Chapter 11: Dream

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     -Your POV-

     I opened my eyes and everything was black except for me. I sat up and looked around.

     Nothing. Nothing but a black void.

     I stood up and dust myself off. "Hello?" I called out. No answer. "Is anyone here?" Again, no answer.

     Then a light came down from the sky. I looked up and shielded my eyes so I wouldn't go blind.

     "Hello my dear child." A voice says from the heavens. The light stops shining, so I uncover my eyes.

     "Irene?" I ask. "Is that you." I hear a high pitched giggle.

     "Yes, child. It is me, Irene. I have come to tell you something. Something very important that you must know," Irene says. I look at her eyes, but she had none, so I was looking into a hole.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm not Irene." Irene says. I gasp and stumble backwards, tripping over my own feet, so I fall down.

"W-what? If your n-not Irene, then w-who are you?" I stumble over words. The spirit laughs.

"I'm you, (Y/n). You are Irene. You can overpower Zane. Defeat him forever. You and only you can defeat Zane once and for all." The spirit comes closer to me and I back up until I hit an invisible wall.

"B-but that can't be. I can't be Irene. Irene has been known for centuries now. She died a long time ago. I can't be Irene!" I explain, tears starting to form.

"You are Irene. The Irene that was alive centuries ago is in you. When your magicks awakened, Irene gave you her power, meaning you. Are. Irene." 'I' say. I look up at her.

"What was the power that Irene gave me?" I ask, frightened by the spirit.

"The power is manipulation. You can make people do what you want them to do with just your mind." She says. The spirit backs up and floats into the air a little. I stand up, but my legs felt like jello.

"No... This can't be real. I can't be Irene. I don't deserve to be. I'm not. This isn't reality." I mutter to myself. I then get pulled off of the ground, my feet dangling underneath me. "Aaaaaaahhh!"

     I keep on getting pulled up higher and higher and higher until I all of a sudden comes to a dead stop. I stop screaming and look around. The spirit was nowhere to be found, but I couldn't fall down to the ground.

     "Hello? Spirit?" I called out into the black void.

     No response.

     Then all of a sudden, a light comes out of me, almost blinding me. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I scream.

     Then everything went black...


"Lord (Y/n), please wake up..." A distant voice calls out.

"(Y/n)~Senpai, please wake up! We need to go and defeat Zane~Kun..." Another voice whines. I groan and open my eyes a crack.

"What's going on?" I quietly ask. I try to sit up, but my head hurt so much that I payed back down. I put a hand to my head and I was sweating. A lot.

"(Y/n)~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan says. She pulls me into a hug, giving me a even bigger headache.

"Kawaii~Chan, leave her alone. She hit her head pretty hard when she fell to the ground. Lord (Y/n) most likely has a headache." Katelyn pulls Kawaii~Chan off of me, letting me be able to breathe.

     I bring a hand to my head. "Owwww. That hurt." I complain. I try sitting up again, but I fell back onto my back. "Can someone help me?"

     Katelyn helps me sit up. "Thank you." I rub my head and felt a bump.

"Anything for a Lord. Are you capable of going in and fighting Zane?" Katelyn asks me. I stand up and nod my head.

"Yes I am. Now let's go." I turn around and start to walk to the castle, but I stop once I saw the unstable bridge and the guards blocking the main entrance.

"How are we going to get in?" Katelyn asks. I look around, but found no spots to go in at. Then, I remembered something from when I was here.

I looked up and saw Laurance and Garrth through the skylight.

"Through the skylight." I mutter.

"What (Y/n)~Senpai?" Kawaii~Chan asks.

"The skylight. There is a skylight on top of the castle. Maybe they are in that one." I explain. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan look at each other, then back at me.

"How would you know that?" I look down at the ground. "Unless..." Katelyn thinks about what I could be or who I was working for or anything really. She couldn't have figured out that I'm Irene, right? If she did, then maybe she would have thought that I have flown over the castle while I was passed out and looked for an entrance. Either way, that would be incorrect since that didn't happen at all.

"Unless you work for Zane!" Katelyn bursts out, making me jump with all of the possibilities. My eyes then go wide to what she said and my mouth opens up into an 'O' shape. "That would be the only reason how you would know that there was a skylight above where they are captured."

I take a step backwards to try and give Katelyn and I some space. I didn't know how she reacts to her assumptions, but I'm guessing that she gets violent once she thinks something is true. The space in between us doesn't grow, but gets smaller than before.

"Katelyn, that isn't true!" I say, trying to get her to calm down. Her fists unclench, but her face doesn't change. "What I'm saying is true!"

     "How can I trust you? You could be working for Zane and trying to find out all of our secrets. You could be-" Kawaii~Chan gets in front of Katelyn and blocks her off from getting me hurt.

     "Katelyn~Sama, if that wasn't true, then why would (Y/n)~Senpai go and save Garroth~Kun and Laurance~Kun?" Kawaii~Chan declares. Katelyn just looks at her and blinks.

     I just shrug my shoulders. "She isn't lying." I state. I then turn on my heel and walk onto the bridge toward Zane's castle.

     Irene, I hope they are alright...



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     I can't believe this book is halfway to 5K. I never even imagined this book getting 1K, so thank you all dearly. You all mean the world to me.

     I may be starting a Sans X Reader book soon. I don't know, but I most likely will. If anyone of you wanted I read it... CX

     Thanks for reading!


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