Chapter 10: Confessions

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Freesia Town

Second Person P.O.V

You walk up a small hill with a huge open area on the other side and a crystal clear blue stream stretched across the land. There's also a large oak tree that is an outcast amoung the clean cut terrain.

It's early morning by the time you arrive in Freesia Town and this is the spot you're suppose to meet your partners, but they're nowhere in sight. You make it to the tree and toss down your duffle and inhale the fresh air.

Although you're still nervous, you really missed your dopey little trio. You couldn't wait to hear how their training went and if anything happened while the three of you were apart.

You start stretching your limbs and your ears begin to pick up footsteps hitting the ground at a fast pace. You smile and turn around to be greeted by Sting and Lector.

"(Y/N)!" they shout in unison as they crush you in a hug.

"Hey!" you shout back.

"We missed you!" Sting says.

"I missed you idiots, too," you laugh as they release you. "Have you seen Rogue and Frosch?"

"Right here," you hear a mesmerizing, rough voice say from behind you.

Your heart skips a beat at the sound and you take a quick look at Sting to see he has a sly smirk plastered on as if he knows something... You ignore it and turn around to see Rogue with his hands stuffed into his pocket and his hair pulled back in a ponytail. Frosch runs over, gives you a quick hug, and goes off with Lector.

You fiddle with your fingers nervously and watch as Rogue looks just as awkward and uncomfortable. While the two of you are having your unspoken weirdness, Sting takes Lector and Frosch down the other side of the hill.

"Do I get one?" Rogue suddenly asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"What?" you ask.

"A hug," he replies, surprising you.

You stare at him, frozen in your spot. This is so different from the Rogue you know. He's never voluntarily wanted to talk to you, nevertheless have physical contact with you.

You come back to reality and smile sheepishly while walking the ten feet to stand in front of him. You hesitantly reach up to wrap your arms around his neck while he wraps his arm around your waist.

Tingles and sparks begin to fly and erupt throughout your soul. Your bodies seem to fit together like puzzle pieces and it almost seems unfair that you both have gone so long without this feeling of completeness.

"I'm sorry for what I did," Rogue whispers in your ear, sending an involuntary chill down your spine.

"For what exactly?" you question.

"For always being an asshole to you and leaving when Master Jiemma did that to you. I just couldn't see you hurt like that. I was afraid my emotions would get the best of me and I would lash out on everyone, so I left. I knew Sting and the rest of the guild would help you afterwards, but I still shouldn't have left," he confesses.

You take a deep breath. "I accept your apology, but you hurt me. I thought you hated me and it broke me in ways I didn't know someone could," you say.

Rogue tightens his arms around you and pulls your body impossibly closer. "I know, and I can't tell you how sorry I am, but I can promise you that I will never, ever hurt you like that again. Being away from you made me realize how important you are to me. I always tried to tell myself that I didn't feel that way about you, but it kept getting harder and harder."

"I get it. I always tried to tell myself that I didn't feel that way about you, but then that bitch was hitting on you and it made me realize that my feelings were real."

"You can blame Sting for that. I didn't even want them to come along, let alone try to converse with them. I wanted to hang back with you, but Sting wouldn't let me. He's such an idiot," Rogue mumbles. "All I'm asking for is a chance to make it up to you."

"I guess you can try," you reply with a grin.

"Sounds good."

You reluctantly pull apart and stare into his piercing red eyes. You take your hand and brush his bangs away from his face and chuckle softly at his blank expression; no matter the moment, Rogue will always be the same on the outside.

You stop when you hear muffled laughter from behind you and you slowly pivot your foot around to see Sting, Lector, and Frosch standing with smiles on their faces.

"Ship it," Sting says.

You raise an eyebrow, but ignore his odd choice of words. You now know the answers to your questions; things indeed will be different with Rogue and not even the worst of times will break up the Dragon Slayer Trio.

"So you finally made the first move, Rogue?" Lector asks.

Rogue scoffs and you can imagine his adorably annoyed face.

"I thought Earthland would be on the brink of extinction before the two of you got together," Sting says.

"You knew?" you ask.

"Of course I knew! Anyone would be able to predict the two of you getting together. You're both so dense and oblivious," he says. "I've been trying for months to bring you guys together."

"What do you mean?" you question.

"Those girls, that guy. I didn't want anything to do with those bimbo's, but I was opting for jealousy. And I ran into that guy at the coffee shop a few hours prior and he said he always wanted to meet (Y/N), so I told him where to meet us."

Your eyes widen. You always thought Sting was borderline idiotic, but he's actually a little conniving manipulator.

"I can't believe you!" you scream, but with a small smile.

"It worked, didn't it? You should be thanking me," he smirks.

"You guys should stop arguing," Rogue says from behind you.

"You're right; we should he focusing on Natsu and Gajeel," Sting says, becoming instantly serious.

Gajeel? you think, slightly taken aback by his name being mentioned.

"What are you talking about?" you ask.

"I've told you before, (Y/N). I'm taking out Natsu if it's the last thing I do," Sting responds

"Yeah, I know that, but why Gajeel?"

"Rogue's got his own thing planned," Sting reveals and your eyes widen.

You turn around to see an emotionless Rogue looking down at you.

"What do you have against Gajeel Redfox?" you question.

"I'll tell you some other time," he says.

You don't want to seem suspicious, so you just nod. You don't know what Rogue has against Gajeel, but whatever it is, it can't be good.

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