Chapter 5: Christmas Gifts ~Christmas Edition~

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-Your POV-

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of my bed. New day as the lord. Let's see how well this day goes. I thought. I got out of bed and did a quick stretch, then looked at myself in the mirror. I rubbed my head, trying to fix my hair since it was a mess.

"Last night was fun," I said to myself, "but let's hope the the guys won't find out who I kissed." I pulled my shirt down and my socks up. I walked to the door and opened it so I could go downstairs.

Walking down, I remembered the kiss that I had with him...


-Garroth's Part Flashback-

     "So...?" I say shyly. I look down and start to blush. It's weird. Having a kiss with someone that you may or may not like, especially when it is your first kiss.

     Garroth cupped my face in his hands and lifted my chin up, making me look into his eyes. Garroth's sky blue eyes mesmerized me, making me start to lean in for the kiss. I wanted it so bad. Garroth smiled and leaned in also, closing the gap between us.

     The kiss was sweet with kindness. It wasn't rough like I thought that it was going to be, so I didn't kiss back at first. But after awhile, I did. It felt so nice kissing him. I melted into his arms, loving him for that little bit. He pulled away.

     "Heh." Garroth said. I smiled and tucked my hair behind my right ear.

     Best. Christmas Eve. Ever.


     -Laurance's Part Flashback-

"So you knew it was here?" I ask Laurance. I look him in the eyes and smile up at him.

"Yeah." Laurance says. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to his body. I look him in the eyes for a split second before Laurance kissed me. I was in shock for about a second before I realized that he kissed me, so I kissed back.

The kiss was passionate. It's hard to describe these other feelings that I felt. I just know that it was a great kiss.

I pulled away. "Wow." I said before smiling again.

     Best. Christmas Eve. Ever.


     -Aaron's Part Flashback-

     "Aaron! What are you doing here?" I ask him. A hint of passion goes over his eyes, but quickly goes away.

"I came here to give a special someone a gift." He says. I look down and blush a light shade of pink.

"Who is this special someone?" I ask. Aaron lifts my chin up and kisses me. I was surprised at first, but quickly kisses back. My stomach was filled with butterflies.

Aaron pulled away. "Does that tell you who it is?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

I smile up at him. "It sure does."


-Flashbacks over-

I smiled at the memory. I got down to the bottom of the stairs to see that Garroth was making breakfast in the kitchen. He turns my way and smiles.

My Friends, My Lovers || Garroth x Laurance x Reader || Needs EditingWhere stories live. Discover now