Chapter 22: Mental

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     Nicole trained us that whole week the best she could. Honestly, I don't think I've worked that hard in my life!

     It was the last night of our training and I was sitting on my bed, looking outside.

     "You okay, Y/N?" A person asked me. I turn my head to see it was Garroth.

     "Hey Garroth. Everything's fine, just getting lost in thought, I guess." I sigh out, turning my head back to look outside.

     Garroth sits next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "We'll defeat Zane. Even if it's that last thing I do." He says. I look at him and smile.

     "Thanks Garroth." I reply with a smile.

     He smiles back. "Anything for you."

     . . .

     We sit there in silence, doing nothing. That only made my brain wonder.

     Remember, I still have to pick Laurance or Garroth. There is no avoiding it. But what if one of them gets killed? Then that would leave only one, making my life 10 times easier. But I can't lose a friend. It would break my heart that they died for me, to protect me.

     "Uh... Y/N? You okay?" Garroth ask me, taking me out of my train of thought.

     "Huh? Oh, sorry. I zoned out a little bit there..." I say. He smiles and takes his hand off of my shoulder.

     "It's okay. Now get some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow." Garroth says, giving me a pat on the back. I smile as he walks out of my temporary house.

     Getting under the covers, I close my eyes and fall asleep.





     That's all I see. Bodies flying everywhere, screams of people in the distance. My eyes were on Zane, a creature never seen by human eyes.

     It's only him that stands in the way of the peace of humanity. My sword, covered in the blood of innocents, was gripped tightly in my hand.

     Zane slashed my shoulder, but I didn't feel a thing. I was already dying inside from the poison. I knocked him down and was looking into his soulless eyes.

     Taking my sword, I held it above my head and stabbed him in his heart...


     I wake up, covered in sweat. I wipe my brow and look outside. No blood, no bodies, no flesh. It was all a dream.

     It HAD to be a dream.

     I stand up and go to the bathroom, splashing water on my face. I look in the mirror and sigh. This is how I look when I wake up in the morning? Geez, I guess I slept on a rock...

     I get changed and ready for my trip to O'Khasis. I hear a knock on the door and open it.

     "You almost ready?" Laurance asks me. I nod my head and grab my bag.

     "Yeah. Let's go." I say, walking past him and to the ship.

     He put an arm around my shoulders, making me slightly blush. We walk to the ship in silence, making my mind go into crazy places...

     What happens if I pick Laurance? Garroth will be heartbroken, no doubt about that. But what will he act like? Angry? Happy? Sad? What if he doesn't want to see my ugly face ever again? What if he kills Laurance so then I can be his?

     I shiver at the thought.

     Laurance looks at me confused. "Are you cold?" He asks me. I look at him and shake my head.

     "I'm good. Let's just keep walking." I say, not wanting to explain. He nods his head and looks forward.

     When we reach the ship, we get on board and wait for everyone else to get here.

     To preoccupy myself, I kept organizing my stuff. I didn't want to think of what could happened to either of the boys if I choose the other one. Ugh, both of them are making me go crazy.

Once everyone got here, we waved goodbye to Nicole and the people from Scaleswind and left, making our trip to O'Khasis. I knew it was going to be a long trip, so I packed things to keep my busy.

Well, maybe not much...

All I had was me, myself, and my brain with my endless thoughts. It seems lately I haven't been able to stop thinking of them.

Garroth's smile, Laurance's laugh, both of their eyes.

I sigh and look out of the window and think to myself:

I think I'm going mentally crazy over them.


[Word Count: 746]

Sorry For The Shorter Chapter, But I Didn't Have Any Idea Of What I Wanted To Write. I Still Hope You Enjoyed It! I Also Have A Couple Of Questions. 1) Should I Do A Real Life Book And 2) Should I Do A Skype Call Contest At 30K Reads? Just Wanted To Ask You Guys!

Thanks For Reading!

--=< Ann >=--

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