around him, but you really can't blame them. Rogue does radiate the whole sexy bad-boy vibe.

"Rogue," you call from behind the girls.

Rogue's head snaps up and he smiles, making his way over to you. His groupies look angry, but you just smirk.

"May I have this dance?" you ask.

"You may," he replies, taking your hand and leading you to the dance floor.

You wrap your arms around his neck as his hands rest on your lower back, very close to your butt that looks fantastic in the dress.

"What's going to happen now?" you whisper in Rogue's ear.

"I'm not sure, but that's life: not knowing, dealing with change. All we can do is take the moment and make the best of it without worrying what's going to happen next," he replies.

You lift your head from his shoulders and meet his eyes. "Should we seize this moment then?"

Rogue nods and brings his mouth down to yours in the most passionate and perfect kiss you've ever shared. This is one of those moments when you wish your magic would allow you to stop time because you truly wish you could stay frozen in this moment forever.

But this does make you realize that not all magic is created by wizards. Sometimes it's moments in which the real magic lies and all we need to do is keep digging for that magic to make a moment undeniably perfect.

A/N: Oh my God, only the epilogue is left guys! I'm so excited.

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