Chapter 10: Memory

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     -Your POV-

I ran as fast as I could to Zane's dungeon. I knew exactly where it was since he captured me a couple years back...


"ZANE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!!" I screamed at him. All Zane did was chuckle. I shook the chains that my wrists we strapped to, trying to escape, but it was no use.

"Friends? We were NEVER friends. You just fell for my trap, just like very one else did. Now you will suffer the consequences for when you fall for my traps..." Zane chuckles, "...death."

I gasp. "Why? I've been so good to you. I even made you and Garroth come closer together. Don't you want friends?" I ask him while pleading for my life. He just laughed at me.

"I don't want friends. (Y/n), don't you understand? I'm Zane. The most vicious and hated person in the world. I will rule the world!" Zane says in a demonic voice. He then walked in front of me and shakes the chains, making sure they were secure. "Now stay here, prisoner. I will be back in a few moments."

Zane then leaves the room and shuts the door, leaving me locked in here. I tried shaking the chains off, but it didn't work. I screamed to the ceiling, making my voice echo off of the walls.

"Psst..." I voice says. I turn my head to the right, but I saw no one.

"Who's there?" I ask. The response was immediate.

"(Y/n). Look up." The voice said. I do as it tells me and I see Garroth and Laurance looking down at me. I gasp and smile.

"HELP ME!" I scream at them. They open the hatch and jump down the skylight.

"(Y/n)! I'm so glad I found you! I was worried sick! I didn't think Zane would do that to you. When I see him next, I'll-" Garroth blabs on until I stop him by interrupting him.

"Can you help me get out before Zane-" I get cut off by the door opening.

"What are these losers doing here?" Zane says with a sly grin. Garroth and Laurance turn around to face him.

"Zane." Laurance sneers. Laurance launches his sword at his chest, but Zane catches the handle and points the sword at Laurance's own chest.

     "Do you really think you can beat me? I am the RULER OF THE WORLD!" Zane gloats. I roll my eyes, not noticing that Garroth slipped the chains off of my wrists until he tapped my shoulder and handed me a stone sword. I take the sword in my hand and look up at him. Garroth smiles and turns back toward Zane.

     "What's wrong baby brother?" He asks Zane. Zane turned his attention to Garroth, then noticing me unshackled with a sword in my hands.

"What's wrong? EVERYONE IS WRONG! I'm the real ruler of the world. No one else. Just. Me." Zane turns back to Laurance. "Now to finish ALL OF YOU off!"

Zane takes a leap at Laurance, but he dodges. I look for an opportunity to escape, but he kept his eye on me while still focusing on Laurance. When Zane took another leap at Laurance, I ran for the door with Garroth right behind me. Laurance jumped out of the way in time and squeezed through the door before it shut in Zane's face.

"I WILL GET ALL OF YOU SOMEDAY! JUST YOU WAIT!" Zane screams before the outside door shuts to block out the noise.

-Flashback End-

I shuddered at the memory. My vision got blurry, but it was only my tears. I don't know who or what I was crying for. Losing Zane as a friend, Zane capturing Laurance and Garroth, or just everything altogether. I blinked my eyes, trying to get the tears to go away.

     I saw Zane's castle then. I looked up and saw a skull and bones on a flag. I then looked down and saw the drawbridge that wasn't very stable since the last time I was here. I slowed my run to a walk, catching my breath before I had to fight Zane.

     When I got to the bridge, I looked down and froze in place. The water was filled with alligators that were ready to eat me at the soonest chance. I pulled my eyes away from the water and looked at he bridge. I took one step on it, but it creaked under my weight. I took my foot off, afraid that the bridge would break.

     I heard something in the distance, but I didn't look back. The noise kept on getting louder until I couldn't ignore it any longer. I looked in the direction of the path and saw Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan riding over to me on their horses.

"Katelyn? Kawaii~Chan?" I said in confusion. Both of them stop in front of me and get off of their horses.

"(Y/n), we came here to help." Katelyn says. Kawaii~Chan looks down and Katelyn nudges her.

Kawaii~Chan looks up in surprise. "Yes. Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama are here to help (Y/n)~Senpai save Laurance~Kun and Garroth~Kun." Kawaii~Chan says, almost being forced to say it.

     I look at them and smile. "Thanks. I could have done it on my own." I grab my sword from my belt and gripped the handle firm.

     Katelyn takes out her wolverine claws and slashes them around. "We insist on helping you save Laurance and Garroth." I turn to Kawaii~Chan.

     She is holding a cake in her hand. "This cake will poison Zane~Cun, leaving him vulnerable so we can kill him." Kawaii~Chan states. She then hands it to me. I take it and look at it.

     The cake looked delicious. It was a yellow cake with pink frosting. Of course it had pink frosting. I turned around and looked up at Zane's castle. My could hear sounds in my head and they keep on getting louder.

     "How are we going to get in?" Katelyn asks me. I hand the cake back to Kawaii~Chan and put my sword back in my belt. "(Y/n)?" I don't hear Katelyn ask for me. I was too focused on something different. Something called magicks.

     "(Y/n)~Senpai?" Kawaii~Chan asks, but like with Katelyn, I don't hear her. I brought my hands to my temple and rubbed. I fall down on my knees.

     Everything turns black.


     Cliffhanger! Dun dun duuuuuun! Be ready for the next chapter cause you don't know what is coming.

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     Thank you guys for 3K! We are almost to 4K! That's unbelievable. So thank you guys so much!

     Thanks for reading!


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