Chapter 14: Birthday

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     Once Garroth, Laurance, and I dropped Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan back at Pheonix drop, we walked back to (V/n).

We talked while we walked back, but it was about stupid things such as, "how is the weather" or "what have you been up to lately?" I guess after being captured and me turning into Irene, we all were baffled.

When we reached our village, I was surprised. There was no one outside. And by no one, I mean literally not one single body was out. Were they all taken away? What was going on?

I walked into the entrance and looked around. Dead silent. "Where is everyone?" I ask them. I looked at them and they just shrugged their shoulders.

     "Who knows? Remember, we were captured by Zane." Laurance says.

     "Y-yeah. What Laurance s-said." Garroth stutters. I turn back around and walk to the center of the village.

     "Hel-" I start, but I get cut off.

     "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The whole village says. I was so caught up with the whole "capture" situation that I completely forgot that it was my birthday.

     "ACK!" I scream. I tumble backwards, but Garroth and Laurance were there to catch me. They stood me up and I looked at everyone with a surprised look on my face.

"Happy Birthday, Lord (Y/n)!" The whole village says. Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Awe. Thank you guys. You all are lovely people!" I thank them before they open up a path for me to walk through. At the end, there was a 5 feet high birthday cake with my name on it. "Wow. Who made this cake?"

"Kawaii~Chan from Phoenix Drop made it. We requested it a couple of days ago and she finished it today before she had to deliver messages with Katelyn." One villager explains. I look at him and nod my head.

"I will have to thank her when I get the chance. But right now, let's celebrate!" I say before cutting the cake and starting the party.


Choosing Time!

At random parts in the story, you get to choose which part you want to do. Either Garroth or Laurance.

Now, time to choose!


~Garroth's Part~

I got two plates that had cake on it. One for me and one for Garroth. I walked up and handed it to him. He takes it out of my hand and thanks me. I nod my head and turn to look at everyone.

"They are all having fun, aren't they?" I say out loud, not expecting a response.

"Yeah, they are," Garroth replies. I turn to look at him.

"So... I need to ask you a question. You don't need to answer me, but if you do, I want the honest answer." I say. He looks at me and nods his head.

"Ask away." Garroth says before he takes a bite of the cake.

I look down at my cake, untouched. "Do you like me?" I whisper. Silence. I look up to see Garroth just staring at me.

"Uhh..." He trails off. I raise an eyebrow at him and he sighs. "No I don't." He says. "I love you (Y/n)."

I gasp and he looks at me in the eyes. He then sets our plates on the table and takes my hands. "And I won't let anyone take this chance away from me." Garroth says before kissing me. I was surprised at his sudden action, but I soon kissed back.

"AND I LOVE YOU TOO (Y/N)!" Laurance yells. I pull away from the kiss to find Laurance staring daggers at Garroth.

Uh oh...


~Laurance's Part~

Once I finished cutting the cake for everyone, I headed over to Laurance. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, taking me some place. "Where are we going?" I ask him as he pulls me along. I heard faint footsteps behind us, but I didn't look back, thinking that it was just my imagination.

"Close your eyes." Laurance instructed. I did as he told me to do and I walked along, him guiding me.

We walked for what felt like forever before Laurance told me to open my eyes. I opened them and I gasped. We were sat a big waterfall. "Wow." Was all I could say.

"Do you like it?" He asks. I look at him and nod my head. He chuckles. "Well, that's good because I wanted to tell you something important."

"What is it?" I ask. He walks over to me and holds my face in his hands. His hands were warm to the touch.

"I love you." He says before pulling me into a kiss. I gasp, but kiss back.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" A voice says behind me. I pull away to see Garroth in the distance.

Uh oh...


Sorry it's shorter, but I wanted to get a chapter out.

     Thanks for reading!


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