Chapter 23: Final Encounter

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Landing in Okasis a few days later, we get off of the boat, grabbing whatever essentials we needed. I grab my sword from underneath my bed and put it on my back. Hearing a knock, Garroth comes into the room and I turn to look at him, giving him a small smile.

     "Are you ready?" He asks me while walking over to my bed. Nodding my head, I grab whatever else I need. Taking a deep breath, I step out and look around.

The town was in shambles. Zane was definitely not making things easier for the residents. Everyone was running around, avoiding Shadow Souls at all costs. Buildings with sturdy materials have fallen down onto the pathways. Even guards weren't doing much to protect the city.

All of O'Khasis is chaos.

Looking around in awe, I try to find any trace of Zane. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Laurance pointing at a small, narrow passage that will lead into the main part of the city. Nodding, Garroth, Laurance, and I run towards it and enter the chaos.

Shimming my way in between fallen down buildings, I look behind me at Garroth. His face has paled from the sight of the innocents who have been killed, but he tries to hide it with a firm expression on his face. Sighing, I make my way out.

Dark clouds started to cover up the shining sun, giving the ground an even darker look. I draw my sword and give Garroth and Laurance a signal. They nodded and we all went running into our separate directions.

"MEET BACK HERE WHEN EVERYTHING IS FINISHED!" I yell before I start attacking as many Shadow Souls as possible. Hopefully they were in earshot when I yelled. If not, then everything might turn to shambles.

Attack after attack, Shadow Soul after Shadow Soul, I continued to fight. None were able to lay a single attack on me. The more I fought, the further I went inside O'Khasis.

Each time I thought I was close to getting through the horde, more continued to appear. It was like the person spawning them knew I was close and needed more time.

Sadly for them, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

I learned their attacks quickly and used them on their own kind. Parrying one of their attacks got easier as time went on and the more I fought them. It's just that I was starting to get tired, so everything suddenly because ten times more difficult than before.

"KYA!" I yell as I slash three more out of existence. Turning around, I see five more chasing after me. Taking a couple deep breaths, I start running near the center of the city since that's where they seem to be coming from.

For some reason, a pebble decided to ruin my day even further since it wanted to trip me. It succeeded as I fell on the dirt, rolling out of the way of an attack. I look up to see the Shadow Soul ready to attack me, but then get knocked twenty feet away from me in the nick of time. Blinking a couple of times, I see Aphmau distracting them. She has enough time to give me a quick nod before running off into the distance. A small smile creeps onto my face as the rest of the Shadow Souls follow her, giving me a pathway to reach the center.

I get up as quickly as possible and I run as if there's no tomorrow. A black substance is in the very center. A Nether portal is summoning more Shadow Souls into this world and they weren't stopping anytime soon.

Holding up a hand, a bright light shoots out and breaks the portal. Huh. Never knew I could do that. Guess I'm glad I can.

The black substance disappears quickly after the portal is broken and a maniacal laughter is released. A person covered in a black flame is down on one knee. He's facing away from me, but it's not hard telling who it is.

My Friends, My Lovers || Garroth x Laurance x Reader || Needs EditingWhere stories live. Discover now