Chapter 20: The Battle of Four

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Second Person P.O.V

You lean over the edge of the balcony while shuffling your feet nervously in anticipation. The crowd is roaring as Sabertooth and Fairy Tail enter onto the field. The four of them meet in the middle and your eyes dart between your brother and your boyfriend.

Fairies versus Tigers. Who will win? you wonder.

Mato begins announcing the participants and explaining the rules you've heard so many times before. Soon, the battle of the four Dragon Slayers starts.

Immediately, Gajeel and Natsu charge at Sting and Rogue. You run your fingers through your hair, feeling the conflict of who to cheer on. You decide to remain silent as Team Sabertooth watches intently.

Rogue goes after Gajeel using his shadow and Sting goes after Natsu. It's obvious to everyone that the Sabertooth Dragon Slayers have more coordination as they swiftly fight their competitors.

It's not long before Rogue and Sting are overhwlemed and overpowered by Gajeel and Natsu. You chew on your bottom lip when Rogue and Sting step back, activing their Shadow Drive and White Drive on command.


You roll your eyes at their attempt to get the upper hand too soon. The tag teams stare each other down until Sting lunges at Natsu. Rogue's eyes turn a bright and terrifying red color as he attacks and overpowers Gajeel. Sting then puts a magic circle on Natsu's stomach, but Natsu burns it off with his body heat. You mentally give Natsu props for his quick thinking.

Meanwhile, Rogue is beating up Gajeel and you resist cringing. Watching the two people you love the most fight is giving you extra nerves and stress. Suddenly, Gajeel grabs onto Rogue's wrist and elbows him in the face, gaining the upper hand.

Not the face! you shout in your head.

Sting trash talks Natsu, then Sting gathers his powers together to use a Dragon Slayer Secret Art. The whole arena engulfs in a blinding white light and the crowd goes crazy as the light dims. Just when you think it's over, Natsu is standing there with Sting's fist in his palm.

He stopped Sting's attack by grabbing his fist. Amazing. He truly is as good as everyone says he is, you observe.

Sting seems shocked and you can trace the fear in his eyes. Rogue gets knocked down over and over by Gajeel, and not long after, Gajeel and Natsu are beating the hell out of Rogue and Sting.

You cover your mouth and watch as your boyfriend gets beat repeatedly. You can tell, though, that this fight is far from over as Rogue and Sting manage to get away from the Fairy Tail Wizard's clutches.

You gape as Rogue and Sting activate their Dragon Force. The three of you have been practicing that for years, but they were only supposed to use that as a last resort. Everyone is in awe of the scales that cover Rogue and Sting's bodies. In all honesty, the murderous look in their eyes made you a little fearful.

"Stand back, Rogue. I can handle this on my own," you faintly hear Sting command over the crowd.

Sting steps forward and attacks Gajeel and Natsu as Rogue stands back with his arms crossed. His sight shifts toward you and your eyes lock into place. You can tell he's gotten annoyed with how hard defeating his idol turned out to be and you wish you could tell him that there's a reason Gajeel was his idol in the first place. Gajeel may be cocky and arrogant, but he fights with his heart.

"Dragon Slayer Holy Breath!" Sting shouts, using his full power at Gajeel and Natsu and ultimately creates a giant hole in the middle of the arena.

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