Chapter 11: Ichigo Kurosaki

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Aika's POV

We all hurried to the front entrance to see who it was. We saw a tall boy with bright, orange hair. That's kind of strange for a human, isn't it?

"I thought I felt some spiritual pressure. Hey Toshiro," the guy spoke cheerfully. Captain Hitsugaya glared at him.

"I've already told you a thousand times, it's Captain Hitsguaya to you!" he growled.

"Yeah. Anyway, who are you two? I've never seen you guys before," he stated while turning his attention to Takara and I.

"I'm Takara Ryusaki, Squad 10, 4th Seat," Takara spoke with a small wave. Soon I noticed that it was my turn to introduce myself.

"Oh, I'm Aika Mori, Squad 10, 5th Seat," I spoke with a bow. "It's nice to meet you-"

"Ichigo Kurosaki," he finished for me, "Substitute Soul Reaper." I tilted my head to the side.

"Substitute? I didn't know we could have a Substitute Soul Reaper," I said. He smiled at me.

"You must be new then. I've helped out the Soul Society for a few years now," he stated.

I nodded, "Yeah I am. I joined only a few weeks ago." Ichigo smiled to me and then turned his attention back to Captain Hitsugaya.

"So why did you four come here anyway?" he asked.

"Under the Head Captain's orders. The Hollow numbers have been fluctuating recently. We have been sent here to assist the problem," Captain Hitsugaya explained.

"The Hollows have seemed to have be acting up lately. I had to get rid of about thirteen last night." Ichigo held his head up and laughed slightly. "All of these Hollows have been starting to get to me. I need to study for my classes and they won't let me!"

"Well, we going to take care of it," Captain stated. Ichigo nodded and the four of us walked pasted him and outside. "As I said earlier, from here until the end of the mission you can do whatever you please. They only thing that you must do it take care of any Hollow that you encounter." After that, we all separated. Well, I guess by separated I mean that the captain went in one direction and Rangiku, Takara, and I went in another.

"So, what do you guys want to do while we have some free time?" Takara questioned.

"We should go shopping!" Rangiku exclaimed. Takara whined and Rangiku pouted.

"Something less girly," Takara specified. 

"We don't have to shop for just clothes! It could be for all sorts of things! Food, electronics, books, DVDs, CDs, and of course clothes. There are so many things at the mall, everyone can find something they like there!" Rangiku beamed.

Takara brought a hand up to her chin. "Hmm, I don't know. What do you think Aika? Anything sound interesting enough at a mall?" I looked over at them.

"Um, well... I guess I could go for some lunch," I suggested.

"Yeah!" Rangiku pumped her fist in the air. "Afterwards, can we please shop for some clothes?"

"I don't mind," I spoke, "The bottoms of my outfit are a little too short, so I wouldn't mind getting something different. What do you say, Takara? Want to shop a little after we eat?" I smiled at her and Rangiku gave her a begging puppy look.

Takara sighed, "I guess so. Just don't force me into a store that I'm up to my ass in pink." Rangiku nodded and we hurried into the rather large building. 

Rangiku first led us to an area of the building with large amounts of sweet, mouth watering food. We wondered around the booths until we picked one that was serving Italian food, mostly pastas and pizzas. Rangiku ordered for us: a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and cheese filled crust and three medium drinks. Rangiku handed us the cups and we filled them with a fizzy drink called soda. Rangiku said it was really good, but I've never had it before and I know they don't have any of it in the Soul Society. I took a sip and enjoyed it. The Cola was ice cold, sweet, and very bubbly. Takara and I sat down when Rangiku carried the so-called pizza over to us.

"So, is this pizza good?" I questioned while poking the cheese. I wailed at the hot touch and sucked on my finger. Rangiku and Takara giggled.

"It is when you're not burning yourself with it," Rangiku teased. She then severed a slice and put it on the plate in front of me. She did the same for herself and Takara. "Try it! It's really good." I took my index finger out of my mouth and set it in my soda. Picking up my slice of pizza, I held it to my mouth and just as I was about to take a bite, a ring came from my pocket, and from Rangiku's and Takara's. Rangiku hurriedly pulled out her Soul Pager and flipped it open.

"There's a Hollow," she stated. Takara pulled her's out too.

"And not just one," Takara spoke.

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