Chapter 16: Irene's Dimension

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"I just hope it will be the right one." I say. Garroth and I just stare at the sky in silence.

     "Lord (Y/n)." A voice says behind us. Both Garroth and I turn around to see Lord Aphmau standing there.

     "L-Lord Aphmau!" I gasp. "What are you doing here at this time at night?" Aphmau's expression said that it was an emergency.

     "I came here to tell you something. Something urgent." She says. "Zane figured out a way to get into the Irene dimension. I think he went there to get Irene's Relic."

     I stand there stunned. "Irene's Relic? Why would he want that?" Garroth asks. Aphmau looks at him, but turns back to me.

     "I think he wants Irene's Relic for world domination." Aphmau says. I hear rustling behind Aphmau to see Katelyn, Emmalyn, Kenmur, and Aaron. I also saw Laurance wearing his gear and holding Garroth's guard gear also.

     "We can't let that happen." I say. Aphmau tosses me a sword and I catch it. "Let's go. Where is the portal?"

     Aphmau points in the direction that they came from. "In Phoenix Drop. Let's go." Aphmau then leads us to the portal.

     -Time Skip-

     On the way, everyone taught me how to use a sword since the last time I used one, I never held a sword. I mostly needed to learn how to guard myself and handle the sword. Garroth and Laurance taught me how to guard myself while everyone else showed me different ways to hold the sword.

When Aphmau stopped in front of Phoenix Drop's gate, she turned around to face us.

"Is everyone ready?" She asks. I nod my head.

"We're ready." Katelyn replies. Aphmau nods her head.

"Then let's go." And we were going to the portal.

-Time Skip-

Once we got to the portal, I felt stronger. Like it was meant for me. Emmalyn then says something.

     "Guys, just to warn you, in Irene's Dimension, for every minute that we are in there, a year passes by in the overworld. If we are there for too long, then we could loose all of our friends. They could move from the village or even worse, dead. Are you sure you want to take that chance?" Emmalyn says.

     I look around at everyone's faces. "If that means getting rid of Zane, then I'm in." I say. Everyone nods their heads. I look down at my clothes and gasp. I was wearing Irene's outfit. I also had the flower crown on and angel wings on my back. My sword materialized into a sword that looked like it came from the heavens. The sword felt... comfortable in my hands. I had sparks flying around me.

     Everyone looked at me and gasped. "L-Lady Irene? Is th-that you?" Aphmau asks, stunned. I just stare at her. She then bows down to me. "M'Lady."

     Everyone does what Aphmau does. I just stand there, shocked. "H-Honestly, I don't know if I'm Irene or not. I know I am a descendant of her, but I don't know if I AM her." I reply. Aphmau then stands up.

     "(Y/n), you are wearing her clothing, without you even knowing. You must be Lady Irene. And that sword..." Aphmau says. Garroth stands up and takes the sword from my hands to admire it.

     "It's nothing like I have ever seen before. Emmalyn, do you know what this sword is made of?" Garroth asks. Emmalyn looks up and quickly stands.

     "That is DEFIANTLY Irene's sword. You see, no one has ever seen it before. Only in pictures. So no one has ever figured out what kind of materials the sword is made of. But there is a thing that I know about the sword. When it's near darkness, it makes the darkness see light. So maybe if you strike Zane with the sword, he will see what he has done wrong. We can then question him if we can get him back. But if we are too late..." Emmalyn explains. Laurance stops her before she could finish.

     "The longer we stand here, the longer Zane is getting closer to the relic." Aaron says. We all looked at him in surprise.

     "He talks!" Laurance says. I giggle.

     "Let's go and get back the relic." I say before heading on through the portal.


     Once I made it through the portal, I saw a huge castle with Irene's symbol at the front. I looked behind me to see that Kenmur was the last one to come through the portal. Before I knew what was happening, it closed.

     "Wha..." I trail off.

     "Let's go." Garroth says. He then walks into the castle, everyone following suit.

     The castle was all white. There was a fountain in the back. I saw Zane standing in front of a pedestal.

     "Finally. After all of my hard work, I finally I have Irene's Relic. Now when I add this to my power I--" Zane says, but gets cut off by the relic disappearing from his hands. "What the--"

     The relic appears in my hand that wasn't holding my sword. I stared at it and it got absorbed into my body. I looked up to see Zane staring at me.

     "How did you find out I was here?" Zane asks.

     "I just knew." Aphmau says. She takes a step forward. She was next to me.

     "Leave this dimension, Zane." I say, strict. He just sneers at me.

     "How can I if you closed the portal?" He says.

     "Huh?" I ask. Zane laughs.

     "If you are related to Irene, then you would be the only one to close the portal. But since all of you are stuck here, I might as well kill you." Zane says before he laughs evilly and changes into his Jury of Nine form.

     Katelyn runs up to Zane to attack, but he pushes her away with his sword. "KATELYN!" I exclaim while running over to her. Katelyn was unconscious, her body cold.

     "Katelyn, please listen to me. You have to get up. I can't lose a friend." I say almost in tears. I turn around to face Zane.

     "This was too easy. Guards. Get the rest of them. I will handle her." Zane orders. His guards followed what he said and attached everyone else.

     "NO!" I scream. "I WONT LET YOU DO THIS ZANE!" I run over to him and slash at him with my sword. He dodges.

     "This is too good. Just too good." Zane says, his voice echoing off of the walls. He swings his sword and scrapes my shoulder. I cry out in pain. Zane then knocks my sword out of my hand and pushes me to the ground. He holds the tip of the sword to my neck.

     "Zane, you don't have to do this." I say, hoping to stall for time. I look at my sword and back at Zane.

     "When it's near darkness, it makes it see light." Emmalyn says in my head. I gasp.

     "Goodbye, Lord (Y/n). It was nice knowing you for the little time I have." Zane sneers before lifting his blade up to take a final blow at me. I yell out a battle cry and reach for my sword. I felt the handle and grab it.

     And I take a swing at Zane.


     ~Word Count: 1223~

     Thanks for reading!


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