Chapter 17: Escape

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I take a swing at Zane.


I missed.

"Do you really think that you can hit me?" Zane laughs. He swung at me, but I blocked it with my sword. I pushed Zane back, making him hit the wall with hard contact. He dropped his sword and I kicked it out of the way so he wouldn't be able to get it back.

I put the tip of the sword close to Zane's neck. "Answer my question. Why do you do this?" I repeat. He just laughs. The sword gets closer to his neck. He stretches his head high to make is throat have more room.

"Why should I tell you? If you WERE Lady Irene, then--" Zane starts, but gets cut off.

"She is." A voice said. All of the fighting that was happening stopped and everyone looked up at the ceiling.

"Who said that?" Aphmau says.

"It's Lady Irene from the past! EEEEEKKK!" Emmalyn says. I look over at her to see her jumping up and down. I shake my head and smile. Oh Emmalyn...

"She is correct. I am Lady Irene from the past. But I have come back in a different form. In (Y/n)." Lady Irene says. Zane gulps.

     "I-I'm sorry M'Lady. I didn't mean anything that I have done in the past." Zane apologizes while looking at me.

     "Zane, you have killed hundreds of innocents, maybe thousands. How can I forgive you?" I ask. I feel an arm around my shoulder to see Garroth and Laurance on both sides of me.

     Zane looks over at Garroth and smiles. "Well, if it isn't my big brother." Zane sneers. I bring the sword closer to his neck. He tries backing away, but fails.

     "Zane, why did you want Irene's Relic?" Laurance asks. Aphmau comes up behind me.

     "Like I said before, world domination." She says. Aphmau then gasps. "The portal!"

     I then remembered that the portal closed once everyone was here. "That's right! How are we supposed to get back?" I exclaim. Emmalyn then jumps into the picture with Kenmur at her side.

     "Besides the portal, there is another way to get out. By using the relic. That is the only way that we would be able to get out of here." Emmalyn says. I look down at my body and see a faint glow, getting brighter as each second passed.

"Back. Away." I say. Everyone who was next to me backed away. I turned around and held my arms out like an embrace.

"Be careful." Laurance says. I don't hear him. Soon, my whole body was glowing.

     "AAAAAHHHHHH!" I yell before everything went white.


     I jumped forward and collapsed onto the grassy ground. I landed with a hard plop! Garroth got flung over to a tree and Laurance landed in some bushes. Aphmau landed next to me, Aaron at her side. Emmalyn and Kenmur landed on top of each other in a grassy patch and Katelyn was shot over my head into the pathway.

     "... Ngh..." I groan, trying to move. I just collapsed onto the ground again. My shoulder still hurts from when Zane hit it. Wait, Zane...

     I groan while standing up, but I finally manage to. I look around and see Zane on his back, clutching his stomach.

     "Erg..." Zane whimpers. I walk over to him slowly. He sees me and backs away, clutching his stomach the whole time.

     Before I could get over to him, I trip over Katelyn and fall onto my stomach. I don't decide to move.

     And I fell asleep.

     ~Time Skip~

     When I woke up, I noticed that I was in my house. I tried sitting up, but I was hurting so much that I gave up. A knock came from the door and it opened. Garroth and Laurance came in with my favorite flower. They both saw that I was awake and came flooding over to me.

     "(Y/n)! You're awake!" Laurance says. He pulls me into a quick embrace.

     "Oh my Irene, you had me worried!" Garroth says. I smile up at both of them.

     Garroth helps me sit up. "Aww. You guys are too sweet. And you both got me my favorite flower? Thank you both so very much." I take the flower from their hands and put them close to my chest. I back up until my back hits the head rest.

     "It wasn't a big deal. We were just worried about you. You used a lot of your power trying to get us out of the Irene Dimension that you have been out for awhile now. We were feeding you and getting you water." Garroth starts to tear up. "(Y/n), we didn't want to lose you."

     I give him a sweet smile. "And I don't want to lose you two either." We sit there in silence. "Just a question, but how long was I out for?" I ask.

     Laurance answers my question. "You were out for a week or two. You had us worried sick. We brought you to the doctors and he said that you will be fine. He also said that there was something about you that made him not worry too much. The whole village brought you gifts. All of them are downstairs. When you are ready, Garroth and I will bring them up here." Laurance explains.

     "Oh... Okay." Was all I could say. I try standing up, but Garroth stops me.

     "And you aren't getting out of bed until we think it's okay. Both of us want you running the village at your full potential." Garroth says. I sit back down on the bed.

     Before they leave, each of them gives me a kiss on the cheek and I blush. Then they leave to go downstairs. I sigh.

     I hear a bird pecking at the glass door, so I get up and walk over to it. I stumble a couple of times, but I manage. Opening the door, I get a breath of fresh air. It felt nice. The bird flies inside and it looked like it was carrying a letter.

     Taking the letter off of the letter holder, I see that the letter was addressed to me. It was from Aphmau.

     Hmm... I wonder what she would want from me at this moment... I thought as I opened the letter.

     Once I opened the letter, I read it out loud.

     "Dear (Y/n),

     I hope you are better. You had us all worried sick. We gave you some blankets to keep warm while you were sleeping peacefully. Well, that isn't what this letter is about. It is about Phoenix Drop. I would rather tell you in person, so come to Phoenix Drop as soon as possible. We need you.


     Aphmau." I read.

     Oh no... Zane.


     ~Word Count: 1133-

     Thanks for reading!


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