Chapter 12: Save (Pt. 1)

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(Comment down below what your power would be if you were a super hero. Also, if any of you want to make a cover, I would be fine with that.)

     -Your POV-

I reached the end of the bridge and saw the guards. Shadow Knights to be exact. I turn my head to see if Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan is following my lead. Both of them were taking their sweet ol' time getting across the bridge, so while I waited, I looks for a way to sneak past them and onto the skylight.

     How did they do it? I asked myself. I thought back to the memory and tried to see what was in their hands, besides their swords.

I looked up and saw Garroth and Laurance. Both of them had swords, but Garroth was holding a grappling hook in his other.

I shot my head back up and yelped because Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were right next to me.

"What were you thinking about Lord (Y/n)~Senpai?" Kawaii~Chan asks me. I turn towards her.

     I look to see if she has a rope and/or hook on her, which I highly doubt she had either. "Do either of you have a rope and a hook?" I ask them. Both of them just look at me in confusion.

"Why do you need a rope and a hook?" Katelyn asks. I just point behind me. "Oh. Well, this is your lucky day because I was SUPPOSED to deliver a grappling hook to someone else in (V/n), but I guess you can use it." She then goes into a satchel and pulls out a brand-new grappling hook. I take it from her hands and smile.

"Thank you." I looked at the castle again and tried looking for the best way to get on the roof. Without killing all of us.

Kawaii~Chan tapped my shoulder, so I turned and faced her. "Yes?" I say.

"Do you know think that maybe (Y/n)~Senpai should grapple onto the point of the roof? Like in fairytales, when the princess gets captured and gets locked in a dungeon, just like now? Did Kawaii~Chan just make that sound confusing?" Kawaii~Chan looks at the ground, but I understood what she meant.

"Grab on." I order, and they followed. Both of them grabbed my waist, making sure they won't fall off. I then flung the grappling hook to the highest point on the castle, hoping that I didn't fail.

Then, our three bodies were lifted into the air and were brought to the top of Zane's castle.

     "Woah!" Katelyn yells.

In the blink of an eye, we were on top of the building. I unravel the grappling hook and start looking for the skylight.

"Look for any sort of skylight. All we need is-" Katelyn interrupts me.

"I FOUND ONE!" She calls over.

"-is a way to get in." I finish my sentence, but I muttered it to myself. Kawaii~Chan and I walk over to her and I look to see what she found. It was indeed a skylight. The exact same one that Garroth and Laurance came down to rescue me.

"Let's go!" Kawaii~Chan screams before opening the hatch and jumping in.

"KAWAII~CHAN!" Katelyn and I call out at the same time. I heard a thump and then a whimper.

I look up at the sky and sigh. "The ground is made of cement." I say, exhausted. I look down and try and find something that will break my fall.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT KAWAII~CHAN?" Katelyn calls down. Kawaii~Chan looks up and nods. She then moves out of eye sight and into the darkness.

I keep on looking around until I find something on the wall. "Katelyn. There are vines over on the east side. Do you think that we could grab onto them?" I ask her. She looks at me, then the vines, then back at me.

"I think so. Try it with the grappling hook. We will be safer doing it that way." Katelyn suggests. I nod my head and aim the grappling hook towards the vines. I grab Katelyn's arm and shoot the grappling hook. It hooks into the vines and pulls us forward.

     Once we landed on the vines, I let go of Katelyn's arm. She grabs onto the vines and starts making her decent. I unraveled the hook and started climbing down to the landing.

     When my feet hit the ground, I looked around. "Psst..." I heard. I turn toward the sound, but saw nothing. I kept on looking around.

     "(Y/n)... Over here." A voice calls out. It sounded a lot like Garroth, so I turned that way. Garroth then appeared out of the darkness.

     "Garroth!" I scream before running over to him to give him a hug. Laurance was next to him. I ran over and gave them a hug.

     "Well, well. What have we here?" A deep voice says in a mocking way. I slowly turn around to find myself facing Zane.

     Of course this would happen JUST AS I entered and saw Garroth and Laurance. Of course it would. I sarcastically thought. I looked at Zane with confidence and determination.

     "Zane." I say dryly. He just laughs it off.

     "I see you have come back (Y/n). And what a lovely group you brought with you. You all will make lovely pets." Zane sneers in my face before he closes his eyes and scrunched up his nose, almost like he is concentrated on doing something.

     All of a sudden, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were by his side, looking at me with hungry eyes. Their eyes were red and their mouths were covered in saliva. What happened to them?

     "Katelyn? Kawaii~Chan?" I call out to them, but I got no answer except for a growl.

     "So either you come with me, or have your allies eat you alive. Your pick." Zane says through gritted teeth, still focused on something.

     "What did you do with my friends?" I ask with a shaky voice. My hands started trembling and my knees began to wobble.

     "Fine. You leave me no choice." Then, I felt something in my mind. Something different.

     Something magical.

     I tried to fight it off, but it was no use. The magic was too strong on my weak mind. I screamed out in pain.

     Then everything went black.


     Sorry for not posting in a little while, but... I have no excuse except I just didn't want to write. I wasn't feeling up to it. Besides, I also hyperextended my knee so... yeah.

     7K reads. That's unbelievable. From now on, I'm not going to count how many reads this book has until we get to 10K, capease?

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     If you want different books by me, check out my profile. I have different books besides MCD based.

     Thanks for reading!


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