Chapter 6: Shadow Souls and Feelings

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     -Your POV-

     I woke up to Laurance shaking me. I flutter my eyes awake and look at him with a confused look on his face.

     "(Y/n), you have to get up now. The Shadow Souls are trying to get into the village." Laurance says, hurrying. My eyes widen.

     "What??" I screech. I throw the covers off of me and run to my window. I looked for the gate and when I found it I gasped. I ran to my box with clothes and found a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and threw them on.

     I ran downstairs to see Garroth getting his guard gear on. Garroth looks at me and nods. My heart starts to beat a little faster. My hand goes straight for the necklace that he gave me and I started to calm down.

     I open the door and everyone was rushing to the gate. They were shouting at them, hoping that they would go away. I ran to the gate with everyone else.

     When I got to the gate, I climbed up to the watch tower and looked out of the window. "Oh my Irene..." I say. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of Shadow Souls outside of the gate.

     Garroth taps my shoulder, so I turn to face him. "We need to fight them off as Shadow Knights." Garroth says as he looks out of the window.

     "Garroth, you can't do that. You're not going to survive." I tell him. He looks at me.

"I-" He starts before Laurance interrupts him.

"Garroth, you can't. Even if I turned into my Shadow form, I still wouldn't be able to beat them." Laurance says. I look at him and my heart starts to race. I remember the snow globe that he gave me and I smiled at the memory.

"Lord (Y/n), what are we going to do to stop the Shadow Souls?" One of the watch tower guards ask me. I turn towards him.

"I-I don't know. I'm going to figure something out though," I tell him, "maybe we can-"

I heard horses, so I stopped mid-sentence. I turn towards the window to find Aphmau, Emmylin, Kenmur, Aaron, and a bunch of other people that I don't know. "Open up the gates," I said to the guard, "Garroth, Laurance, turn into Shadow Knights. We have to fight."

I look around the watch tower and found a diamond sword leaning against the wall, so I took it. "But Lord-" the guard was saying, but I interrupted him.

"No buts. Open the gates." I command. I grab a chest plate, pants, boots, and a helmet before I exit the guard tower. I look behind me to see that Garroth and Laurance were turning into their Shadow Knight form.

When I got to the ground, I pushed everyone aside so I could get in front of the gate. Garroth and Laurance stood beside me in their Shadow Knight form. The guard opened the gate and everyone went screaming into the town. The three of us rushed out to help them.

Aaron is the first to spot us. He smiles at me, but then focuses on the battle. There were so many Shadow Souls, it was unreal.

We fought them for a long time until there were only a few left. I slashed a couple with my sword and killed them. I looked around, trying to find another one, but wasn't looking in the right direction at the right time. A Shadow Soul came up behind me and grabbed me. "AAAAAAHHH!" I screamed. Garroth turned my way and came rushing over. He stabbed the Shadow Soul and killed him. I fell to the ground, but Garroth helped me up.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I dust myself off and grab my sword.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. I start to walk back to the gate, but I fall down. "Gah! What the-" I looked down at my leg to see that half of my leg was bleeding. My stomach turned into knots. My vision got blurry. I looked up to see Laurance and Garroth talking.

All I heard before I blacked out was, "We have to take her to the doctors office before she dies."

-Time Skip-

I woke up in a hospital bed. Everything was still blurry. I tried sitting up, but my arms were strapped down along with my legs.

     "Why can't I move?" I ask the darkness. A light turns on and a figurine shows up.


     -Choosing Time-

     I will have random choosing times which will determine who you will choose in the end.

     Now, time to choose!


     -Garroth's Part-

The figurine was Garroth. His sky blue eyes stared daggers into mine. His smirk made me shiver. Garroth walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"So..." He says. He just looks at me and smirks.

"Garroth-" I start before he kisses me. A cold shiver goes down my spine. I pull away. "W-what are you doing Garroth?"

"What am I doing? Well, I'm showing you how I feel. That's what." He says with a smug look on his face. Garroth then kisses me again and moves a hand to my boob. I screech and pull away.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask. I was shaking like crazy.

Garroth put his forehead on mine. "I like you, that's what I mean." He says. I then have an urge to kiss him.

Do I like Garroth? I ask myself. I look at him in the eyes and smile.

"I think I like you to."


-Laurance's Part-

The figure that was walking towards me was Laurance. I gasped.

"Laurance! What are you doing here?" I ask. He says nothing and just walks over to me. "Laurance?"

When he got close enough, it looked like his eyes were filled with lust, but if they were, then it quickly faded.

"(Y/n)..." Laurance says. He leans over my face and gives me a kiss on the forehead. My face starts to heat up. Laurance laughs.

     "W-what's so funny?" I ask, shaking. He just stares at me.

     "It's just that your face is like a tomato." He says. I blush even harder. Laurance leans over my face and gives me a kiss on my lips.

     I pull away. "W-what was t-that for?" I ask. He just looks at me.

     "I like you." Was all he said before giving me another kiss. My mind went wandering.

     Do I like Laurance? I ask myself. I pull away and smile.

     "I think I like you too."


     What do you think is going to happen? You will find out in the next chapter. CX

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     Thank you guys so much. We finally got 1K reads! I'm so happy! And for 1K reads, you guys get to pick what I should do for it! You all deserve it, so choose! I will announce the thing that I will do in the next A/N.

     Okay, love you all! You all are amazin! <3

     Thanks for reading!


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