Chapter 32: Captured

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Aika's POV

             After pulling my Shihaksho top over her head and saying a quick prayer, I flash stepped back towards Los Noches. Again, fatigued washed over me, and I nearly tripped. My eyelids drooped, and I slowed my run to a walk.

            What time is it?

            My stomach growled again. I don't care anymore. I just need to find Miki, take her back to the Soul Society, eat something, and take a nap. I just want to get this over with.

            Bringing myself to a slow run, I arrived back to the ruined castle within fifteen minutes. I cracked open the large door and peeked in. A long empty hallway stood on either side of me. Searching for any Hollows or Arrancars, I found none. Happy with my findings, I leisurely walked about ten feet before I felt a sharp pain in my head. Black started to edge around my vision as I fell, and I caught a glimpse of my assailant.

             A tall man with deathly pale skin, long shoulder length black and white hair, and dressed in all black stood behind me. He held his sword backwards, making it obvious that he hit me with the hilt. He appeared bored and annoyed. Just as my vision blurred and started to fade, he put his sword away and threw me over his shoulder.

Unknown POV

            Why does Kuroda always put me up to these asinine jobs? I'm the strongest out of all of us, so why did he send me after a weak, half-dead, little girl? I huffed.

            "Whatever," I mumbled as I started to head towards Kuroda's "throne room," as he calls it. He's no king, yet he acts like a monarch and treats us like his peasants. We're all stronger than him. But because he promised greatness for us six with his manipulative lies, we're all stuck here to do his bidding. He's a genius, inventing poisons and elixirs to do anything you could dream of. He did make us considerably stronger than before, but he told us – he gave us his word – he would make us stronger than the Head Captain of the Soul Reapers by sevenfold. He rose our strengths about three ranks.

            Although all of this is just so painfully obvious, I am the only one with half a brain to realize it. I noticed Hotaru walking towards me, and I sighed. Well, maybe I'm not the only one.

Aika's POV

            "Wake up..." a soft voice spoke.

            My eyes remained shut.

            "Wake up!"

            I couldn't open my eyes. I'm too tired.

             "Wake up, damn it!"

             I was slapped across the face, and I jolted up. A short, red headed girl was standing beside the man who knocked me out. The girl sighed.

             "Finally," she mumbled.

             "Lord Kuroda! She's up!" the man called behind me.

             Slowly, I turned. Katsuo Kuroda sat in a sliver throne, wearing an elegant kimono. He had grown considerably since we had last spoken, becoming the spitting image of his father. Flawless, fare skin, shinin amber orbs for eyes, and light dirty blonde, shoulder length hair that seemed perfectly messy – he was incredibly handsome and looked like his father when he was younger. Although, his expression was the exact opposite of anything his father stood for. He appeared diabolic, very intelligent, and greedy. He smirked at me.

            "Takehiko! Hotaru!" His voice has also gotten deeper and smoother, but still nowhere near the deep bass tone his father had. "You are dismissed." The two Arrancars bowed and left quickly. Katsuo proper his head up with his hand.

            "Aika, you've changed since we last spoke. How have you been?" he spoke kindly. I sneered to him.

             "Cut the crap, Katsuo. Where's Miki?" I demanded. He smiled.

             "You really are weak right now. You, Aika Mori, are just barely under a lieutenant's level, but that fight with Junko has truly taken a number on you." He reached into his pocket and threw me a mirror.

             "Why do you carry a mirror with you?" I asked while examining myself. I was pale, very pale. My eyes were dulled and there were dark circles under them. Burn marks were scattered on my face, neck, chest, and hair, burning through my clothes. All of the tips of my hair was singed along with random spots on my scalp. Again, I felt the urge to puke.

            "I only have one today for this reason. Do you see what I mean?" he spoke. I glared at him.

            "I don't care what I look like. I just want my sister." He laughed.

            "And why should I comply to your demands?" He barely dodged the hand mirror I threw at him. "That doesn't help your case," he stated. I fell to the floor and started coughing. I stumbled to my knees and vomited out whatever remained in my stomach along with some blood.

             "It seems that I concluded correctly with the side effects of the drug Junko injected into you," he stated as he finally stood from his chair. "Nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea, fatigue, slight internal bleeding, muscle pains, slight insomnia at first, but then a comatose state for an unknown amount of time. So, I suppose an ultimate side effect would be death," he spoke as he walked closer to me. I gagged again.

            "Before I do... I'm getting Miki back." I dropped my head. "I'll... I'll do anything." I paused, rethinking over my thoughts. "I'll marry you, just like you wanted!" I exclaimed while my head jerked back up. He stared back at me with a blank look.

              "Did you really think that I was still waiting for you to change your mind?" He glared at me. "That offer expired a long time ago. I no longer wish to be with you. Why do you think I abducted your younger sister? To play tea party and baby dolls all day long? All of this was to torture you. Everything I do is for your suffering." He smirked at me and kneeled down to my level. "Even though a perfect way to torture you would be to marry you and force you to live with me, you repulse me now." He laughed softly. "Besides, a more perfect pain is being away from the one you love."

            I raised an eyebrow. "Who-" I gagged then cleared my throat. "Who are you talking about?" I rasped.

            He scoffed. "The little captain you are under. Sometime ago, I created on artificial Soul Reaper and placed him to watch over you. Even though you only encountered him once, he observed you from afar. He recorded you spending great amounts of time with your captain. You exhibited high levels of excitement, serenity, yet nervousness at the same time. He also showed similar emotions although they were masked by his professional front."

            Katsuo was silent. So was I.

            Questions buzzed around my head. Is he going to free Miki? Who is this spy? What's he going to do with me? Is he telling the truth? Do I love Captain Hitsugaya like Katsuo said?

             "Takehiko! Hotaru!" Katsuo yelled, interrupting my thoughts while he sat back in his throne. My assailant and the girl who was with him earlier entered the room. "Take Ms. Mori to her holding cell. This conversation has come to an end," he stated while I slowly tried to jump to my feet. Before I could even stand, the red headed girl, Hotaru, I presume, hit me in the side of the head with her sheath, and I was immediately out.

(A/N) Okay, I know this is late, but all last week I was sick and exhausted. I think I had a stomach bug actually. Swimming was taking up quite a lot of time with having two meets last week plus I have exams this week that I was having to prepare for. I have good reasons for once. Also because of exams, I may not be able to update till the end of this week. Sorry, I know that's kind of a dick move, but, sadly, school has to come first. At least I was smart enough to tell you guys in advance.

I hope you enjoy the chapter and good luck to all others who have exams this week! :--)

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