Chapter 1: New Lord

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     -Garroth's POV-

     "Guys, I have something important to tell you..." (Y/n) says with excitement. Laurance and I look at each other and then back at (Y/n).

     "What is it?" I ask her.

     "I'm glad you asked. I'm the new Lord of (V/N)!" (Y/n) says while jumping up and down. Laurence laughs.

     "I'm happy for you. Who's going to be your guards?" Laurancesays happily.

     Please let me be one of the guards. I plead.

     "Why would you ask a silly question? It's you two of course!" She says in a high pitched voice.

     "Cool. What happened to the other Lord?" I ask.

     "Well, he passed away. He asked me because I was Lucy's friend. And since Lucy has passed away also..." (Y/n) was on the verge of tears, so I interrupted her.

     "You took the place as Lord." I finished her sentence. She nodded her head. I walked up to (Y/n) and hugged her and she hugged back. "Congrats on becoming Lord. I know you will make a great one, just like Lord Jordan was."

     Laurance joins in the hug. "What Garroth said." Laurance replies. (Y/n) and I laughed. We let go of each other.

     "Now that the sad session is over, let's go and move our belongings into the Lord's house." (Y/n) says after. Both Laurence and I nod our heads and start packing.

     -Laurence's POV-

     I can't believe that (Y/n) is the new lord. I know she will do a fantastic job and keep (V/N) the way it was or make it even better. I walk up to the bedroom and walk to my section of the room to pack my things. I grab a box out of the closet from our move to (V/N) and start to pack my clothes. Garroth comes in a little while later to pack his things.

     "Garroth, can I tell you something?" I ask him. He turns and looks at me.

     "Anything for a friend. What do you need?" He says. He walks over to my part of the room and sits on my bed. I stop packing and sit next to him.

     "Well, the thing is that I..." I trail off. What if he tells everyone and someone tells it to (Y/n)? What if he laughs at me? What if-

     "Spit it out already!" Garroth demands.

     "Ilike(Y/n)." I say really fast. I didn't even understand what I said.

     "Slow down. Now, tell me slower." He says in a soothing voice. I take a deep breath in and out.

     "I said that I liked (Y/n). I don't know why, but I just have developed feelings for her and-" Garroth cut me off.

     "You don't need to get into detail of why you started liking Lord (Y/n), but I need to tell you something also." Garroth says as he looks at the ground. I think I saw a little pink on his cheeks, but his hair is covering his face, so I can't tell.

     "Now that you said something, you have to tell me." I say. He sighs.

     "I also like Lord (Y/n)." Garroth says.

     "Really?" He nods his head. "I never would have guessed."

     "I could say the same for you." Garroth says.


     "WE ALMOST ARE! WE HAVE A FEW MORE THINGS TO PACK AND THEN WE WILL MEET YOU OUTSIDE!" I yell back. I turn towards Garroth. "Let's talk about this later." Then I get back to packing.

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