Chapter 4: Consequences

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Second Person P.O.V

Strangely, the traditional shoving and pushing didn't happen once the train stopped. Rogue and Sting let you out first then calmly exit themselves. You brush it off as them feeling guilty although you said you didn't care.

You saunter to the guild braver than usual. Whenever Rogue and Sting are with you, it makes you feel invincible.

You arrive at the guild doors and realize it's deadly silent on the other side. You gulp because that's almost never a good sign, especially in Sabertooth.

You hesitantly grab onto the handle and fling open the door, leading your team inside to see a wall already cracked with Master Jiemma looking compeletely furious. You look over to see Rufus and Orga giving you a turn-around-and-run-while-you-can look.

You watch as Master Jiemma snaps his gaze toward the three of you.

"(Y/N) (L/N)!" he bellows, causing you to flinch.

"Y-yes, sir?" you stutter, taking a small step forward.

"Did you three just get back from a job near Mt. Hakobe?" he asks angrily.

"Yes," you confirm.

"So it's true?"

"What, sir?" you question.

Master Jiemma stalks over and grabs you by the collar of your shirt, lifting you so you're eye-level with him.

"We got a call from the mayor's daughter and she said you sat on your ass while your partners got the job done!" he sneers.

Your eyes widen and you know what's about to come. I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted.

You take a moment to go over the options in your head about what to say next. You can either tell him the truth about you doing the entire job yourself, tell him she lied and the three of you did it together-which you doubt he would actually believe either-, or take the blame to protect your friends.


You close your eyes. The decision is made. "I did and I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Damn right it won't! I didn't let you into this guild to just sit around! Now you must face the consequences," he declares.

You wait until you feel his fist collide with the side of your face and your body goes flying into the concrete of the wall. You fall to the ground on your back and feel your whole body ache in pain.

You turn your head to see none other than Rogue walking straight out of the guild without glancing back and that made your heart ache more than your body ever could.

Everyone is frozen in their spots for a solid five minutes before Master Jiemma decides to leave, but not before slamming the door closed.

Right when it clicks shut, you have a swarm of members around you. Sting, Orga, and Rufus kneel beside you and examine your body, but not in a perverted way.

"Are you okay?" Sting asks frantically.

"Peachy. Getting smashed into a wall basically made of steel is my favorite activity," you sarcastically reply.

"Can you stand?" Rufus asks.

"I can't even move," you say.

"Alright," Sting says, sliding his arms under your neck and knees, swiftly picking you up.

You grunt in pain and lay your head against his shoulder as he carries you up the stairs of the guild. Since the place is so big, there were rooms made for each member so you could all be in one area incase Master Jiemma needed anything.

"Sorry about Rogue; you know how he has his own problems," Sting apologizes while scaling two more staircases to the top floor where all the top wizards in the guild reside.

"It's fine. I know he doesn't like me that much," you reply.

Sting looks at you quizzically, but doesn't reply on the subject. "Why did you take the blame?"

"Because Master wouldn't have believed me otherwise, and even if he did, he would've hurt you and Rogue," you sigh.

"You shouldn't have lied. Rogue and I can handle it and we both hate seeing you hurt," he says, opening the door to your room and walking inside.

"It could've been worse; I could have got kicked out of the guild."

Sting gently lays you on your bed and opens the top drawers of your nightstand to grab the first aid kit. He takes out the white wrap and begins to patch up your arms.

"He would never kick you out. He knows you're too valuable to him, especially with the Grand Magic Games coming around."

"He'll probably put me on reserve again," you predict.

"Not likely. Without Minerva around right now, you're assured a spot."

"What happened to calling her m'lady?" you question.

"That's only when she's around so I don't get on her bad side," he smiles, finishing the wrapping of your arms.

"Thanks, Sting."

"No problem," he says, turning and walking to the door. "Oh, and (Y/N)?"


"Don't be too hard on Rogue tomorrow."

Before you can answer, Sting shuts the door, leaving you alone with nothing but your thoughts. You don't really know what to think about Rogue just walking away like that except that it physically hurt you.

You can't really say anything else about it considering you don't know how he feels about you. It's not like he's declaring his love for you so why should you expect him to stay?

Sting's P.O.V

I've been searching around town for nearly an hour looking for Rogue. I can't believe the asshole would just up and walk away like he didn't care for (Y/N) at all.

Just when I'm about to completely give up, I spot Rogue down an alley aggressively punching a wall. I jog up to him and grab onto his shoulders.

"Rogue, what are you doing?" I ask.

He turns around and I look down to see his knuckles are covered in his own blood and his eyes are a mixture of fury and something else.

"Nothing," he mumbles.

"Nothing? (Y/N) was abused by our master, you walk away, and then I find you laying into a brick wall and you say it's nothing?"

"I'm fine, Sting," he tries to convince me.

I know Rogue better than anyone on this planet and I sure as hell know that he's not. Thankfully, I actually know what the problem is without him telling me.

"You can't lie to me," I tell him sternly.

"Then what the hell do you want me to tell you?" he growls.

"I want you to stop being such an asshole to (Y/N) all the time; you know she doesn't deserve it."

"I'm not an asshole to her; we barely even talk," he mumbles.

"That's your fucking problem! You have her convinced that you hate her," I sneer.

"But I don't," Rogue replies.

"You make it seem that way," I say, turning and beginning to walk away. "You can keep beating up that wall, but it won't absorb your feelings."

I pinch the bridge of my nose in utter annoyance at how Rogue always acts while (Y/N) is around. When she's not, he talks like a normal person, but when she's around, he can't even form a sentence.

I have a theory on what it could be and I'm almost one hundred percent sure, but I can't see it being true. Maybe he doesn't actually like her, who knows? All I know is that the two of them need to straighten things out.

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