Chapter 22: Day Five P.1

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Second Person P.O.V

"Good luck," you wish your partners. You walk over and hug Sting. You can almost feel the sorrow and anger that's been pent up inside of him all day and all night. "You'll do great."

Sting pulls away and walks to the arena's entrance without looking back. You walk over to Rogue and embrace each other.

"Stay safe. I know you're going after Gajeel, so please don't get too hurt," you tell him.

"I got this. If anyone is taking out Gajeel Redfox, it's going to be me," he replies confidently. You bite your lip, stopping yourself from revealing the thing you've wanted to tell him for so long, but now is not the time.

"I love you," you say instead, bringing your lips to his. You tangle your fingers in his black hair as he rubs his hands over your hips.

"I love you, too," Rogue says once you pull away.

The two of you part ways and walk in different directions. You decide to go wish your brother luck as well before he goes out into the town to fight.

You walk around for about ten minutes before spotting a small black exceed. "Hey, Lily," you smile.

"Hey, (Y/N). Are you looking for Gajeel?" he asks.

"Yeah, can you get him for me?"

Lily nods, knowing that if you go down that tunnel, it would just cause more trouble. He flies off, and a few minutes later, Gajeel emerges and you snicker at his clothes.

"What?" he questions.

"Oh, nothing. Totally digging the outfit, by the way."

Gajeel rolls his eyes. "What did you want?"

You turn serious and stand in front of him. "It's obvious that you and Rogue are going to clash again, and I know you're going to win," you say. "I know how bad that sounds, but I know both of you very well, and your reason for fighting is greater than his."

Gajeel nods. "I'll go easy on him. I was laying in bed last night and I actually remember him from my Phantom Lord days."

Your eyes widen, but before you can ask another question, the announcement for the guilds blasts through the intercom.

"Good luck," you say instead, bringing him in for a quick hug.

"Thanks," he replies and heads back to the tunnel as Lily flies over to you.

"(Y/N), you should come sit with Fairy Tail," he suggests.

"My mast-" you cut yourself off, remembering you don't really have a master anymore. "I'd love to."

Lily smiles and leads the two of you down the hallways. You have a feeling Fairy Tail won't like a tiger in their section, but Lily assures you that it will be fine. Before you get too far, you see Frosch run up to you.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

You bend down and pick him up. "We're sitting with Fairy Tail."

Frosch doesn't question you as you walk through the entrance with Lily and into the roaring stands. The three of you make it to the section and the entire Fairy Tail guild have smiles on their faces, surprising you to the core. Well, everyone except a tiny bluenette.

"Uh, you guys mind if I sit with you?" you find your voice and ask nervously.

"Of course not, child," Makarov says and you smile.

Lily leads the way to the front of the balcony and you stand between to Makarov and Lily. You take a look around and your eyes stop on the girl sitting on the edge of the stone, swinging her legs.

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