Chapter 18: Chicken Shaman

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I run over to my closet and throw something on. I didn't do anything with my hair. I then ran over to the door, open it, and run into Garroth. Both of us fall, with me on top,

My head fell onto his warm chest. I wanted to lay there, but I had business to attend to. I gulp before I look into Garroth's eyes.

     He looked shocked. I smile down at him. "Hehe..." I laugh, trying to break the tension. I then quickly try to get off of Garroth, but he pulls me back down by the shirt. I was only 5 centimeters away from his face.

     "Do you remember what I said before I left?" Garroth says. I swallow my saliva.

     "Yes, I do. But I have to go to Phoenix Drop. It's important." I reply, trying to get off of him for the second time. It was no use. He held me firm.

     "You need your rest, (Y/n)." Garroth says.

     "It's important, Garroth." I say back.

     "Rest." He says.

     "Importance." I reply. Soon after, I giggle. He chuckles in response. "This is so stupid." I sigh. I look over to my left and smile.

     "Yeah." He says, giving me a side smile. I turned my head to look at Garroth and we stared into each other's eyes for what felt like eternity. Before I knew what was happening, Garroth closed the space in between us. I gasp.

     My lips betrayed my heart. My brain told my lips to kiss him back while my heart told me that I had to get to Phoenix Drop. Even though the kiss was short, my heart fluttered.

     I pulled away and I could feel the heat rising into my cheeks. Garroth was flushed also. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Garroth whispers.

     "Heh... It's okay Garroth. I understand. You just... wanted to break the tension." I say, even though I wanted to say that you wanted to show that you were here also, not just Laurance in this love triangle.

     I then stand up and hold my hand out for Garroth to grab. He accepts and grabs it. I pull him up and he dusts himself off.

"I need to get going. Tell Laurance that..." I trail off, seeing Laurance 10 feet behind Garroth. Garroth turns around and gasps.

"How much did you see?" He asks. Laurance frowns.

"Enough." Laurance says before walking down the stairs. I chase after him, but trip over the first stair. Luckily, Garroth caught me and pulled me back up so I could regain my balance.

I catch my breath. "Thank you, Garroth. But I need to one, talk to Laurance about this love triangle and two, get to Phoenix Drop. What I was trying to say before was will you and Laurance watch over (V/n) while I'm away?" I explain. Garroth nods his head.

"I wouldn't talk to Laurance right now. When he's mad, he turns into his Shadow Knight form. I will talk to him while you are away." Garroth says. He starts walking down the stairs, but stops just before he gets to the bottom. "(Y/n), be safe."

And he disappeared around the corner. I sigh.

Let's hope that everything is alright in Phoenix Drop.


     When I get to Phoenix Drop, everything was hectic. I saw Aphmau pacing, so I went up to her and tapped her shoulder.

     She jumped and turned towards me. When she sees who it was, she sighs. "Thank Irene you came. I needed you to come as soon as possible. Zane did something to Phoenix Drop and escaped the holding cell. Now everyone is running around like a chicken with their head cut off." Aphmau stressed. I put a hand on her shoulder to give her comfort.

     "What about chickens with their heads cut off...?" A voice says behind me. Aphmau sighs.

     "Hey Chicken Shaman..." Aph trails off. The Chicken Shaman is. Behind. Me. FANTASTIC.


     I was walking around when I saw a guy with a chicken outfit on. He saw me and waved me over.

     As I walked over to him, I saw about 20 chickens following him. Is this guy crazy?

"Why, hello there. What is a pretty lady like you doing in the Chicken Village?" He asks, twirling around. I put a hand on my forehead and slowly shake my head in disappointment.

I look up at him. "Umm... This isn't the 'Chicken Village'. This is (V/n). And who are you?" I say. He laughs.

"You must be kidding. This IS the Chicken Village, not stupid (V/n). And how do you not know who I am? I am the Chicken Shaman. The rightful leader of Chicken Village. Now let me ask you again. What is a pretty lady like you doing in the Chicken Village?" He says. I sigh.

     "Well, what I'm doing here is just walking around. I needed some fresh air since my best friends haven't shown up in a couple weeks. I'm hoping that they aren't... Wait, why am I telling you this?" I realized. The Chicken Shaman laughs.

     "I have that impression on others." He says while laughing. I just stare at him. A few second later, I turn around and walk away.

     Let's hope that I never have to see him again.

     ~Flashback End~

     Why is he back?? I ask myself. I slowly turn around to see that he has aged about 15 years since I last saw him. How long has it been since we went into the Irene's Dimension?

     "Hello Chicken Shaman..." I say, taking a step back. He turns his head towards me and smiles.

     "It's you from stupid, little (V/n). What are you doing here in Phoenix Drop?" He asks me. I quickly smile at him.

     "Well, I'm here for business." I reply. He nods his head and turns towards Aphmau.

     "Now Aph~mooo, I have accepted your request for the Phoenix Alliance." He says. Aphmau just shakes her head.

     I give her a questioning look.

     The Phoenix Alliance?


     ~Word Count: 1017~

     Sorry for not posting in awhile. I've been busy.

     Thanks for reading!


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