Chapter 8: Confession

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     -Your POV-

     I woke up and fluttered my eyes awake. I looked out of my glass door out to the balcony to see snow falling. I threw the blankets off of me and rushed to the door.

     It's actually snowing! I thought excitedly in my head. I looked around my room so I could find shoes to go outside. I saw my slippers and put them on. I then opened my door and leaned over the railing on the balcony.

     I saw everyone outside playing in the snow, enjoying the day. Giggling to myself, I walked inside and shut the door. I rushed downstairs to see Garroth eating pancakes. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey (Y/n). Did you sleep well last night?" Garroth asks with pancake in his mouth. I bounce over to him and give him a hug.

"I slept great last night! I can't wait to go outside and play in the snow," I stopped hugging Garroth and walked over to the glass door that leads out to the porch, "but I never got the chance to. We never got snow where we lived. Don't you remember? There was no snow on the ground for a long time, until one day there were snow flurries, but the snow didn't stay. So I never got the chance to ACTUALLY play in the snow." I reply. I turned towards Garroth again and smile to myself. He was stuffing his face with pancakes, which made me giggle, grabbing his attention.

Garroth turned to face me and his cheeks were puffed out like a squirrel's cheeks. "What?" Garroth asks, but it sounded like, "whuuu?" He chewed and swallowed the pancake before getting up and coming over to me.

     "What?" I ask him. I leaned back on the counter as he got closer. Garroth leaned closer, almost as if he was trying to kiss me, but went past my lips to my ear. His voice tickled my ear.

     "Do you want to build a snowman?" He asks in a sing-song voice. I grab his shoulders and pull him out to arms length. Starring into his sky blue eyes made want to kiss him, but I fought the urge.

     Instead of kissing Garroth, I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Who would say no?" I replied before rushing away and going to my room. I ran up the stairs to see Laurance running down. He ran right past me, not even saying hi.

     Weird. I thought. I walked the rest of the way once I got to the landing.

     When I made it to my room, I shut the door and leaned my back against it. Why do I feel this way whenever I'm with Garroth or Laurance? I asked myself. I slid down to the ground. "Uuuuuuugh!" I called out. I looked over at my bedside table and saw a photo of the three of us together. Getting up, my heart started to quicken.

     When I got over to the table, I picked up the picture frame and smiled. I touched Garroth and Laurance's faces with my thumb. I smiled at the two of them.

     "That's the reason why." I whisper. I flop down on the bed and pull the picture to my chest. I sigh.

"(Y/n)?" Laurance calls out. I turn my head towards the door. I sigh once again, stand up, dust myself off, and walk towards the door and open it.

"Hey Laurance. What do you need?" I ask in a sweet voice. He smiles down at me.

"C-can I talk to you? In private?" Laurance asks while looking down. I gasp.

"Sure!" I say. I open the door fully and let Laurance walk inside. He goes to the couch and sits down. I shut the door and walked over to the couch that Laurance was sitting at. I sat down next to him.

"So..." Laurance starts, but stops. I look at him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask. He looks at me.

"Oh. Uhh... I wanted to talk about... us..." Laurance stutters. I hold my breath. I turn away from his eyes and look down I my hands, fiddling with them.

"Oh." I say. He grabs my hands and holds one in each hand.

"(Y/n), ever since the first day I met you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You make every day livable. You make me feel loved. So... I wanted to say that I... that I..." Laurance explains. I held my breath for the second time.

"That you...?" I encourage him. He looks me in the eyes and smiles.

"I like- no. I love you (Y/n). I love you with all of my heart." Laurance says. He then pulls me into a hug, surprising me. I quickly pull away.

"Laurance-" I start until I hear a knock on my door.

"(Y/n), can I come in?" Garroth asks. I turn towards the door, then back at Laurance, then back at the door.

"Give me a second!" I call out to him. I turn back to Laurance. "You need to hide. I can't let him see you." I whisper. He nods his head and goes over to my closet.

"Can I come in now?" Garroth asks. I turn towards the closet to see Laurance just shutting the door. When he finishes closing it, I go over to the door and open it for Garroth to come in. "Thanks."

     "So... What did you want to talk about?" I ask as I shut the door behind him. I turn around to see Garroth standing by the patio door. I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at me. His sky blue eyes staring back into mine.

"(Y/n)..." Garroth says dreamily. I smile. "I've liked you since the day we met, but I couldn't confess until now."

     I gasp. "I... I didn't know you felt that way about me Garroth." I reply.

"Well, now you know." He says. Garroth then leans in, making me think that he was going to whisper something to me again.

But I was wrong.

Garroth puts his lips on mine, making a bunch of energy jump out of me. I stumbled a little, but he caught me. His firm grip keeping me from falling.

I pull away, touching my lips after. "Garroth-" I start until the closet opens up, showing Laurance. I turn towards him, then back at Garroth. Oh no...


So sorry for not updating sooner but I 1) was out of ideas and 2) needed a break. If you read the A/n, then you would understand.

Please don't be afraid to ask me questions for the Q & A. I would love to tell you guys somethings about myself.

If you want chapters to come out sooner, leave a like and a comment telling me you want more! (And questions for the Q & A CX)

Also, if you want to read more books by me, then check out my profile. I have a few other books that I'm working on and am going to get working on again.

I hope you enjoyed! And thanks for 2K reads! I'm so excited!

Thanks for reading!


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