Chapter 2: Phoenix Drop

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     -Your POV-

     Do I- Do I like them? I thought as I was walking downstairs. I can't. They have just been friends to me for so long. There is no possible chance that I like them, right?

     "(Y/n)? What are you thinking about?" Garroth asks me. I jumped a little at the sudden outburst.

     "Wha-Oh it's nothing. I was just thinking that maybe... uhh... maybe... we should go around to other villages and introduce me as the new Lord. Yeah! That's what I was thinking." I thought up something quick so Garroth wouldn't find out that I was thinking of something different.

     "That sounds like a great idea. Let me go and get Laurance." Garroth says. I nod my head and he runs up the stairs. I decide to look around the house a little bit more because I never really went into the Lord's house.

     Man this place is big! I thought. I looked around in amazement. I couldn't believe that I was the new Lord. Is this a dream or a reality?

     "I'm ready!" Laurance says as he comes down the stairs. I look up at them and smile.

     "Which village should we visit first?" I ask the two of them when they got to the bottom of the steps.

     "It's your choice. You are the Lord." Garroth replies. I giggle.

     "I remember when we first came here and we past a village. Let's go and visit that one." I say after thinking for a little bit.

     "You mean Pheonix Drop?" Laurance answered my explanation.

     "Yeah! How do you know the name?" I respond. The two of them looked at each other, so I knew something was up.

     Garroth hung his head. "That is where we disappeared to."

     -Aphmau's POV-

     "Aphmau!" Katelyn yells across the village. I turn to look at her to see that she was coming from the gates.

     "What is it?" I ask her as she comes closer so I don't have to yell.

     "Garroth and... pant... Laurance are... pant... here with a... girl... pant..." Katelyn says in between pants.

     Wait... Did she just say Laurance and Garroth are here? I thought. "GARROTH AND LAURANCE?!? ARE YOU FOR REAL?" I excitedly say. She nods her head. "Bring me to them!"

     And we were off towards the gates.

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     When we got to the gates, Alexis was waiting for me. "Open the gates." I demand Alexis. She obeys. The gates open and Katelyn was right. Garroth and Laurance were at the front of Phoenix Drop, waiting. They turned and saw me. I went rushing over to the two of them and gave them a big hug.

     "Aphmau! It's been so long!" Garroth says once we pull away. "How have you been?"

     "I've been great! But why did you two run off?" I ask them. They look at each other and turn around to look at a girl I have never seen before. Laurance turns around first.

     "We went to go and find our friend, (Y/n)." Laurance explains. I nod my head and look at the girl and take a closer inspection. "Come here (Y/n). Come and meet the Lord of Phoenix Drop."

     -Your POV-

     Laurance and Garroth went running up to someone that I couldn't recognize and hugged. Is that the Lord of Phoenix Drop? I thought quietly. I look around to see that it was a well developed village. I can see why they came here in the first place. It's really nice. I won-

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