Chapter 15: Dumbfounded

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Takara's POV

"Why'd Toshiro make me come in here just to watch her sleep?" I sighed. I dropped my head into my palm.

"Hey," Hajime called from the other side of the door as he pushed it open with his side. "Brought dinner." He revealed the large tray with a little less than three meals on it. I faintly smiled.

"Thanks," I breathed as I took a roll off the plate. "It's been at least five hours since I've eaten last." I took a large bite in the bread. "Do you know why the midget is making me babysit?"

"Beats me," he said as he set the tray on the nightstand. He grabbed a bottle of sake and two bowls. "I have an idea, though." He poured us both some sake. "Do you think he might have a thing for her?" He handed me a bowl, and I took a long drink.

"It's possible, I guess," I spoke. "But hasn't he only known her for, like a couple days?"

"No, he met her when she first joined a few weeks ago." I held out my bowl and he refilled it.

"I don't know if I can take sitting here anymore," I sighed as I quickly finished that bowl.

"I can-" He took a bite of his pasta. "Wake her up for you." He took another bite, but talked with his mouth full. "If you want me to, I will."

"Please, do it" I begged as I reached for my chocolate and strawberries. He grabbed the bowl and handed it to me. I popped one in my mouth and he stood beside Aika. What's he going to do to her anyway? He grabbed the Band-Aid that rested on the bridge of her nose and ripped it off. She jolted awake and quickly sat up, panting loudly. A groaned followed her panting. Then, her hand flew up to her left eye, feeling it as if to see if it was still there.

"What in the world was that?" she mumbled then fell back onto the mattress. I brushed off her comment. She probably had some weird dream after that fight.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," I grinned. "Or maybe I should say, 'Good night.' It is past nine."
"What day is it?" she mumbled. I gathered what looked like her dinner and set it on her lap. Then, I helped her sit up.

"Don't worry. It was only yesterday that the attack occurred," I stated. She nodded and slowly started eating. I smiled as her fork finally reached her mouth.

"Takara, don't you need to go tell Toshiro that Aika's awake?" Hajime questioned.

"Oh!" I quickly then started shoveling the rest of my strawberries in my mouth. "Yeah, I got to go." I rushed to the door. I looked over my shoulder at Hajime. "You coming?"

"Uh, yeah," he mumbled. He pushed the rest of his food back on the tray. He walked over to me and then we left the room.

Aika's POV

I sat there, completely dumbfounded to the situation. Why were they acting so eager and excited suddenly? And why would Captain Hitsugaya wish for someone to tell him when I woke up? I shrugged my shoulders and went back to eating my Ramen. It's not my favorite, but at least they brought me something that I actually like. I grabbed the glass of green tea off of my plate and slowly took a drink, my hand shaking the entire time. I've lost so much energy that I can't even do something as simple as move my hand without feeling weak. Suddenly, I heard three knocks on the door. I set my drink down.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened to reveal Captain Hitsugaya. I smiled. "Hello, Captain."

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he sat in the chair previously occupied my Takara.

"Much better. Thank you for asking," I spoke.

"Your spiritual energy; it hasn't recovered yet."

I laughed slightly. "Yes, I've noticed. I'm barely able to even hold a glass. Other than my weak energy, I'm doing just fine." He smiled, something I've heard was very rare.

"That's good. I'm glad that you aren't very injured." I giggled.

"Thank you for your concern, Captain Hitsugaya, but there's no need to worry about me. I'm only a fifth seat, so I'm shouldn't be too high on your worry list," I spoke. He frowned. Why did he stop smiling? My expression fell into a frown, too.

"That's not why I asked it you were doing better," he stated. Before I had a chance to ask him what he meant, he shot up and walked towards the door. "When you gain your energy back, come back to the Squad 10 barracks and I'll assign you to something." 

He left me at that, completely and utterly dumbfounded.

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