Chapter 6: Poem

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Toshiro's POV

        "That was Hirako. He gave you permission to join my squad," I stated while she smiled.

        "That's wonderful news, Captain Hitsugaya. Do you mind if I go back to my barracks and bring my things here?" she spoke softly. I smiled back at her politeness.

        "Not at all. When you come back, I'll show you to your new room," I said. She nodded and then walked out of my office. I grabbed the book off of the armrest of the couch and flipped it back open.

        "Captain!" Rangiku gasped, making me drop the book on my lap. "I didn't know you read poetry!"

        "It was the first book I grabbed. Do you mind getting out of my personal space?" I stated, glaring behind me at her. She pouted and softly whined but she moved and sat on the other side of the couch.

        "So Captain... What did you think about Aika?" Rangiku tried. I immediately spotted her attempt for her to get me to say I had one of those petty crushes on her so I avoided that easily.

        "She's a well taught fighter," I stated simply and then turned the page, bored with the poem I was currently reading. I read the title, True Love by Robert Penn Warren. Nope. I turned the page and read the next one.

        "Captain! Don't be so mean! You know full well what I am talking about!" Rangiku complained.

        "If you are saying that I having taken a special liking to Aika, then you are wrong. There is no such thing as love at first sight. Those kind of things take time and work. So at the moment, that is all I think of her: She is a good fighter," I explained.

        "Do you at least think she's cute?" she questioned.

        "Rangiku, you know I have no need to think about such things. Now shut up about it," I spoke with a glare in her direction. She sighed loudly.

        "You two are too alike already! You both only say one thing about each other and won't admit if the other is cute or not!" Rangiku complained.

        "That's your opinion," I stated while flipping through the book. I am now learning that poetry does not interest me. I continued through the book as Rangiku left the room to probably go drink with Shuhei. I heard a soft knock on the door and some scratching at the screen. Then I heard what sounded like many boxes falling down. 

        "Oh no!" a voice exclaimed. I easily placed the voice to Aika's. I set the book down and walked out of the office to see Aika sitting on the floor, gathering up some bathroom supplies from a toppled box while the many others sat around her like an audience.

        "Do you need any help?" My voice caused her head to shoot up.

        "I-I couldn't ask for your help, Captain Hitsugaya-"

        "I insist. You helped me with my paperwork so the least I could do is help you carry your belongings," I spoke. She smiled and nodded. She scooped the rest of the supplies into the box and I picked up nearly all of the boxes and carried them into my office. I set them in the corner and she dropped her few on top.

        "What cha reading?" she sang. I followed her voice and noticed her picking up the book of poetry. She gave me a questioning look. "You read poetry?" she questioned.

        "I just picked a book out of the shelf," I stated while walking towards her. She flipped through at least fifty pages until she looked up at me.

        "I love poetry. I especially love the ones about dreams or love. They're all just... just so pretty," she exclaimed. I sat down beside her and looked at the book.

        "Then convince me that poetry isn't a waste of my time," I sighed. She looked over at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back to her as she flipped a few more pages in the book.

        "Okay then. I'll read you my favorite. It's a little old but I think those are the best," she grinned. She softly cleared her throat. "How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight 

For the ends of being and ideal grace. 

I love thee to the level of every day's 

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. 

I love thee freely, as men strive for right. 

I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. 

I love thee with the passion put to use 

In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. 

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose 

With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, 

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, 

I shall but love thee better after death."

        I stared at her in awe. That was a beautiful poem. I can see why it is one of her favorites. Poetry still is not my thing though. I continued to stare at her when I felt my cheeks beginning to flush red. Oh God damn it, why now? I blush because of a poem near a girl?! Karma, why must you hate me? I looked away to make sure she didn't see when I heard a snap. Her head flung up and looked around accusingly while mine did the same. Rangiku then walked out from behind a corner holding a faded picture in her hands.

        "This picture will be perfect for the Seireitei News Magazine," she smirked. My eyes widened and I jumped up, startling Aika. She laughed and then flash stepped away.


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