Chapter 34: Setting Out

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Toshiro's POV

            "So, to my understanding, it seems that you wish to take a small group of Soul Reapers to blindly search for a rogue subordinate who disobeyed your direct orders just because of a simple family feud?" Head Captain Yamamoto stated as I stood in his office, feeling more ashamed with each word. It does seem like an idiotic plan when he phrases it like that.

            "Yes, sir. I was also hoping to leave as soon as possible," I stated while nodding my head to him. I waited in silence as the Head Captain stared back at me. He opened his eyes slightly.

            "Captain Hitsugaya, how do you know that this is not a suicide mission that will kill the top five seated officers of your squad?" he questioned.

            "I don't. But I don't want to abandon my fifth seat when she is most likely in trouble." I waited for a few moments once again, each passing second putting more weight on my shoulders.

            "And if Ms. Mori is not in any danger?"

            "Then I am bringing her back to reprimand her."

            "And if she's dead?" He stared back at me with a blank expression.

            "Then this is truly a problem that must be dealt with." We waited in silence once again. If this fails, I will mostly likely be punished greatly, but I'd rather cause myself trouble than feel the weight of not helping Aika when she needed it.

            If she needs it.

            "I will allow you to take a group of three other Soul Reapers from your own squad to search for 5th Seat Mori. If it turns out that she was in any danger, then neither you nor Ms. Mori will be punished for your actions, but if it turns out that she disobeyed orders for an asinine reason such as a family feud, then she will be sentenced to 100 years of solitary confinement and you will be removed from your position as a captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads. Is that understood, Captain Hitsugaya?" Head Captain demanded. I bowed.

            "Yes, Head Captain." I rose. "Thank you for allowing this mission to take place." Turning around, I go to leave to gather Rangiku, Hyata, and Ryusaki.

            "Oh, and Captain Hitsugaya!" Head Captain called. I stopped and turned back around. "Do not let your emotions get in the way of your duty as a Captain again." I bowed once again.


            "You are dismissed." Quickly, I exited his office and flash stepped to my squad's barracks. I run into my office to see Rangiku reading a book on the couch.

            "Gather 3rd Seat Hyata and 4th Seat Ryusaki immediately and bring them to the Senkaimon," I ordered. She looked up from her book.

            "What's going on?"

            "We're going to find Aika." Her eyes light up as she jumps off the couch and hugs me tightly. I scowl and push her back slightly, although she still doesn't let go.

            "I knew it! You did like her!" I growl and shove her off.

            "That has nothing to do with it." She pouts. "I'm only worried about her well being. For all we know, the man she was talking about could have her dead, and if he does, he will suffer the consequences for killing one of my subordinates." She smirks.

            "I bet if I went missing you wouldn't send a man hunt out looking for me nearly as quick as you're doing for Aika." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

            "Just go get Hyata and Ryusaki." She saluted me.

            "Yes sir!" She then flashed out of my sight. Out of all of the Soul Reapers in the Seretei, why was she chosen to be my lieutenant? After I gather all of the items needed for the trip, I flash stepped to the Senkaimon and waited for my three subordinates to arrive. Once they do, I explained the situation to them.

            "So, basically we're going on a blind goose chase?" Ryusaki asked. I nod.

            "If that's how you wish to see it."

            Sighing, she said, "Alright then. Let's go save her." I nodded.

            "Are you all prepared?" They nodded. "And you are all aware that we are going into a blind battle? We do not know our enemy strengths."

            "Captain," Hyata interrupted. "Aika's our friend just as much as she is your's. We're ready to die for her. That's just what friends do for each other." I nodded.

            "Alright, then." The Senkaimon opens to the Precipice World. "We will be looking in the World of the Living first."

            "Yes, sir!" they all salute. I nod as we all ran in.

Aika Mori,

            if I find out that you have gotten yourself killed,

            I won't be able to forgive myself.

(A/N): Okay! So, this is the last chapter I have already written. I don't know when I'll write the next one. I know that sounds terrible of me, but because of this, I have been thinking about this story again, and I'm beginning to come up with more ideas for it. So, it may come soon!

Or it maybe be next July.

I honestly don't know.

But thank you for reading this. Seriously, it means a lot. Even though I don't deserve for anyone to be reading because of my asshole-ness of not updating in forever. Thank you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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