Chapter 19: Phoenix Alliance

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     The Phoenix Alliance? I wonder. Aphmau kept her head down.

"What's the Phoenix Alliance?" I ask Aphmau. She looks up at me.

"It's a group I made so if anyone needs help, they can come to us to find sanctuary." She explains. The Chicken Shaman nods his head furiously in agreement.

"That's exactly why I joined." The Chicken Shaman says while jumping around. His chicken followers did the same thing that he was doing.

This... is... I think in my head. No.

"So Chicken Shaman, how many years has it been since I have seen you?" I ask him, trying to make him stop for one, and to change the subject for another.

He stops, thankfully, but gives me a confused look. I don't know why he did, but he did. "What do you mean? It's only been 15 years. Then again, the last time I saw you was when that blonde guy and the brown haired dude disappeared. Never learned their names..." He says.

I blush. "Garroth and Laurance." I state. He looks at me, confused.

"Hmm?" He asks. I sigh.

"Garroth and Laurance were their names." I say.

"Oh." He says. The Chicken Shaman then noticed my red cheeks. "Oooooooooh. Now I know why you were looking for them. It's because you li--" I quickly run over to him and put a hand over his mouth to quiet him from saying that I liked the two boys.

"Shhhh." I whisper. He looks at me and nods his head.

"Mhm." He says. I take my hand away from his mouth to blush at the next thing he said.

"It's because you like them." The Chicken Shaman quickly says. I gasp and my face turns into a tomato because of how red it is. I quickly look down, avoiding the gaze from Aphmau.

"You like those two?" She slowly says. I peak up to see that she was in shock.

I lift my head up to meet her gaze. Not the best decision, but I did. "Y-Yes I do." I quietly say. Aphmau's lips curve into a grin and she jumps around.

"Eek! I knew it!" She exclaims. I raise an eyebrow to show that I was confused.

"You... knew?" I ask. She nods her head.

"It's the way you talk to them and the way you look at them that sealed the deal that you liked them." Aphmau says. He cheesy grin then turns into a frown. "But you can only choose one, huh?" She looks down at the ground.

I nod my head. "Yeah. But I don't want to break either of their hearts though!" I counter. "It's just that..." Aphmau looks up.

"They're my friends, but also my lovers."


I was sitting in Aphmau's house once we finished talking. We were going to discuss the Phoenix Alliance. At the moment, Aphmau was getting some tea that we can discuss over.

Before when we were talking, Aphmau gave me some advise to help choose the right one.


"Do you want some advise?" Aphmau asked me. I look at her and nod.

"Yes please, that would be appreciated." I replied.

"I will leave you two alone." The Chicken Shaman says. Honestly, I forgot that he was here once we started talking about Garroth and Laurance.

"Okay, thank you." I say before he gets out earshot with his chicken followers. I turn my head back to Aphmau. "Now, for that advise?"

She smiles and puts an arm around my shoulder. We then started walking around Phoenix Drop. "So, you see..."

We walked around while she told me what I should do. I smiled at all of the ideas on what I should do.

"Well, what I would do is wait for them to ask you the question. That always helps you to figure out which one you should be with." Aphmau says. I look at her in confusion.

"How?" I ask. She looks away from me and looks ahead.

     "It just does." She says.

     "The thing is, both of them told me they loved me, but I don't know how to respond to that." I say. Aphmau takes a quick glance at me before turning her head back to the path.

"Oh." She stays in silence for a couple of seconds before blurting out "so maybe that doesn't work ALL the time." I laugh and throw my head back. I see a G to the left and a L to the right. The first letter on my name was in the middle. I sigh and look back down.

Maybe I'M the one that has to make the move...

~Flashback End~

Aphmau comes back out while I thought about what she told me. I look at her and smile when she hands me the cup of tea.

     "Thank you." I say as I reach for the cup. She nods her head and sits across from me.

     "So... why do you want to join the Phoenix Alliance. We would like some new recruits, but I want to know why you are joining us before I let you in." Aphmau says. I nod my head.

"Well, I would like to join the Phoenix Alliance because then I will be able to help others who are in need when they need it the most." I start. Aphmau nods her head.

"Continue." She states.

"I also want to join the Phoenix Alliance because when I need the help, I will get it when I need it." I say. She nods her head again. "I won't be any harm and neither will my village."

"And I trust you on that." Aph says. I nod my head. All of a sudden, a guard with a pink bow barges in. Aphmau quickly stands up. "What is it, Alexis?"

Alexis, apparently, was out of breath, so she had to catch it before saying something that Aphmau and I didn't expect.

"The Shadow Souls are here..." Alexis started, "and they brought Zane with them."

Aph and I both gasped. Aphmau then turned to me and said, "Welcome to the Phoenix Alliance."


~Word Count: 1015~

Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy.

Thanks for reading!


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