Chapter 9: Magicks

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     -Your POV-

     Oh no... I thought as Laurance came out of my closet. This isn't going to be good...

     "So. You finally confessed." Laurance says with a grin on his face.

     "Yeah. Why-" Garroth starts before Laurance puts a hand up to stop him from going on.

     "Right after me." Laurance states. "Why is that?" I look at Laurance, then back at Garroth.

"Umm... This is awkward..." I say. Both of them look at me, making me the center of attention. Laurance then grabs me, picks me up, and gives me a kiss.

"Laurance! Put her down!" Garroth calls out. Garroth pulls me away from Laurance and sets me on the ground.

"What if I don't want to?" Laurance challenges. He picks me up again and kisses me. This time, I kissed back.

What if this leads to them fighting... over me? I question. I pull away from Laurance, making me fall to the ground. I clutched my arm since I fell on it. "Oooooooowwwwww!" I screamed. Garroth helps me stand up.

"Do you need anything?" He asks me. I look at him and smile. But I then frown.

"I just n-need to go." I stutter while backing away from the two of them. Once my back hits the wall, I turn towards the door, open it, and run outside, slamming the door behind me.

Tears streamed down my face. People looked at me in different directions, making me feel like I'm stupid, dumb.


I ran and ran and ran. I ran out of (V/n) and ran into the forest, collapsing against a tree. I slid to the ground and looked at my arm.

No blood, thankfully. It's probably just badly bruised. I think. I look up at the sky and sighed.

"Oh Irene. Please help me." I prayed. I closed my eyes and leaned my head up against the tree. I could hear my heartbeat slow down.

The forest was lighting up. I could see the light even though my eyes were shut. I opened them and saw a spirit coming down from the sky towards me. The spirit floated down slowly.

When the spirit got down to me, I franticly stood up. "Irene!" I say surprised.

     "Oh (Y/n). You have grown up so much. You know that I have been watching over you and I am quite pleased with your actions." Irene says. I gape at her.

     "Y-you are?" I stutter. She nods her head.

     "I am. And as for that, I want to give you your magicks. It will be the magicks of love." Irene tells me. Again, I gape at her.

     "T-the magicks of l-l-love? But that doesn't help at all!" I complain. Irene springs light out of her, making me shield my eyes so I don't go blind.

     Then everything went black.

     -Time Skip-
     -Third Preson POV-

     When (Y/n) woke up, she was still in the forest. She rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleepiness out. Sitting up, (Y/n) remembered Irene and her giving (Y/n) the magicks of love.

     "Why? Why the magicks of love? That doesn't help at all." (Y/n) complain to the sky.

     "Over here!" A voice says. (Y/n) turn towards the path to see a couple of people riding horses. Both of which she has never seen before. It looked like they were both girls. One with a very light blue hair and the other with a light pink hair. The girl with pink hair has cat ears and tail. Both were riding horses from Phoenix Drop.

My Friends, My Lovers || Garroth x Laurance x Reader || Needs EditingWhere stories live. Discover now