Chapter 12: Crocus

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Your P.O.V

The ride to Crocus was horrible-not surprising-and we get there mid afternoon. We're currently heading to the hotel that Master Jiemma rented out for the whole guild for the six days that we'll be here.

"Do you think Fairy Tail will really show up?" Rufus asks.

"Those punks are probably too scared," Orga replies.

"I doubt those missing members were actually found; it's probably just a rumor to stir up the crowd," Rufus says.

"There's no reason to stir up the crowd when Sabertooth is around," I point out.

"(Y/N)'s right. But if for some reason they don't show up, we'll just have an easier win," Sting chimes in.

"Can't argue with that," we all mumble.

We walk up the hill and into the hotel. It's spacious with purple marble flooring and Master Jiemma had his precious chair shipped so it's in the lobby. We all begin sauntering up the staircase. The rest of the guild will be arriving later in the day, but participants are to come earlier.

The hotel is designed almost like the guild with three floor. We get to the long hallway where one room is completely moved away from the others and a thought strikes me.

"There are only six rooms," I realize.

"So?" Sting says.

"There are usually only five contestants and the sixth room is for Master Jiemma, but we have six participants now."

They all glance at each other in realization and we all silently think of what to do.

"We'll share a room," Rogue speaks, looking down at me.

I'm taken aback by the statement and I guess if there's no other way...

"Okay," I smile and nod.

"Are you guys, like, a thing?" Yukino asks.

Rogue and I both shrug and she lets out a little squeal as we roll our eyes. The six of us pick our rooms and Rogue, Frosch, I go into the one across from Sting and Lector's.

"Don't make too much noise at night, you two," Orga calls from down the hall.

I facepalm and close the door. "Perverts," I mutter.

"Idiots," Rogue mumbles.

I toss my bag on the floor and flop down onto the decent sized bed with a sigh. Frosch decides that now is a good time to hop on my stomach and I chuckle.

"Are you excited for the games?" I ask him.

"Yes! I can't wait to watch you and Rogue fight!" he exclaims.

Before we can continue our little chat, a certain dragon slayer decides to bang on the door.

"(Y/N)! Rogue! Frosch! We're going to check out the town if you want to come!" Sting shouts.

"We have enhanced hearing, moron. We'll be right out," Rogue says calmly.

I snicker at his annoyed face and hoist myself up while holding Frosch. Rogue leads the way out of the room, down the steps, and out of the hotel where Team Sabertooth is waiting. We begin our fifteen minute walk from the top of the hill and into town.

Crocus is definitely not like our town. The people here smile, awe, take pictures, get up in our business, and all the stuff that bothers me. I watch as a lot of guys, and even a few girls, eye-rape both Yukino and I. Rogue seems to notice, too, and slips an arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side.

Possessive Rogue is a hot Rogue, I think.

I smile as we continue walking and Orga, Rufus, and Yukino begin going off on their own.

"Don't forget to be back at the hotel by midnight," I remind them.

They all murmur an 'okay' and disperse into the city. The five of us left head into a nearby park with street lamps and benches. I put down Frosch so he and Lector can walk together.

"Hey, Sabertooth! You guys are getting crushed this year by Lamia Scale!" some punk from the crowd yells at us.

"Yeah, right! They'll get beat by Blue Pegasus for sure!" another shouts.

All too soon, a crowd forms around us. Sting and Rogue both look to be on the brink of snapping and I can't imagine what could do the trick.

"How about I take your pretty little dragon slayer girlfriend and we have some fun." There it is.

Sting and Rogue immediately jump at the guy and start laying into him. Not long after, other people from the crowd get in on the fight and Sting and Rogue easily knock them out. One guy comes toward me, but I swing my foot up to his face before he can get too close.

Rogue knocks out the last one, then out of nowhere, a guy with pink hair falls from the crowd and the three of us turn toward him.

"Look what we have here," Sting says.

"Is that Natsu Dragneel?" Rogue question while coming up to my side.

My eyes widen and I realize it is. I look over to see Frosch and Lector talking trash on a blue cat.
"Who are you?" Natsu asks.

Sting laughs and leans down so he's eye-level with Natsu. "You were the dragon slayer that couldn't slay a dragon. The sad part is, I use to look up to you, and my friend here is a big fan of Gajeel."

"It was more of a curiosity," Rogue scoffs.

"All three of you are dragon slayers?" Natsu inquires in disbelief.

"We would prefer you call us true dragon slayers," Sting replies.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

Lector steps forward and explains the three levels of dragon slayers with the first, second, and third generations. It's true that I am a second generation dragon slayer, but it wasn't on purpose.

Of course I was trained by a dragon, but the lacrima part happened when I was training and went to eat a piece of ice that happened to be a lacrima. I immediately felt way more powerful afterwards and Alzora told me about them.

"Did your dragon's disappear on the date 7/07/777?" Natsu asks, causing me to stiffen.

"You could say that," Sting smirks. "They died because we killed them with our bare hands."

"We eliminated our dragons to earn the title of true dragon slayers. The generations changed over the span of seven years allowing us to grow into true dragon slayers. The time of the old generation has ended," Rogue adds.

Sting and Rogue know I'd never kill Alzora, but they consider me a third generation dragon slayer because of how powerful I am. It honestly never mattered to me.

"Didn't you think of them as your parents?!" Natsu exclaims.

Sting laughs in his face with a sadistic smile. "If you manage to make it past the first round, we'll give you a taste of what true dragon slayer power is."

"Come on. We're wasting our time with this old generation scum," Rogue states, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading us in the opposite direction.

I hear Sting scoff before he follows us back to the hotel. It's already getting dark and it seems to be around seven o'clock. I start to wonder where Gajeel could be if Natsu is already here, but put the thought aside.

We have to be back in our rooms by midnight for the preliminary round. We don't know what it's going to be like, but we have no worries that we'll get through to the next round. We're prepared for anything.

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