Chapter 27: The Kuroda Mansion

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Aika's POV

            Because neither of my sisters knew how to flash step, we had to jog through the entire district, setting the time I thought it was going to take me back greatly. It took nearly an hour to reach the Kuroda residence, making it somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. Of course there were guards at the gates leading into the mansion, so they wouldn't allow us in, until Yoshie became involved. She wouldn't take no for an answer and ultimately started a fight with the guards. I was forced to interfere because the guards were much more well trained than my sister. Luckily, I had only knocked them unconscious.

            We ran by their unconscious bodies and into the mansion, where we met more guards. Taking over, I easily defeated them and we ran even further into the mansion. I stopped once we reached the top of a giant staircase. To our left and right was two other staircases.

            "Okay, so this is what we're going to do. I want you two the go investigate in Katsuo's old room," I stated.

            "Are you sure he's not in there?" Chou questioned.

            "If he was, you two would have been crushed already by his spiritual pressure." Chou seemed to freeze at my statement. "Anyway, I'm going to find his father. He will tell me anything he knows about Katsuo that I want from him." Yoshie fist pumped.

             "Yeah! Let's kick some rich boy ass!" she cheered as she kicked a vase off of a pedestal, causing it to smash upon impact.

            "What are you doing in my mansion?" a deep voice spoke. I jumped and looked to the right. At the top of the staircase with a candle in hand, stood Isao Kuroda - Katsuo's father. He slowly walked down the stairs, his footsteps echoing throughout the mansion. Once he reached the bottom, he lit the candle on the wall. The light illuminated the area, showing Isao the intruders. I was in front, ready to defend my sisters. His face remained calm as he smiled softly.

            "Aika Mori. The young girl who has seemed to control my son's every action for the last twenty years," he spoke. I bowed to him.

            "Hello, Lord Kuroda. How are you faring?" I said in the most formal tone possible.

            "Oh, I'm managing. Fumiko has been quite ill lately, but it should pass soon."

            "I'm sorry to hear that. You have my prayers," I spoke with another bow. He nodded his head.

            "Thank you." He motioned to Chou and Yoshie behind me. "These young women with you are your sisters, I presume?" I nodded.

            "Yes, they are my elder siblings," I stated as I turned slightly to see them. I motioned to Chou. "This is Chou, the eldest of us." I moved my hand to Yoshie. "And this is Yoshie, the second oldest." I turned back to face Isao. He nodded once again.

            "Now, I must ask, what are you doing in my home? Especially at this hour," he questioned. I took a deep breath.

            "Well, Lord Kuroda, it has to deal with your son, Katsuo." I paused and stared at the ground. "He has taken my younger sister, Miki. I would like to have her back, but I haven't the slightlest idea of where he could have hidden her." There was a silence for a few moments.

            "Plus, the dude's gone completely nuts, so there's that," Yoshie stated, interrupting the silence. Turning back to them, I saw Chou elbow Yoshie. Yoshie giggled. "What? You know it's true and he kind of has the right to know that his son's crazy." I rolled my eyes and turned back to Isao.

            "I have known about his mentality for quite some time, so it is not news to me. As for where he might be, I haven't seen him for nearly five years." My expression fell. "But do not worry. There may be something that could help you. He has left behind many strange writings in his room that may help you. Please, follow me." He walked past us and started up the stairs on the left. We quickly went after him. He walked up the stairs and down two halls before he finally stopped at a sliding door. He opened it and lit the candle beside the door.

            "After you had rejected his offer, this is where he stayed for many of hours of the day," Isao stated as he lit a few more candles around the room.

            I walked towards a desk with many papers and a book piled on top of it. The book was about Hollows, primarily about the three sub-species: Gillian, Adjucha, and Vasto Lorde. Many of the pages were written on, had post-it notes on them with other notes, and book marks. The papers consisted of research of a Hollow who's mask was removed called an Arrancar. I skimmed over them and realized that Junko was one of these powerful Hollows who had removed her mask. I checked out a few more stacks of papers; some were personal files over six different Adjucha, some were research papers over how to remove the mask, others were how to convince the Hollow, and one paper was about a project that was being worked on in Hueco Mundo. I read over that one, and it basically reviewed what had happened a couple years ago with Sosuke Aizen, but without saying that it directly.

            Was Katsuo working with Aizen?

(A/N) I haven't watched Bleach in over a year and when I saw some of the words, I was legitimately confused. Am I a terrible person?

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