Chapter 15: Choices

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Why does it always have to be me? I thought. I look back and forth between the two boys. Both of them were glaring at each other. Taking a few steps back, my back landed against a wall.

"Why do you always do this, Laurance?" Garroth says through gritted teeth.

"Do what? Take away every girl you have ever liked because you don't want to ruin things between them? Because I like to. At least I'm not afraid." Laurance grins. He then turns towards me. "So (Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"

I blinked at him. "I-I-I--" I stutter. Garroth then runs up to me and captures my lips with his. It was quick, but passionate.

"I'm sorry..." He whispers before take a few steps back to put space between us.

"W-what was that for?" I gasp. Laurance snickers.

"So I won't take you away from him with my amazing charm." Laurance replied.

"(Y/n)!" A voice in the distance calls out. I turn my head to find my brother, (b/n) running up to me. I gasp and smile, since it has been a long time since I saw him.

"(B/n)! How's it been?" I ask once he gets over here. He slows down once he gets closer.

"Happy birthday, sis!" He looks at Garroth and Laurance. "Who are these guys?" He points at them.

I take a step away from the wall. I point at Garroth, then Laurance. "That is Garroth and that is Laurance. We have been friends for a long time. Don't you remember them? We played tag together when we were little."

He just shrugs. "That was awhile ago. So it's nice to see you two again." (B/n) then puts an arm around me. "If either of you get any ideas about my sister, then you have to talk to me first. I'm the oldest in the family, so if you don't, then you will be in big trouble with me."

Garroth and Laurance nod their heads at the same time and give each other a quick glare. My brother then takes his arm from around my shoulder and walks away to leave. I follow.

     "Wait! I need to ask you something!" I yell after him. He stops and turns around, giving me a smile.

     "Anything for you sis. What did you want to ask me?" He says once I catch up to him.

     I look him in the eyes, but look down since he had a hint of Laurance and Garroth in those eyes. "How do I choose between them? If I choose one, then the other will get hurt. I don't want to hurt either of them. I need your help." I beg.

(B/n) smiles down at me. "Let your heart decide. Not your brain. The choice will come naturally, trust me." He gives me a brief hug before walking away. I didn't stop him.

I sigh and walk back to the guys. When I get there, both of them were staring at me. "What?" I ask. Garroth blinks rapidly

"Sorry. Do you want to go home?" Garroth asks. I nod my head. All I needed to do was sleep on this decision.

     Garroth took my right hand into his. I looked up at him to give him a smile, but he was looking away from me. Laurance growled quietly and took my left hand. I look up at him and smiled and he winked in reply.

     So we all walked home hand in hand.

     ~Time Skip~

     When we got home, Garroth opened the door for me and I walked inside. I heard the door click shut, so I knew everyone was inside. I walked up to my room to go to sleep, but Garroth grabbed my arm before I could get up there.

     He pulled my close to his body and whispered something in my ear. "Can we talk later tonight when Laurance is asleep? I need to talk to you." He whispers. I look up at him and nod my head. Laurance coughs, making me jump.

     "Let's get some rest." Laurance says. I nod my head and walk up the stairs.

     "Goodnight, my love." Laurance says before he heads off to his room. My heart flips. It's going to be hard to choose between the two of them. I don't want to hurt either of them, but I also don't want to break our friendship that we already have.

     Garroth comes up behind me and whispers in my ear. "Remember. Tonight." He whispers before going to his room. I sigh and open the door to my room. The door creaked shut. I then walked to my bathroom to change.

     Once I finished changing, I did my night routine and laid in bed, waiting for Garroth to come to my door.

     ~Time Skip brought to you by love~

     I heard I quiet knock on my door, indicating that Garroth was there. I stood up and opened the door, trying to make the creaking quiet and unnoticeable. Garroth puts a finger to his lips. I nod my head and quietly shut the door.

Garroth then leads me outside, quietly shutting the front door so we won't wake Laurance up. He then brings me to the dock. I put my hands on the rails and look up at the sky.

"The sky looks so pretty tonight." I say, admiring the sky. Garroth comes up to my side and puts a hand on mine and the other on the rail. My face flushed a light pink.

"It sure is, but it isn't as pretty as you." Garroth comments. I turn to face him.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask him. He does a quick squeeze and let's go of my hand to face me.

"We need to talk about... us." Garroth says, looking down at the ground. My breath catches.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Listen. I know you have feelings for Laurance and I, and I know that you have to choose between both of us, and I know that one of us will be hurt, but tell me, how much to you like me?" Garroth says. I don't answer.

"If you don't want to say anything, then you don't ha--" Garroth gets cut off by a kiss. It was quick. I pull away.

"I love you Garroth, but I also love Laurance too. I've know you both for so long that if I date either of you, our friendship will be broken. So honestly, I don't know what to do at the moment, but when the time comes, my heart will decide." I turn towards the lake again.

"I just hope it will be the right decision."


~Word Count: 1130~

12K reads? Really? Thank you all! I love you! You all are amazing! And sorry for the long wait, but I've been busy that I haven't had time to write. It's spring break now, so I should update in a couple of days.

Thanks for reading!


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