Chapter 3: Emmilyn and Kenmur

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     -Your POV-

"It would be my honor." Aaron says. He starts to lead us around Phoenix Drop. He shows us the best places in town, such as the Library.

"You! Person in the black hoodie! Can you help me find books on Lady Irene?" A voice says behind us. I turn around to see a girl with blonde hair and black glasses. She looks at Garroth and Laurance. "Garroth! Laurance!" She rushes over to them.

I go over to Aaron. "Who is that?" I ask.

He looks at me, then to the girl. "That is Emmilyn. She loves Lady Irene and wants to learn every secret about her." He tells me.

"Oh. Makes sense why she wanted you to help her find books on Lady Irene." I say. Would it be bad to tell her that I am related to Lady Irene?

-Laurance's POV-

Emmilyn comes running up to Garroth and I when Aaron was leading us around Phoenix Drop.

"You guys look amazing! You look like you haven't changed a bit! What information do you have of Lady Irene? Did you get any books from (V/n)? Have you found any........" Emmilyn blabs on. I zone out. I look at Garroth to see that he was also zoned out.

"Emmilyn, can we talk about this later?" Garroth interrupts her mid sentence.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't want to blab on! I was just curious..." She trails off. I could tell she was sad, so I gave her a pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry. We did get some information, but we can't tell you right now. We are getting a tour around town, even though we don't need it. It is only for (Y/n)." I explain. I point behind me to (Y/n).

"She looks familiar, I just don't know where I have seen her." Emmilyn contemplates the idea.

"Guys, we have to keep moving if we want to see all of the places." Aaron says. I look at Aaron, then back at Emmilyn.

     "How about you come with us? We can talk more about Lady Irene." I suggest. Emmilyn starts to jump around.

     "Really?" She asks giddily. I nod my head. "Then let's go!" She hooks her arms through Garroth's and my arms. We all left the Library and started to go to the rest of the places.

     -Time Skip-

     "Thank you so much Aaron." (Y/n) says after the tour.

     "It was a pleasure." Aaron replies. I roll my eyes. Aaron just meets her and he is already falling in love? Gosh, the nerve of him.

     "(Y/n), we have to get moving if we want to get to (V/n) before nightfall." Garroth warns. I look up at the sky to see that the sun was getting ready to set. I look behind me to find Emmylin and Kenmur talking. I look at (Y/n) to see her looking at the two of them also.

     "Do they like each other?" (Y/n) asks me quietly. I remembered Emmylin's face when I talked to her one time when I lived in Phoenix Drop.


     "Hey Emmylin!" I call over to Emmylin. She spots me and her face beams. She rushes over to me and jumps up and down.

     "What's up Laurance!" She says giddily. She never acts this happy to see me, so I knew something happened that made her happy.

"Nothing much. But why are you so happy?" I reply. She looks at me with a concerned look and I laughed. She joins in.

"It's just that this one guy made me happy and I think that I like him now..." Emmylin looks at the ground and a hint of blush spreads across her cheeks. Her glasses started to fall off, but she pushed them back on.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Do you think that he likes you back?" I ask. She looks up at me and smiles.

"I think so. He is really interested in Lady Irene, along with me. And I think that he likes me because of the way that he talks to me. He always teases me and calls me a nerd, but I call him that back. It's just our thing. And when we were at a festival, he saved me from a group of guys that wanted to take me. He is just so sweet and kind and generous and everything that I hope for in a guy." Emmilyn explains.

"Well, that's good. I'm glad you found someone that you like." I say. "And by the way, have you seen Kenmur anywhere?" Emmylin smiles and her face starts to turn into a tomato, but of course, I didn't play attention to what her face was doing.

"He is at the Library. He is looking for books about Lady Irene that I haven't read yet." Emmylin says. I nod my head.

"Thanks Em!" I give Emmylin a hug before I rush to the Library.

-Flashback End-

"To be honest, I think that when Emmylin was talking to me one time when I lived here, she said that she liked someone and I think that she was talking about Kenmur." I explain quietly. (Y/n) nods and keeps looking at them.

"Let's leave them be. Their relationship should grow." (Y/n) suggests. I took her suggestion into consideration.

"Yeah, we should. Especially if we want to get to (V/n) before it gets dark." I say. Garroth and (Y/n) nodded their heads and we were off to (V/n).


OMG GUYS! IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! I've been busy with a thing called life and it has been a barrier for me to overcome and I have overcame life! Are you guys happy for me? I'm sure you are. CX

Seriously guys, that you for all of the reads. I have about 70 reads on each chapter and it is so amazing! You guys are amazing. Thanks for sticking around even when I wasn't uploading any new chapters!

And thank you guys so much for all of you people that have put my story on your reading lists! It means a lot, so thank you!

But if you like this so much, then why don't you got that vote button? It wouldn't do you any harm! CX

If you want more stories by me, you should DEFINITELY check out my profile. I have some ideas for books, but I haven't had time to write them. And if you want more books by me, checking out my profile helps you get to see what books that I have done.

You guys are amazing, so I wanted to say thank you. You guys mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without you all! <3

Thanks for reading!


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