Laurance's Epilogue

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     Looking at myself in the mirror, my sparkling white dress shined in the light like the stars shine in the clear skies above. My hair, which Aphmau did, looked amazing. The small white flowers with bright pearls in the middle added an extra detail that made everything look better. Aphmau held up the veil with a pearl headband and smiled at me as she put it on top of my head. Stepping away from her handy work, Emmylin comes rushing over with my bouquet of flowers that held some simple, yet beautiful flowers and a few ribbons of F/C. The engagement ring on my left finger made me realize that this wedding is the final declaration of my love to him, the one that I have loved from the start.

     Considering my dad wasn't around, nor was anyone of my family, Aphmau and Emmylin decided to walk me down the aisle. Even though I asked Garroth, he was too busy with his next mission to attend. Laurance is still best friends with Garroth, but considering our tight schedules, we never get the chance to talk to him much.

     As the final touches of my makeup we're put on, it finally hit me that I was getting married. The simpleness of the skirt of the wedding dress that I picked out contrasted with the decorated upper part perfectly to where they fit each other like the Yin and Yang symbols. The train of the veil wasn't too unnecessarily long, but it was long enough to where Aphmau's child is helping out.

     As the two ladies who helped put this whole thing together, their faces said all what I already knew. They were proud that I finally was able to find happiness after the chaos that happened only a couple years ago.

     "You look outstanding, Y/N," Aphmau says after a few minutes of admiring the finishing look. Smiling, I thank her and turn towards the aisle. Aphmau and Emmylin go to opposite sides of me and loop their arms in my own. They each were wearing a beautiful bridesmaid gown with the same color of the ribbon in the bouquets.

     After only a couple of minutes, it was my turn to walk down the aisle. Taking my first steps, I realized how many people showed up. It seemed like the entire town came to see this day of happiness. I saw multiple of my friends, Aaron included, and then I looked over at the huge tree where Laurance was. Before my eyes could hit my fiancé, I saw a blond haired male leaning against the side of the tree where the ceremony wasn't going to see him. His eyes locked with mine and he gave me a smile before he pointed to my awestruck soon-to-be husband.

     Laurance was staring at me with total admiration. The closer I got, the easier it was for me to see that he had tears brimming his eyes. My heart broke in a happy way knowing how happy he felt. Once it was time, I took my rightful place next to him.

     We held each other's hands and the ceremony began. The usual talk about the happy union between two people who share the loving bond with each other took place and we said our vows. Once it was time for the ring placement, Laurance muttered something that only I could hear after everything he had to say. "You don't seem to be talking much," he whispers.

     Smiling, I do the exact same to him. "At least I always talked more than you," I reply after I finish the required talk. We looked at each other and the passion I felt beat any kind of love I had before.

     "You may now kiss the bride," the officiate says. We nod and look at each other. Before Laurance leans in to seal the happiness, he whispers something that made everything worth it.

     "I may be a man with few words, but the only words I want to tell you on a daily basis are 'I love you.'"

     And then the first kiss of our new adventure was planted on our lips.


Laurance's story has come to an official end. Thank you all for joining me on this journey and I hope to see you all in the future.

Much love,

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