Chapter 14: Flashes

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Aika's POV

'Do you believe in ghost? ... In apparitions? ... What about fear? ... Do you believe in the concept that your nightmares can come alive?' a familiar voice rang through my unconscious ears. Darkness consumed my vision. Once the echo from the familiar voice disappeared, it was replaced by a faint ringing. The ringing soon grew until it was so loud it could make any normal person deaf.

But at the moment, I'm not normal.

Suddenly, both my vision and hearing was replaced with an unknown scene. I was staring at myself, standing tall and firm, reading my sword as if I was about to battle. I had narrowed my eyes slightly and then demanded a muffled question.

"Why the hell should I tell you!" the same voice shouted roughly into my ears. I wanted to cringe or cover my ears, but I felt plastered to the same position of an observer. The Aika I was watching said another thing inaudible to me. The screen I was watching scooted closer to the Aika on the screen.

"Hn, I guess I could comply to your demands, since you do seem to drive an 'Oh, so hard bargain," the voice mocked loudly again. The me I was watching let out a breath and continued to talk and once she finished, she had an all but genuine smile on her face.

"I feel the same," the familiar voice spoke and then the screen jumped towards Aika. A sword came from nowhere as it crossed blades with the me on the screen. The two swords slashed at each other until Aika had jumped back. Aika yelled something and then her sword was severed into the two, pink butterfly swords. She charged at the screen again, swinging left and right. Some blood squirting from my side of the screen and the sword attacking the Aika I was watching fell limp for a moment. The sword then quickly stiffened and stabbed at Aika. She narrowly avoided and then swung her two swords down on the single blade. She jumped back and the two swordsmen clashed blades once again. The screen then flew to the right as Aika stayed in view, chasing after the screen.

"Will you get off my ass already!" the voice shouted once again and then the screen skidded to a halt. Aika also stopped and charged for the screen, releasing an inaudible battle cry. The sword on my side swung for Aika's arm, but when she avoided, she fell into the unknown swordsman trap and was cut across her right leg. Aika silently wailed and jumped back. The screen charged for Aika as her sword's Shikai disappeared. She now only held a single katana. Aika blocked the attacks of the newly confident swordsman, but was cut at her hip. Aika swiftly avoided a few more attacks and then swung at the unknown person's side but then at the last second cut across their middle. A scream echoed through my ears as the screen jumped away from Aika. Aika lowered her sword and walked towards the screen slightly, saying something that was only a muffled sound to me.

"Huh, I would say that you are right. Though, that is besides the point... I don't like you because you refused my master's commands... That is all," the voice stated. The screen and Aika charged for each other again and the unknown swordsman stabbed Aika through middle while Aika's sword came so close to the screen, that it cracked. Half of the screen flash black and blood flew onto the right side of the screen, the source being from the now blind left side of the screen. The two pulled their blades out of each other and then backed away, blood coating each other's sword, panting heavily, and barely standing.

Finally, I could hear what the Aika I was watching said. Between pants, she rasped, "You're name... What is it?" Deja Vu. The screen panned away from it's original position to show as side view of the two fighting. I saw a face all too familiar to me, though her left eye was squinted closed with a few blood droplets escaping from under her eyelids. Then the screen circled around the two and went back to its original position.

"Junko... Now, don't forget it no matter what happens, you little nuisance. Until next time," Junko breathed and the disappeared.

Suddenly, my vision was black and then I was staring at an off white ceiling. I quickly sat up, panting loudly. I moaned in pain from my chest and back and noticed that my stomach and chest was wrapped in white bandages. My hand quickly flew to my left eye, only to feel the smooth skin surrounding it and to see my pale hand covering half of my vision.

"What in the world was that?" I sighed.

(A/N) I remember I wrote this chapter when I was first watching Yu Yu Hakusho. I was maybe in the second season and I binged watched it for 2 weeks straight before I finished it. That's what made me come up with the idea for the beginning part. They say apparition a lot in Yu Yu Hakusho. At least I hope they do. It was in the summer of 2014 when I first watched it. Or maybe it was the fall. Meh.

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