Chapter 26: Sisters

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Aika's POV

            As the near full moon floated deep within the sky, I sprinted throughout the first three districts of West Rukongai. They should be back at their house by now, right? It's been four days since the attack. They might be asleep - it is 4:30 in the morning - but I have to talk them. Soon, I arrived the doorstep and ran in, not bothering to knock

            "Chou! Yoshie!" I shouted as I ran throughout the house. My eyes wouldn't seem to adjust to the dim light provided from the moon, so I continuously ran into objects, but I continued to run. I stopped quickly when I heard talking from behind a door.

            "Yoshie. Yoshie! Wake up!" a panicked, slightly deep feminine voice shouted. A groan followed.

            "Chou, just answer the damn door. I want to sleep," the mumbled, slightly higher pitched female voice groaned. I easily placed the older sounding voice as Chou's and the younger as Yoshie's.

            "Someone's in the house!" Chou shouted once again. I heard soft fabric tumbled to the ground just after a couple loud thumps erupted from the room.

            "What?! They're NOT taking my food!" Yoshie shouted as I heard quick footsteps run towards the door. Quickly backing up, Yoshie barged through the door with a small dagger in her hand and a crazed look in her eye. She spotted me and lunged, but stopped short, realizing it was me. After catching herself, she stared at me.

            "Aika?" she asked slowly. Chou slowly came out and peeked from behind Yoshie. Her eyes filled with shock and happiness. She ran out from behind Yoshie and hugged me tightly.

            "Aika!" she sobbed and she pressed me against her. I lied my head against her collarbone and closed my eyes. She set her chin on the top of my head and let a few tears slip into my hair. Yoshie lit a candle just as I opened my eyes.

            "Aika!" she shouted as she pulled me away from Chou. She easily picked me up under my arms and set me on her hip.

            "Whoa, you're strong," I mumbled as she squeezed my side. She grinned at me.

            "I can't believe you're back," she exclaimed. "What was with the whole calling me 'Miss' thing?" I frowned and jumped off her hip. 

            Slowly, I explained everything that had happened, from a few weeks ago when I first fought Junko, to just an hour ago with my fight with Captain Hitsugaya.

            "So, basically, you had a fight with your boyfriend and ran off to find us and search for Miki?" Yoshie questioned. My shoulders fell.

            "Captain Hitsugaya is not my boyfriend. He's-" I stopped. What is Captain to me? Even though he hurt me by not allowing me to save my own sister, I still care for his well being. I enjoy spending time with him. I can easily talk to him, too. Sometimes, I tend to forget that he is my captain. I once almost slipped up and nearly called him by his first name, but luckily, I caught myself just before I did. I also love how he makes me feel. Whenever he talks to me, other than a few occasions, he treats me with such respect and care. He realizes that I'm very sensitive. He is the only one that treats me this way. Even Rangiku, Takara, and Hajime tend to tease and sarcastically say mean things to me. I know they mean no harm, but I personally don't like that kind of stuff even if it is just teasing. Captain Hitsugaya cares for me, but sometimes tries to hide it, which is kind of funny. Whenever he has complimented me about something I've done or something about me, I feel really special. Occasionally, I would blush whenever he complimented me. I really care for Captain Hitsugaya. I know that.

            "Captain Hitsugaya is my friend, nothing more," I finally stated. Yoshie raised an eyebrow.

            "Ya know, while you were off in La La Land, you randomly starting smiling. Were you just thinking about this captain of your's?" she questioned. I nodded and a devious grin grew on her face. "Someone likes someone~!" she sang.

            "Yoshie, don't tease Aika!" Chou scolded while Yoshie giggled. I pouted and flushed slightly.

            "I don't like him that way." Yoshie rolled her eyes as she tugged on her black night kimono.

            "Anyway, what's this plan of your's to save Miki? I've search to the ends of the earth and haven't found shit," Yoshie stated. Chou glared at Yoshie just as she said the curse word. Yoshie glanced back and then snapped her head to Chou. She gave her an innocent smile. "What? It's not like she's a baby anymore. She fourteen. She's heard it by now." Chou rolled her eyes and focused back on me.

            "I planned on going to the Kuroda residence. I know Katsuo isn't there, but his family is. It's possible that they might know something, or maybe he left a clue of some sort there that may lead to me where he's hiding," I stated.

            "How do you know he's not in the Soul Society?" Chou asked.

            "I know he has to be with the Arrancars - the people with a little piece of skull on them and a Hollow hole somewhere on their body that helped with the attack at the wedding - because, if he wasn't with them, they may go awol. If they were here, I, and every other person who had even a miniscule amount of spiritual pressure, would feel it, and the Soul Reapers would have already taken them down. They can't be in this dimension; I know that. So, I'm going to the Kuroda mansion to question his parents and siblings," I said. Yoshie stretched her arms with a loud moan.

            "Okay, just give us about ten minutes and we'll be ready," she spoke through the groan and sighed once she was done. My eyes widened slightly.

            "Wait, what?"

            "Do you need anything to eat before you go? We have plenty," Chou stated as she gestured to the cabinets behind her.

            "You guys can't expect me to allow you to come with me," I stated. The both stopped and stared at me.

            "Uh, we're coming. No arguing about it," Yoshie stated as she walked towards a closet and started pilfering through kimonos.

            "But it's too dangerous for you two! Neither of you have ever been trained properly with a sword!" I exclaimed.

            "Aika." Chou placed a hand on my shoulder. "We can take care of ourselves. We'll be fine." She spoke in such a soothing tone. I gave her a pitiful stare. I took a hold of her hand and sighed.

            "Okay, how about this: You can come with me to the Kuroda residence, but I will decide if it's too dangerous for you to come with me to wherever Katsuo is hiding and keeping Miki hostage. Deal?" They both stared at me before they both smiled.

            "Deal," Yoshie called before turning back to the closet full of kimonos.

(A/N) I feel like this chapter is longer than the rest. Meh, whatever. It was written over a year ago, so how can I remember?

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