Chapter 21: Nicole

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     We started our journey to Scaleswind started the next morning. We got on the boat at the crack of dawn, ready for a long journey ahead. Garroth was pretty much sleepwalking from the lack of sleep he got. Laurance was well... fine. Aphmau and the rest were getting the supplies on the boat by the time Garroth, Laurance, and I got there.

"Hey guys. Are we almost ready to set sail?" I ask them. Aphmau puts the final box on the boat and turns around to see me. She smiles and walks down.

"Hey. I just put the last box on the boat, so we should be good to get going." Aphmau says, smiling. She turns to Aaron and the others. "Hurry up! We're about to leave!" She then waves at us to follow her as she walks up to the deck.

Garroth yawns and runs his eyes. "Do we have to leave at dawn? I'm not a morning person" He frowns and slouches his back. I sigh.

"Garroth, stop being a baby. If we want to defeat Zane, we have to get ready." I giggle. "Besides, this was your idea. You wanted to wake up early so we can get to Scaleswind earlier." Garroth sighs.

"When you put it that way, I can't argue with you." He says, chuckling. Laurance rolls his eyes and heads under the deck. I follow after him and see a few beds. I flop onto one of them.

Aaron, Katelyn, and Dante got on the boat and Aaron went to the wheel. We waved bye to anyone that was up at this time (which was very few). I closed my eyes and sighed at the rocking of the waves.

In five minutes, I fell sound asleep.


Someone shook me awake and I groaned. "Ngh... five more minutes..." I mumble, turning away. The person sighed and lifted me out of the bed into a sitting position "Woah!"

I was fully awake and glared at the person shaking me awake. It was Aphmau. "Why did you do that?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Y/N, we're at Scaleswind. We need you to meet the Lord." Aphmau says, letting go of my arms. I rub where she grabbed because she gripped my arms hard. Geez Aph, you're strong...

"We are? I slept through the whole trip?" I ask. She nods her head. I get out of bed and dust my clothes off. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I walks up the stairs and down to the dock.

My eyes went wide at how well Scaleswind looked. It defiantly looked like a place that was constantly getting better. I had a lot to learn...

"Aphmau! It's been ages!" A girl with red hair exclaims, rubbing up to Aphmau to give her a hug. Aphmau didn't hesitate to hug back.

The girl was wearing goggles on her head and a dress. She looked like she was always working, so I'm guessing that this Redhead was the lord. The redhead turned to me and smiles brightly. "And you must be the new Lord of V/N. It's a pleasure to meet you." She gives me a bow and I'm shocked at her actions.

"And you must be the Lord of Scaleswind. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." I say, giving her a quick bow. She smiles.

"Call me Nicole." She says. Nicole... Why does that name seem familiar...?

"I'm Y/N." I reply. Garroth walks up from behind me and comes to my side. Laurance does the same, but to my other side. Nicole noticed the two and squeals.

"Garroth! Laurance! Hey!" She runs up to both of them and gives them a hug. "It's been too long!" She pulls away and sees Dante coming out of the boat and blushes. "D-Dante? I-Is that you?"

Dante sees Nicole and his eyes go wide. "N-Nicole?" He runs up to her and pulls her into a hug. She quickly hugs back, smiling.

"Oh my Irene, I can't believe it's you..." Nicole says. I smile at the two. Apparently, something is going on between those two.

     Dante says, "me either..." I back away, not wanting to ruin their reunion. I walk over to Aph.

     "What's going on between those two...?" I whisper. I cross my arms and smile.

     "I think they had a thing a long time ago, but honestly, I don't know." She whispers back. Just then, a little boy that looks a lot like Dante comes running to Nicole.

     "Mom! Can I practice my sword fighting now?" He asks, tugging at his mom's clothes. Nicole looks down and smiles.

     "Of course!" She says, looking at the child. She then looks back up. "Guys, this is my son, Demitri. Say hi." We all gasp.

     "Wait, you had a child? I'm so happy for you!" Aphmau says, rubbing over to Demitri. "Hello, little fella! You're so adorable!"

     Demitri doesn't know how to react, so he just stares at Aphmau. "Uh... who are you?"

     We all laugh. "Well, I'm Aphmau and these are my friends!" She points to me first and goes down the line. "That's Y/N, the Lord of V/N. Next, there's Garroth and Laurance, my guards before they went to being Y/N's guards."

     "Im Katelyn with Kawaii~Chan to my side. Then there is Aaron, the quiet one." Katelyn finishes. Dante turns to Demitri.

     "And I'm Dante. It's nice to meet you, Demitri." He holds out his hand to shake and Demitri accepts.

     "Hello Dante and everyone else. It's nice to meet you!" Demitri says, smiling. Kawaii~Chan gushes over how cute he is. I roll my eyes.

     "Uh, Nicole? May I ask you a question?" I say. We needed to get started on our training so we can defeat Zane.

     She turns to me. "And what may that be?"

     I close my eyes and sigh. Slowly opening my eyes, I look at her. "Can you train us so we can defeat Zane?"


     [Word Count: 1105]

     Thanks for reading!

--=< Ann >=--

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