Chapter 13: Save (Pt 2)

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     I blinked my eyes open to see that I was in a cell. My arms and legs were chained to the walls. I struggled to escape, but it was no use.

     "ARGH!" I screamed, but I knew it was useless. I slumped against the wall and I could see tears welling up in my eyes. I heard a creak, so I made my head look in the direction of the door. Zane was in the doorway. I instantly looked away. I don't know what he did to me, but I felt weak and limp.

     He walked over to me. "I see you are awake now. How are you feeling?" Zane says. I growl up at him, making him laugh. "Feisty, huh? Didn't wake up on the right side of the bed? Oh wait... You don't have a bed."

     I planted my feet on the ground and tried to claw at his neck, but he jumped out of the way and the chains wouldn't let me go any farther. "Let me and my friends go you PSYCHOPATH!" I scream in his face. His response was a smirk.

     "Psychopath? You're pathetic. No wonder you were so easily controllable. Just like your friends." Zane sneers, making me kick him in the stomach. He hurls over and clutches his stomach. "Oww..." He says weakly.

     "You deserve it." I respond. I try yanking off the chain, but it only tears my flesh each time I try. Zane walks up to me and pulls my shirt so I'm face to face with him.

     "If you EVER defy my power again, I will DEMOLISH YOU! Do you hear me?" Zane threatens. I nod my head. He lets go of my shirt and I take a deep breath in and out. Zane starts walking out of the door, but I call out to him.

     "Zane?" I ask him. He turns around and looks at me.

     "What is it? I have to talk with the others soon." He says, his hand on the doorknob. I hang my head.

     "Never mind." I whisper. Zane just shrugs and walks out the door. "I just wanted to know if you remembered me."


     The next few days dragged on. My wrists and ankles were killing me since they hurt from the shackles. I got water and food regularly and the guards brought me to a toilet every few hours. But one day, something happened.

I was in my cell, waiting for my lunch when all of a sudden, a light shine down upon me. I was flying up into the air, a yellowish glow around me. I was ready to scream, but it never came. I was floating up on my back. I noticed that the chains were broken.

Once I stopped floating upwards, my arms and legs were changing from their normal color to a transparent golden color. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. My hair was surrounding my face, tickling my nose. Soon, my whole body was being transformed into the golden haze.

     Then, there was a bright light that surrounded me. I let out a scream before I floated down. I knelt on my knees and looked at my body. Turning to my right, I looked into the mirror that kept me from going insane to see Irene as me. My hair was long and wavy with a flower crown holding it all in place. I had on a long dress with flowers embedded at the breast part. On my feet were white slip-ons with flowers at the toes. So as I can tell, Irene liked flowers.

     Zane busted down the door with two guards beside him. He stopped in his tracks and gasped. "W-who are you and what did you do with (Y/n)?" Zane stutters at first, but regains his confidence. I stood up, shaky at first, but I regained my balance.

     I looked Zane straight in the eye. A strange power was building up inside of me. I looked down at my hand to see a white glowing ball in my hand.

     "Well? Are you going to answer me?" I brought my hand up even with my head and faced Zane once again.

     "Do you want to see what this does?" I say coolly. Zane steps back and pushes one of his guards forward. "Then tell me where my friends are."

     Zane stops pushing the guard forward and gives me a look. But he sighs and looks down.

     "They are in the western wing. All of them are next to each other. You should be able to find them pretty easily." Zane mutters. I barely heard him. I shot the ball at the wall and it made a whole. I ran out of the room and into the western wing. I knew exactly where Zane would put them.

     Room 201. Garroth. Room 202. Laurance. Room 203. Katelyn. Room 204. Kawaii~Chan. I unlocked all of them as I ran by them. They looked confused, but ran out. All of them turned to look at me.

     "Run. Get out of here." I demand, pointing towards the front of the castle. Garroth and Laurance nodded before bolting out of the castle. I could feel my Irene power slipping from my grasp. "RUN!" I yelled at Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. They didn't take one second to run. I ran with them, trying to hold onto my power in case I needed it.

     When we made it outside and off of the bridge, my Irene powers slipped away and I was in my normal clothes, my normal hair, everything was back to normal. Well, except for that whole in the wall, but that's okay.

     I took a deep breath in and looked at everyone. "Well, at least we are out." I relieved. They all were looking at me with their mouths agape.

     "Woah..." Garroth said.

     "Uhh..." Laurance says.

     "..." Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan didn't say anything. I must have given them a confused look because all of them snapped out of their daydream.

     "What?" I ask them. They didn't reply. I just shrugged my shoulders and linked my arms with Laurance and Garroth. "Whatever. Let's just go home. Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, you can come with us if you want. I don't mind."

     And we were on our way home.


     Sorry for the long delay, but I haven't been feeling up to writing AND I had a lot of homework to do. But don't worry, I'm back!

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     If you want to read different books by me, make sure to check out my profile. I'm currently working on an Undertale book, so if you are in the Undertale fandom, make sure to check it out.

     Thanks for reading!


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