Chapter 7: A New Years Kiss ~New Years Eve Edition~

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     -Your POV-

     I fluttered my eyes awake to see Garroth and Laurance looking down at me.

     "W-where am I?" I ask them in a groggy voice. Their eyes opened wide and Garroth hugged me.

     "Thank Irene that you are okay." Garroth whispered. My whole body gets sent a cold shiver, but I hug back. He pulls away and helps me sit up.

     I look around to see that I was in a hospital. It looked exactly like my dream, except I wasn't strapped in.

     Was it a dream? I ask myself. I look at Laurance to see he was looking at me with a small smile on his face. I'm hoping it was a dream. If it wasn't, I don't know what I would do with my life.

     "Guys?" I say. They both look at me with concerned looks on their faces.

     "What is it?" They say in sync. My heart skips a beat and it felt like my face was heating up.

     "U-u-umm..." I stutter, which makes them even more concerned. "How long have I been asleep?" I ask, avoiding the question that I really wanted to ask.

"About a week." Laurance says. I stare at him with wide eyes.

"A WEEK!?" I shout. Garroth puts a hand over my mouth to muffle what I was saying.

Laurance nods. "It's been a week. But at least you are alright before New Years Eve." He comments. Garroth takes his hand off of my mouth and I sigh.

I look at Garroth, my heart fluttering. "What did the doctor say?" I ask him.

Garroth looks at Laurance. It looked like he was telling Laurance to say what the doctor said. I looked at Laurance. He sighed. "The doctor said that once you woke up, you won't be able to leave unless you are completely healthy. And by the looks of your scars, it doesn't look like you will be able to leave." I looks down at my legs to see three scars from the Shadow Souls.

"Ugh! I thought I would have been able to leave," I say, "but maybe being here for New Years Eve isn't so bad." I smile at them and they smile back. I then pull them both into a hug and sigh.

The doctor walked into the room. "Well, I see that you have finally woken up." She said. She came over to me and set her clipboard down on the side table, "now let's see how healthy you are."

The doctor does tests on me, which all came out to be healthy. "It looks like I was wrong." Laurance whispers to Garroth. All he does is nod.

"Well, it looks like you are all healthy, so I guess I can let you go." The doctor said. She writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to me. It looked like an exit paper. I look back up at the doctor. "Be safe." Was all she said before she left the room.

I looked at the boys. "I guess we are leaving this place." I say before jumping out of the bed. I walk to the door and was about to open it until Garroth puts a hand on my shoulder.

I turn to face him and I see that he has my clothes. "Missing something?" He asks with a smirk on his face. I make a grab for my clothes, but he puts them over his head.

My face flushes a dark shade of red. "Give me my clothes back!" I whisper. Garroth lifts my chin up and I thought that he was going to kiss me, but he just looks at me with a curious look on his face.

"What's the magic word?" He asks.

"Please?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. Garroth smirks again and starts running around the room.

My Friends, My Lovers || Garroth x Laurance x Reader || Needs EditingWhere stories live. Discover now