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Six Months Later

Second Person P.O.V

It's December. For the past six months, Sabertooth has been reborn into a better and stronger guild. New members have been excepted and Sting is doing an exceptional job as master, in your opinion. He's still acting too humble to accept any real compliments about his actions, which is odd since the Sting you know would never turn down such praise.

You sigh as you clutch your fluffy winter coat tighter around your body as you walk through town. You're supposed to meet Rogue at the small cafe in ten minutes for a late date. It's around seven o'clock and the sky is pitch black besides the countless twinkling stars and full moon to illuminate your path.

Rogue left earlier today because he said he needed to discuss something with Gajeel and you assumed it was training stuff or whatever.

You make it to the cafe and pull open the door to see Rogue already waiting for you with two (F/D) and (F/F). You lean down and peck his lips before plopping in the chair across from him.

"Did you have fun with my brother today?" you question, taking a sip of your drink.

"You could say that," he grumbles.

"That bad?"

"No, he just gave me more than I bargained for," he shrugs.

You grin and look around the cafe you haven't been to in almost a year. "Remember when you decked that guy in here for asking me out?"

Rogue's deep laugh fills the area and he nods. "Of course. He almost took what was mine and I couldn't let that happen."

It still amazes you how much Rogue has changed since the two of you have been together. That Rogue before the confessions wasn't the real Rogue. This is the real Rogue and he's better than you could have ever imagined.

"I know," you reply. "I also remember a few months ago when I knocked out that girl that grabbed your ass at the parade."

"You're hot when you're jealous," Rogue smirks.

"So are you."

"Let's go for a walk," he suggests, rising to his full height.

"Right now? It's below zero outside. I'm an Ice Dragon Slayer and I'm cold," you say.

"I'll keep you warm."

You roll your eyes and stand up with a defeated sigh. "Fine, but if I get sick, I blame you."

Rogue smiles and wraps his arm around your waist, leading you out of the cafe and down an unfamiliar dirt road. You don't question him, but you can tell he's up to something.

You approach a bridge that you've never seen before. There are icicles hanging off the side from the cold temperature accompanied by the water beneath the bridge that is frozen solid. You follow Rogue to the middle of it as you both look up at the starry night sky.

"You know, the first time I realized I had feeling for you was when we went on that mission a year after you joined and that dark guild nearly killed you," Rogue suddenly speaks and your heart stops. The Dragon Slayer Trio never talks about that mission. Ever. Because all three of you almost died, but you got the worst of it.

It all went down so quickly. A few of the dark guild members gathered their powers together and you took the full force of the blow to protect Rogue and Sting.

"When I saw you fall, images flashed through my head of what life would be like without you, and can you guess what I saw?" he questions and you don't respond. "Darkness and misery. It was such an intense feeling that I didn't want to ever feel like that, so I didn't let you get too close to me. It was selfish.

"Although, that day I did vow something to myself. I vowed to protect and watch over you as much as possible without letting you catch on. I hoped my feelings would go away, but they didn't. I held them in for two years before realizing that feelings don't just vanish. Then I realized that I did want to be with you, no matter how it would make me feel in the end. I just wanted to be with you."

Tears form in your eyes and you finally rip your gaze away from the stars and lock eyes with Rogue. Slowly, very slowly, he kneels down on one knee and pulls out a velvet black box from his coat pocket. Your eyes widen and you fully turn your body toward him.

"(Y/N) (L/N), I want to be wish you forever. No matter what happens, no matter how hard things get, no matter what stands in our way, I promise to stand by you through it all. And if you ever decide that you don't want to be with me anymore, I will let you go because no one, in this entire world, deserves happiness as much as you.

"So, (Y/N), will you do me the honor of being my wife and letting me contribute to your happiness?"

Rogue opens the box and a diamond ring is shown with the moonlight perfectly reflecting off of it. You look between Rogue's eyes and the ring for a few seconds, then finally find your voice.

"Yes," you breathe through chattering teeth, not because of the cold, but because of your nerves.

Rogue exhales a sigh of relief and slips the ring onto your left hand. He stands up and picks you up. You wrap your legs around his torso and have a full-on make-out session for a good five minutes before catching your breaths.

"Rogue, I would never leave you. You're the center of my world and you're the source of my happiness. Please don't think you aren't," you say.

"I just want you to be happy," he replies.

"I am happy. Because of you. I've never, in my life, been happier than I am when I'm with you and that will never change."

"I love you, Mrs. Cheney," Rogue says.

"I love you, too, Mr. Cheney," you laugh.

You can honestly say that no one will make you as happy as Rogue has. In the past six months, he's treated you with nothing but respect and love.

People say that love can fade, and yeah, it can and it probably will because love isn't enough. There's something called true love and it includes understanding, compassion, caring, and fondness of one's partner, and that's what you and Rogue have. It's been no secret to anyone.

Every single day you spend with him feels like a new adventure. It's like driving along an old road in the dead of night and never knowing your destination. With him, you feel yourself fall in love over and over again and there's nothing there to stop you.

It's quite a beautiful thing when two people are meant to be together and it's obvious to everyone. The sad part is, sometimes those people don't notice it themselves and you and Rogue surely didn't, but you're so grateful everyday that you eventually did.

Now, you're soon going to be officially Mrs. (Y/N) Cheney and you know the adventures will never end, because with Rogue Cheney, there's always a new adventure lurking in the shadows.

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