Chapter 20: Zane

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After she said that, Aphmau and Alexis ran off, towards the Shadow Souls, towards danger.

Towards Zane.

I gaped, shocked at what Zane was doing. I quickly ran after them, shutting the door behind me. "Wait!" I yell after them when they got into sight. They didn't hear me. I continued to run after them, a few steps behind. Man, do they run fast.

When we got to the gate, they abruptly stopped, making me run into them. Aphmau and I gasped. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of Shadow Souls outside of Phoenix Drop's gates. Zane was by the gate, snarling at us.

"How are we going to defeat all of them..." Aphmau whispers in awe. I gulp. I honestly had no idea how we were going to defeat all of them. Even in my Irene form, I wouldn't be able to defeat them all.

"I don't know..." I trail off. She looks at me, then back at the gate.

All of a sudden, I hear a battle cry. I look past Zane and all of the shadow souls and see Laurance and Garroth. I smile and my sword materialized in my hand. I looked down at it and squeezed it. Aphmau took her sword out and looked at me, giving me a slight smile. I look at Alexis and she nodded her head. She went to the gate and opened it.

The Shadow Souls all went after Garroth and Laurance as they slashed their way through the crowd. Some of them went after us, but they mostly went after the two boys.

When I had the chance, I looked around and it looked like we made no progress. My clothes were tattered from all of the fighting, blood coming off of my hands. My breathing short, heart racing, sweat coming off of my brow. So all in all, I was not looking good.

Out of the corner of my eye, a Shadow Soul was racing after me. I quickly sliced it and it disappeared. I looked at Phoenix Drop and heard the screams of the villagers, making the blood and gore blurry.

     I turned my head away as a Shadow Soul came racing towards me, ripping my clothes completely off of my body. I yelled in pain as I clutched my stomach, falling to the ground with a hard plop! "Ugh... that really... hurt..." I groaned out in pain. I slowly stand up, struggling in the process.

     I grab my sword that was on the ground and hold it in a ready position. A Shadow Soul comes from behind me and I quickly slice it, feeling its presence. Garroth comes up to me and quickly and swiftly wraps a jacket around me. I look at him and smile.

     "Heh, thanks Garroth." I say, bashfully smiling at him. He smiles in return.

     "Don't thank me yet. Let's kill all of these so we can get the heck out of here." Garroth says before killing them. I smile and look at my sword, glowing brightly. Looking at the Shadow Souls, I run to them and slash through the jumble of them.

     Each died one by one, slowly but steadily, making the crowd disperse. All of us were panting, killing each one slower and slower. Once there were only a few left, Aphmau collapsed in the ground. We had to help her up and get her a drink of water. The Shadow Souls attacked us, but we easily killed them, even though we were really fatigued.

     The only person that wasn't was Zane.

     He was watching the whole fight, not doing anything. All he was doing was smirking at us. I looked at him and rushed over, getting ready to attack, but he snapped his fingers and he vanished into thin air. I stopped in place, wondering where he went.

     "Hm... Interesting. I'll have to add that to my notes that you guys are all weaklings when fighting the easiest monster." Zane's voice says, echoing off of the trees.

I bit my teeth as hard as I could, almost giving me a headache. "What. Do. You. Want. Zane." I grit through my teeth. He laughed, making us jump back.

"Oh, silly (Y/n). You don't know, do you." Zane says in a pitiful voice. I scoff. "You see, I want your relic. It's all I want. Then, I will go for the Ro'Meave relic. All I want is power, (Y/n). Don't you get it?"

I cross my arms and look at the sky. "Leave me and my friends alone or you will pay for all of the damage you have done." I state, a hint of anger in my voice. Zane laughed again. Garroth and Laurance came to my side and put a hand on my shoulders.

     "If you want to get to her, you have to get through me, first" Laurance says angerly. Garroth nods his head.

     "Same for me, baby brother." Garroth says. I smile at the both of them, making them give me a smile in return. Aphmau walks up to Laurance's side and puts a hand on his shoulder.

     "Zane, you will NEVER get what you want. You hear me? Even though we are barely any against your Shadow Soul army, we are more stronger than you will ever be." Aphmau says, shaking the trees.

     "Oh, Aphmau... You are too naive to understand. All of you are too naive for your own good. Just give up your relics and I will leave you all alone." Zane sneers and I scoff at him.

     "If you want our relics, you will have to put up a valiant fight against us. That will be the only way you could win." I say.

     "Hmph, fine. If you want to fight me, meet me in O'Khasis. I'll be there when you are ready." Zane says, "but you will never be prepared for what I have in store for you." Then his voice vanished, leaving us alone at the front of Phoenix Drop's gate.

     Garroth removes his hand from my shoulder and sighs. "Well, I guess we should get traveling." I look at him.

     "To where?" I ask, confused because I didn't want to head straight to O'Khasis when we can barely fight off all of those Shadow Souls.

     He sighs and says, "Scaleswind."


     [Word Count: 1053]

     Heyo! Sorry for the long wait, but I had major writer's block and have been busy since its summer. But I hope you all enjoy this and I'm sure I'll make a book schedule for when I'm updating books. Again, sorry for the long wait!

     Thanks for reading!


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